Havi B3 Pro-1 Impressions Thread
Sep 2, 2014 at 4:56 AM Post #2,161 of 4,032
  Yes I did mention the depth is quite similar, ckrs does have 3d imaging too. Instruments are not just floating around, you can hear the direction from where instruments are coming from. But the difference I noticed between the B3s and ckrs is the width of the soundstage. B3 is definitely wider whereas ckrs instruments are more closer to you and intimate thus somehow more percieved details. Don't expect the B3s to replace your ckrs though. Think of it as a compliment when you want a more balanced sounding iem with wider ss. I listen to instrumentals alot with my B3s and thats what I use them for and ambient music before sleeping.

Wife: Give me one good reason why you bought this Havi B3?
Me: B3 has a wider sound stage. It is good for listening to ambient music before sleeping.
Wife: You still have a Sony Walkman, don't you?
Me: Yes, I do.
Wife: You do realize that Sony Walkman has the surround sound feature to set the sound stage to either Studio", Club" or"Hall", don't you?
Me: Yes, I do.
Wife: Then explain why you still spent money on this B3?
Me: Well, B3 is also a more balanced sounding IEM.
Wife:: Isn't there an equalizer setting in your Walkman?
Me: There is.
Long pause...
Wife: I have no further question. 
Syed, you gotta help me explain!
Sep 2, 2014 at 5:00 AM Post #2,162 of 4,032
Wife: Give me one good reason why you bought this Havi B3?
Me: B3 has a wider sound stage. It is good for listening to ambient music before sleeping.
Wife: You still have a Sony Walkman, don't you?
Me: Yes, I do.
Wife: You do realize that Sony Walkman has the surround sound feature to set the sound stage to either Studio", Club" or"Hall", don't you?
Me: Yes, I do.
Wife: Then explain why you still spent money on this B3?
Me: Well, B3 is also a more balanced sounding IEM.
Wife:: Isn't there an equalizer setting in your Walkman?
Me: There is.
Long pause...
Wife: I have no further question. 
Syed, you gotta help me explain!

You just can say to her "Organic Timbre" and "Separation". No don't say Separation, it just didn't soud right for your situation. Tell her "Imaging"...    Just cloud her mind with different words

...at the moment Team Havi will earn enough time to think of a better answer

Sep 2, 2014 at 5:15 AM Post #2,163 of 4,032
Wife: Give me one good reason why you bought this Havi B3?
Me: B3 has a wider sound stage. It is good for listening to ambient music before sleeping.
Wife: You still have a Sony Walkman, don't you?
Me: Yes, I do.
Wife: You do realize that Sony Walkman has the surround sound feature to set the sound stage to either Studio", Club" or"Hall", don't you?
Me: Yes, I do.
Wife: Then explain why you still spent money on this B3?
Me: Well, B3 is also a more balanced sounding IEM.
Wife:: Isn't there an equalizer setting in your Walkman?
Me: There is.
Long pause...
Wife: I have no further question. 
Syed, you gotta help me explain!

Man I wish my wife knew what "surround sound" and "equalizer" is. Well at the least she won't run of with my gear 

Sep 2, 2014 at 5:23 AM Post #2,164 of 4,032
Wife: Give me one good reason why you bought this Havi B3?
Me: B3 has a wider sound stage. It is good for listening to ambient music before sleeping.
Wife: You still have a Sony Walkman, don't you?
Me: Yes, I do.
Wife: You do realize that Sony Walkman has the surround sound feature to set the sound stage to either Studio", Club" or"Hall", don't you?
Me: Yes, I do.
Wife: Then explain why you still spent money on this B3?
Me: Well, B3 is also a more balanced sounding IEM.
Wife:: Isn't there an equalizer setting in your Walkman?
Me: There is.

Long pause...

Wife: I have no further question. 

Syed, you gotta help me explain!

Dude ....there is no plausible explanation ..female are a mythical creature ..here is another scenario ..which you can never get it right ...after the witch ie wife or gf came back from the hair salon...

Wife ....how is me new hair cut ...you like it
Me ....yeah ..its alright
Wife ...that's all ...
Me ...yeah ...its nice
Wife ...nice means just ok ..but not good
Me ...its good
Wife ...so now its good but just now you said ok
Me ...its beautiful dear
Wife ...its now beautiful huh ...

See what I mean ...!
Sep 2, 2014 at 5:46 AM Post #2,167 of 4,032
  It seems this is an international issue 

It is certainly an issue without borders

We -Havi Family- here help each other not only to solve the ear-tip and amp problems but also help each others to solve the other more important facts

Sep 2, 2014 at 5:49 AM Post #2,168 of 4,032
It really is...I've just ordered some Havi's from Penon, but I'm in the UK so I probably have a painful wait to make up some excuses.
Although if I get told off for spending £40 I'd be pretty annoyed myself. Especially as my last pair of phonak audeo were about £90.
I look forward to joining the team! Having read a fair bit of this thread I understand an amp or indeed dac/amp might be a good addition as I will listen through ipod classic and then my laptop whilst at work. 
I could maybe do with a dac for laptop use and would need an amp for both desk and portable. Would something like a Fiio E17 Alpen do the trick, or are their better options? I will be getting some Soundmagic HP150 sometime soon, so would like an amp that will do both justice. 
I could potentially get an amp first and save for a dac if having them separate is better for portability when using amp with ipod only. 
Look forward to your opinions, and receiving the B3s
Sep 2, 2014 at 7:34 AM Post #2,169 of 4,032
Thank you wokei and syed, hopefully the guy that still resist the ckrs *not you wokei!* will change his mjnd adter seeing both your comments.

