Jul 6, 2005 at 7:34 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 21


Headphoneus Supremus
Jun 1, 2003
My predictions were correct...

I LOVE the AKG K271.

I decided to take advantage of Headroom's return policy and test these out (esp. since I had the M-cubed demo unit as well). They're so similar to the K240 Studio it's uncanny. I think the K240S might still be the better deal, and I find them to be ever so slightly sweeter in the midrange (I think this is because the 271 is slightly more forward in presentation). Nevertheless, the added detail, tighter bass, and the fact that I could use a closed headphone make it more than worth it for me. I barely even notice the 'closed' sound for more than a minute or so.

To be quite honest, I didn't expect the cans to be as dark as they are. I knew they had less bass than the K240S, but even so I still think they actually have a bit too much in the low-end. I recall reading impressions stating the 271 was either bass-light or didn't extend all that far, and I couldn't disagree more. IIRC, even the DT880s I used to own had similar bass extension. My DT531s and K240S don't really compare in this regard. I've even tried using other means of amplification (my Bada and Kenwood receiver) to try to lessen the amount of bass I'm getting, without significant result.

One thing I think I understand is the midrange "weirdness" that some people speak of, but only if I'm listening with just one side. It does sound rather... strange. Certainly stranger than with other cans I've tried. Fortunately that all goes away in stereo.

Best of all, I can't find a single genre I'm not completely enthralled with while using the K271s. I haven't been this struck with some of my recordings since I had the DT880, and even that didn't sound as natural to my ears as these do. Listening to my Rachmaninoff "Window in Time" CD is a real treat. That's an understatement; it's a religious experience. Zeppelin rocks my balls off. My electronic music collection is as trippy as ever.

I could go on about these, but I would much rather get back to listening. I'm not selling my DT531s... yet. I still think they'll be nice for a change of pace. But I've finally found *my* headphone. There's no way in hell these are going back to headroom now.
Jul 6, 2005 at 7:54 AM Post #2 of 21
So your K271S is very similar to your K240S? Hmmm... That really makes me wonder whether there are good and bad K271S' out there, as mine sounds totally different from my K240S (and reather weird in comparision...) - and iirc, Snufkin's experiences with the K240S/K271S were very much the same as mine. Strange - and really makes me wonder...

Greetings from Hannover!

Manfred / lini
Jul 6, 2005 at 8:13 AM Post #3 of 21
My impressions of these headphones are very similar to yours, Redvision - you'll find that the headphones are REALLY dependent on other sources - with a good recording, good source, and good amp, these babies SHINE - but if you feed it a bass-less peice somewhere in your chain, they WILL suffer.

They are just VERY accurate, is all. There's no real coloration or "house sound" - it's simply natural reproduction in a closed environment at its best.
Jul 6, 2005 at 9:23 AM Post #4 of 21

Originally Posted by Aman
My impressions of these headphones are very similar to yours, Redvision - you'll find that the headphones are REALLY dependent on other sources - with a good recording, good source, and good amp, these babies SHINE - but if you feed it a bass-less peice somewhere in your chain, they WILL suffer.

They are just VERY accurate, is all. There's no real coloration or "house sound" - it's simply natural reproduction in a closed environment at its best.

On that last point, I disagree. The 271 still screams "AKG house sound" to me. Granted, that IS what sounds most natural to me. Always has.

I do think my source helps a lot. The AP192 has a sizeable amount of bassy goodness.

Lini... I really don't know how to explain your problem with the K271. Even with the receiver, I can't detect any of the problems you've experienced. I would certainly suggest trying them again sometime.
Jul 6, 2005 at 3:06 PM Post #6 of 21

Originally Posted by ReDVsion
I'm not selling my DT531s... yet.

If only the 531 have as sweet mids as 271, no ? =)


I'm also wondering if there are good and bad K271s out there.

Well, one thing for sure, there are only weird 271s out there.

Seriously imo these are nice phones but just not to everybody's taste, as listening to 271s by themselves with no a-b comparison are very addictive, just like my favorite ultrasone. I found the signature much more 'acceptable' than 501. But once I go back to 'comparison mode' all the wonderful stuff sounded wrong. Very strange indeed. :not confused anymore smiley:

Enjoy your new gem !

Jul 6, 2005 at 3:13 PM Post #7 of 21
How's the isolation with these? I read on some website they blocked out up to 25db of sound which is like the same amount IEMs do and was wondering if that was an accurate statement as I was looking at an alternative to IEMs for plane travel.
Jul 6, 2005 at 3:48 PM Post #8 of 21
Never tried IEM so far but 271s isolate quite well. HD25 provide better isolation than 271s at the cost of less refined / detailed sound quality.
Jul 6, 2005 at 4:40 PM Post #9 of 21

Originally Posted by kschul2
How's the isolation with these? I read on some website they blocked out up to 25db of sound which is like the same amount IEMs do and was wondering if that was an accurate statement as I was looking at an alternative to IEMs for plane travel.

The K271s isolates well, but I don't think it isolates as well as IEMs.
Jul 6, 2005 at 5:22 PM Post #10 of 21
It's very unlikely that a closed headphone would isolate anywhere near as much as an IEM. That said, I think the K271 does isolate pretty well, it's not the best I've heard, but it's certainly more than acceptable.

The Monkey: I dig your screenname.

Nak: Yup. That's what the DT531s still lacked. Even if the mids were a bit more prominent than other beyer cans I've heard... they're still dry.

Doing straight A-B comparisons is never a good idea, especially when we're talking about going from an open to a closed headphone. The ear needs time to adjust, so if you switch headphones too quickly, whatever you are most used to is naturally going to sound best, and everything else will have problems in comparison. Some headphones, most notably the K240S, take a long time for me to get used to in comparison to other headphones, just because they're so damn different. If I've been listening to the DT531 for a while and switch to the K240S, they'll sound just awful. With perseverance I'd be greeted to that familiar midrange the 531s didn't have.
Jul 7, 2005 at 5:12 PM Post #11 of 21
Congrats, I'm glad you liked them. They are still one of my favourite headphones. I was sorry to see mine go.

Have you ever tried the K340?
Jul 7, 2005 at 8:35 PM Post #12 of 21

Originally Posted by philodox
Have you ever tried the K340?

Hush, dammit! Don't spark THAT thought in my head again. I'm perfectly satisfied with the K271s (and I'm seriously thinking about selling the DT531s as I don't think they'll get much listening time at all anymore), so I don't want to screw that up. Moreover, getting the K340s would just be a big hassle... after dealing with some ebay auction where the precise condition of the headphones is questionable, I'll additionally have to spend time and cash modding the headphones to get them up to an acceptable level of sound quality. Plus, isn't the electrostatic driver supposed to quit working after x number of years?
Jul 7, 2005 at 10:49 PM Post #13 of 21
I've never heard of the driver actually running out of its charge, but I think that is a possibility. It is worth it IMO. The other thing to consider is that you need a very powerfull amp for the K340, it really is an expensive venture. I'm glad you like the K271S so much. They were my first 'headphone love'.
Jul 7, 2005 at 11:15 PM Post #14 of 21
Personally i thought the 271 were quite poor. They sound closed in maybe claustrophobic sounds, where there was no illusion of a soundstage at all. I remember the sound being quite unimpressive overall. Fake sounding, no space, not particularly good bass, a bit nasty overall. No way i'd swap the 531 for them at all.
Jul 7, 2005 at 11:31 PM Post #15 of 21
I've said it before and I will say it again... your K271S were broken man!

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