HD25SP vs HD595 vs HD280pro ! which should i choose?
Dec 5, 2006 at 11:07 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 29


New Head-Fier
Dec 5, 2006
hey guys,

I am looking at getting either one of these , i was wondering what are all your guys' preferences out of the HD25SP, HD595 and HD280pro .

I will be listening mostly to Dance Music , so I want hard hitting bass, but also want very clear sounding music , high clarity.

or can you guys recommend me another pair, around the price range of those pairs.

Dec 5, 2006 at 11:20 PM Post #3 of 29
HD280Pro out of list first. They are very sterile sounding.
HD595 are too gentle, I don't think you will be satisfied with them.
HD25SP are not that good sounding from what I've read.

Maybe DT770Pro will suit you better if you are serious about bass. Search a bit for them on this forum.
Dec 5, 2006 at 11:29 PM Post #4 of 29
I have all three of them, but I don't listen to dance music. Here goes anyway:

HD595: would be my pick out of the three. A fine-sounding reasonably-priced general-purpose headphone, and one that doesn't demand much in the way of amplification.

HD280: would be my least favorite. It's a highly isolating headphone, and there's little I can technically fault it on, but I just don't enjoy music on this headphone very much. And I find it really uncomfortable, too.

HD25SP: I actually like this better than the HD280. It is on the dark side, and definitely not bassy - in other words it is limited at both the high end and the low end - but a decent choice if you need a neutral-sounding closed headphone in its price range. Compared to an open headphone in the same price range, though, I don't think it has anything special to offer.

I'd suggest you read up on the Alessandro MS-1. I don't know much about dance music, but I suspect the lively sound of this headphone would be a good match for it.
Dec 5, 2006 at 11:32 PM Post #6 of 29
The HD 280 Pro hits harder than my HD 555's when it comes to trance and techno... But i don't enjoy them as much as i enjoy my HD 555. Most of my friends that likes clubbing music (or craptastic speakers in clubs with trance playing) perfer the HD 280 Pro. So...
Dec 5, 2006 at 11:33 PM Post #7 of 29
awesome ! , thanks for the info episiarch , so i know the HD595's will sound the best of the three , but will the 595's give me enough bass ?

and do the HD280pros produce very clear sounding music with the bass ?

because I want a pair that sound really lively ! ,like im at a club , or a concert!
Dec 5, 2006 at 11:40 PM Post #8 of 29
Does it need to be a Sennheiser?? The Beyerdynamic DT770 is alot better for that kind of music.
Dec 5, 2006 at 11:42 PM Post #10 of 29
I seem to remember advising you of the HD595s in case you didn't go Beyer last night
Based on Episiarch's impressions, it does sound as if the 595s are the most refined and crisp of the headphones mentioned.

I've also mentioned that because the 595 is well refined, it has bass and can crank it out when the music has it.....The only Sennheiser that can crank out more is the HD650. The only time I hear a difference in bass with those two cans is when I've got some massive bass lines coming from trip hop music. The 595s are good for it, but the 650s are out of this world. IMO, the 595s are good starting cans that shouldn't be overlooked as bass shy (they compete quite well with other cans in its price point). Maybe it's the source that people are running who complain of the 595s not having bass.....I don't even have a tube amp, and it can really drive some thump dee da dump bass in my trance and trip hop music.
Dec 5, 2006 at 11:45 PM Post #11 of 29
narr its doesnt need to be a sennheiser , but i just like the idea that their headphones have replaceable parts
, but alot of people have recommended the DT770's to me , so they might be worth checking out , do they produce really clear and lively music , with the bass to go with it?

and im also looking more closely at the HD595's , but i heard they dont produce enough bass and are a little soft sounding.

so its out of the HD595's and the DT770 , what about the DT880 and 990 ?
Dec 5, 2006 at 11:56 PM Post #12 of 29

Originally Posted by soundmachine /img/forum/go_quote.gif
and im also looking more closely at the HD595's , but i heard they dont produce enough bass and are a little soft sounding.

I'm gonna take a jab here (forgive me folks), but were those people who tell you the 595 is light in the loafers Beyer or Grado folks? Beyer sound signature tends to be recessed, so you get highs and lows, and recessed mids. So some might percieve it as being really more bassy then a Sennheiser just because it's lacking punch in the mid section. Coming from Sennheiser, I was forwarned about ever trying out a Grado (that some how I had gotten used to "darkness" and that anything other then a MS series would be too harsh on my baby sensitive ears). Well coming from the 595, I found the Grado signature to not be all that harsh....more emphasis in the treble, and really rolled off bass.....just lacking refinement. So since my ears didn't bleed from it, I'm thinking I'd like to try the 325i for really fast stuff.

If you want to do more homework, I'd recommend trying to audition a HD595 and Beyer DT770 if you can (let us know where you are, and maybe a Head-fier will step up and let you try out some cans). When people complain about the 595, it's usually that it's too dark and warm.....the DT770 gets complaints for being too bright. It really boils down to what your perceptions/ preferences are!!
Dec 6, 2006 at 12:38 AM Post #14 of 29

Originally Posted by soundmachine /img/forum/go_quote.gif
but will the 595's give me enough bass ?

I'm unqualified to advise you. To me the 595's sound pleasantly bassy without overdoing it. But it seems to me I've read a lot of "d00d the 595 is sux0r, it has no bass at all, none whatsoever" posts, so clearly my tastes are not aligned with those of people who are into that sort of thing.

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