That waa the real reason fory question. Now I am satisfied and I sill not press on about the havi vs ckr9. I will admit defeat on the havis awesome soundstagw and wipl purchase one and join thebhavi fily.
Sep 2, 2014 at 7:42 AM Post #2,170 of 4,032
  It really is...I've just ordered some Havi's from Penon, but I'm in the UK so I probably have a painful wait to make up some excuses.
Although if I get told off for spending £40 I'd be pretty annoyed myself. Especially as my last pair of phonak audeo were about £90.
I look forward to joining the team! Having read a fair bit of this thread I understand an amp or indeed dac/amp might be a good addition as I will listen through ipod classic and then my laptop whilst at work. 
I could maybe do with a dac for laptop use and would need an amp for both desk and portable. Would something like a Fiio E17 Alpen do the trick, or are their better options? I will be getting some Soundmagic HP150 sometime soon, so would like an amp that will do both justice. 
I could potentially get an amp first and save for a dac if having them separate is better for portability when using amp with ipod only. 
Look forward to your opinions, and receiving the B3s

I remember some people mentioned E17 in this thread before... It's a good DAC/AMP and the synergy found (edit: not-) to be good as far as I remember. Please use the search in this thread function.
You can always go for an Topping NX1 amp and save some money. It's synergy is great with the Havi's (reported by multiple users).
Looking forward to your impressions in the future
Sep 2, 2014 at 7:43 AM Post #2,171 of 4,032
Wife: Give me one good reason why you bought this Havi B3?
Me: B3 has a wider sound stage. It is good for listening to ambient music before sleeping.
Wife: You still have a Sony Walkman, don't you?
Me: Yes, I do.
Wife: You do realize that Sony Walkman has the surround sound feature to set the sound stage to either Studio", Club" or"Hall", don't you?
Me: Yes, I do.
Wife: Then explain why you still spent money on this B3?
Me: Well, B3 is also a more balanced sounding IEM.
Wife:: Isn't there an equalizer setting in your Walkman?
Me: There is.
Long pause...
Wife: I have no further question. 
Syed, you gotta help me explain!

LOL! Since she knows what soundstage and equalizer is, tell her to just wait for them to come and hear them herself. 

The point I was giving to @vlenbo is detailedly compared to my ckrs. It seems I have been comparing the B3s alot to the ckrs . I didn't mean to take anything away from the B3s. Really guys my ckrs are end gaming sounding iem. One of the best for me. So comparing my B3s costing bare $60 is really something because in terms of detail,clarity, natural timbre and separation they are not really far off. The main difference would be bass and dynamics but for its price and comparing with IEM priced around $100, to me they ARE THE BEST IEM you can get under $100. So if i put ostrys,vsonic vsd3s,ax35,shure se215,senss cx300i ( These are the ones I have owned) I can safely say B3s are indeed ahead of the pack.
Sep 2, 2014 at 7:45 AM Post #2,172 of 4,032
LOL! Since she knows what soundstage and equalizer is, tell her to just wait for them to come and hear them herself. :p

The point I was giving to @vlenbo
 is detailedly compared to my ckrs. It seems I have been comparing the B3s alot to the ckrs . I didn't mean to take anything away from the B3s. Really guys my ckrs are end gaming sounding iem. One of the best for me. So comparing my B3s costing bare $60 is really something because in terms of detail,clarity, natural timbre and separation they are not really far off. The main difference would be bass and dynamics but for its price and comparing with IEM priced around $100, to me they ARE THE BEST IEM you can get under $100. So if i put ostrys,vsonic vsd3s,ax35,shure se215,senss cx300i ( These are the ones I have owned) I can safely say B3s are indeed ahead of the pack.
Exactly, that is a good comparo and it says a lot about the b3 capability.

Anyway no more ckrs, now its havi time!
Sep 2, 2014 at 7:46 AM Post #2,173 of 4,032
It really is...I've just ordered some Havi's from Penon, but I'm in the UK so I probably have a painful wait to make up some excuses.

Although if I get told off for spending £40 I'd be pretty annoyed myself. Especially as my last pair of phonak audeo were about £90.

I look forward to joining the team! Having read a fair bit of this thread I understand an amp or indeed dac/amp might be a good addition as I will listen through ipod classic and then my laptop whilst at work. 

I could maybe do with a dac for laptop use and would need an amp for both desk and portable. Would something like a Fiio E17 Alpen do the trick, or are their better options? I will be getting some Soundmagic HP150 sometime soon, so would like an amp that will do both justice. 

I could potentially get an amp first and save for a dac if having them separate is better for portability when using amp with ipod only. 

Look forward to your opinions, and receiving the B3s

Fiio E17 will definitely do the job ....better option out there ..of cuz ..just mean ..more money ....NX1 is an good option for 40$ USD ....more than enuf power to drive SM 150 or 200 for that matter ...some user have reported EMI when using with snartphone ...not me though ..ymmv ..if driving thru ipod ...should not be a problem..

Welcome to Havi Family ...cheers.
Sep 2, 2014 at 7:50 AM Post #2,174 of 4,032
Thank you wokei and syed, hopefully the guy that still resist the ckrs *not you wokei!* will change his mjnd adter seeing both your comments.

That waa the real reason fory question. Now I am satisfied and I sill not press on about the havi vs ckr9. I will admit defeat on the havis awesome soundstagw and wipl purchase one and join thebhavi fily.

Me just wanna say ......pre- big Welcome to Havi Family ....u have been a sport indulging in this funky family ......please dont say defeat ....this is not about winning an argument but more of spreading the Havi magic .........cheers man ...:p

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