HD 650 or DT 880?
Oct 31, 2005 at 4:58 PM Post #46 of 72
This is a problem of style,
Not a problem of amp and source.....
Tolerate bass of hd650(midrange of dt880) on prehead???
Or enjoy it???
Oct 31, 2005 at 5:48 PM Post #47 of 72

Originally Posted by mbd2884
Anyways, Sennheiser is just too popular, I always try to get what few people have. Granted not many have the hd650, but I see way too many sennheisers here, barely see any beyerdyanimcs if any. Be the unique and original on your street, city or town or state or country for that matter.

So you wanna be a poser? Only caring about looks, and wanting only what the few have? This isn't the hobby for you my friend.

(if you're post was meant to be joking, then I apologize)
Oct 31, 2005 at 9:08 PM Post #48 of 72

Originally Posted by wakeride74
Before posting a thread of my own can here comment on the sonic differences between the two when it comes to classical music and movie scores?

be my guest!
Oct 31, 2005 at 9:40 PM Post #49 of 72

Originally Posted by omendelovitz
be my guest!

I meant posting a thread asking the question not giving the impressions

How about HD650 vs. DT880 in the category of soundstage?
Oct 31, 2005 at 11:32 PM Post #50 of 72

Originally Posted by wakeride74
I meant posting a thread asking the question not giving the impressions

How about HD650 vs. DT880 in the category of soundstage?

Check a little earlier in this thread. A number of posters mentioned a few things in this regard.
Oct 31, 2005 at 11:41 PM Post #51 of 72
now to throw a kink into this thread - what would be a Grado 'Equivalent' to the 880's or the 650's?
Oct 31, 2005 at 11:47 PM Post #52 of 72

Originally Posted by omendelovitz
now to throw a kink into this thread - what would be a Grado 'Equivalent' to the 880's or the 650's?

No such thing. Go grado or go home.
Nov 1, 2005 at 7:30 AM Post #53 of 72

Originally Posted by wakeride74
How about HD650 vs. DT880 in the category of soundstage?

They have pretty similar soundstages. No big differencies. DT880 might have just slightly wider soundstage but I'm really not so sure.
Nov 1, 2005 at 10:24 AM Post #54 of 72
I had the same problem: DT-880 or HD650? Spent couple of days listening DT-880 and then couple of hours listening HD650 and DT-880 side by side at a store. Marked down differences with them and how I liked them. They were very even and for me it was bit wider soundstage of HD650 that made me select them. I like the warm sound of HD650, but on the other hand the brighter sound of DT880 is also very refreshing..

Make the comparison yourself and decide then... Only you can tell.
Nov 1, 2005 at 5:04 PM Post #55 of 72

Originally Posted by Patu
Yes the DT880 is more comfortable indeed. But the clamping of 650s loosens up eventually when you use them. It doesn't bother me at all anymore.

But for me both of these cans are extremely comfortable.

HD 650's are my first piece of gear.

I wear them for anything from 1 to as much as 9 - 12 hours every day or two. They were a massive comfort improvement on the headphones I was using.

The long wear times mean any tiny degree of tightness present becomes obvious.

After a few hours of wearing them I could feel noticeable pressure around the cups. The main points I felt pressure where;
1.) Run a finger along the your jaw until it gets towards your ear. Where it suddenly starts going up vertically to attach to your head, just there.
2.) Put your finger in your ear, now move it out and towards your eye pressing down. There's a pad of bone just outside the ears that takes pressure from the pads. The same bone carries on across and down slightly to make the bottom of your eye socket.
3.) And slightly on the bone around the back of my ears.

Moving the phones from time to time helps that.

I also gave the headphones a stretch. Just extend the cups out to the maximum head size and then wrap them around the box they come in. Leave them for a few hours, then try them again.

I've done this a couple of times. Immediately after doing it they'll probably feel loose. Fear not! They seem to tighten up again slightly over the next day as the plastic relaxes.

These are minor points. You can't really fault Sennheiser too much here since it's virtually impossible to predict the sizes to that degree of accuracy given the variations in head sizes, wear times and what people consider comfortable. There isn't much you can wear for 12 hours and feel comfortable with throughout. That's why I never wear underwear, not to mention the moral questions that arise from doing so.

Possible improvements they could make...

It's not majorly important but perhaps they could look at the cushion pads themselves given the amount of cash we're spending. They are good, but maybe get fancy on them and use something like latex / melamine memory foam (the 'NASA' kind that's being used for beds / pillows and some makeup applicators) or gel wrapped in satin or silk. That would be super comfy and not too much more. I may actually look at doing that myself.

I'd prefer the headphones came in a cheaper box with the extra money spent on the cushions themselves.

But again, I don't see any other headphones with such a cushion. So...

Looking at the frequncy curves posted earlier on for the HD 650's and DT880's, the DT880's have much more harmonic distortion to them. This probably goes someway to explaining the brighter and more present sound.

If you're worried about the HD 650's sounding dark you may want to consider removing the cups' foam lining since a lot of people say it gives a 'night and day' or 'obvious' improvement in the treble.

I've tried this myself and might have noticed a small difference. I'm not willing to say for sure though since I only did it for a few hours and I'm driving them direct from my soundcard at the moment until I get some money through. MP3's + Soundcard, the highs can actually get annoyingly piercing, and I LIKE treble and presence! But as I say, don't consider that an opinion since it's being driven by such a heap at the moment.

As soon as some due money arrives I'm going to build an ultra nice valve amp to drive the suckers. Lots of silver, black gates and other expensive stuff. Silicon rectification over valve to help maintain and support the presence of the HD 650's.

Then I need a player to go with the LP's I'm already buying. I've been collecting lead for the last few months to make a platter. I have about a 50 - 100 kilos of it now. And so it begins...
Nov 1, 2005 at 6:26 PM Post #56 of 72

Originally Posted by omendelovitz
Hey Patu, could I ask you for a favour? I'd like a more in-depth opinion re: 650 resolution and detail vs. the 880. I enjoy the deep and punchy bass offered by the 650's, but I'm also looking for a 'phone that can clearly separate b/w different instruments at all times (especially during complex passages and/or many instruments playing at once)...


Well in details DT880 is almost unbeatable. It's just amazing how detailed and accurate they are. This also means that if you have bad recording then it really sounds bad. DT880 is very unforgiveable. But in details DT880 is clear winner imo.

Resolution is different thing. It's very good in both headhpones but warmness and darkness of 650s might give you an impression that they wouldn't have as good resolution as DT880. But actually 650s have very good resolution. But again, they're so different sounding that I can't just say which one has better.
Nov 1, 2005 at 7:25 PM Post #57 of 72
I have exactly the same problem as you have. I want a decent headphone, but I don't know which one to pick, the dt880 or the senn hd-650.I think I'm going for the more bassy sound, the senn.
Nov 1, 2005 at 8:46 PM Post #58 of 72

Originally Posted by luuk
I have exactly the same problem as you have. I want a decent headphone, but I don't know which one to pick, the dt880 or the senn hd-650.I think I'm going for the more bassy sound, the senn.

If you go for the 650's and think they're too bassy sounding try ditching the foam.
Nov 1, 2005 at 9:59 PM Post #59 of 72
thanks. I will do some listening tonight with my ms-1's. Real critical listening, then I will hopefully find out what I'm missing most, detail or bass. And I will hopefully find out if most of my mp3's are good enough for the detail of the beyer.
If I would go for the looks, I would go for the beyer (the new, customisable beyer), I think the hd-650 is ugly. Maybe when I see it in real life, I can appreciate it's design.
Nov 1, 2005 at 10:25 PM Post #60 of 72
I like the SQ of both and without direct comparison it would be a toss up. The 880 is slightly harder to drive, but any amp capable of handling the 650 will serve the 880 quite well.

I have both and I must say that I like the Senns. But when I switch immediately between them I invariably like the 880 better. So much so that the Senns get little use. I use both with amps ranging from a tiny SuperMini to an HA-2 and have yet to encounter a combination where I didn't prefer the 880. At this point--and for even money--I'd personally choose the Beyers.

I think your approach may be becoming overly analytical. The best bet might be to order both, directly compare them, and return the one you like least. Make no mistake, these are both fine 'phones and you'll be delighted with whichever you choose.

Ah, that all life's choices were between such sweet alternatives.

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