Grados & Tinnitus
Jul 6, 2006 at 6:57 PM Post #77 of 78
I listened to Grado RS-1 for extended periods, listening to music while falling asleep for weeks. I heard crackling noise (during high impact - bass drum), and thought the amp was broken, went for replacement. The crackling noise remains, and I thought that the manufacturer just return my unit back and changed the casing only. I was pissed but since the crackling noise did not occur at low volume, I just turn down the volume.

Months later, I went to a club, and d*mn the crackling noise is there. I was worried, and return home to try on a discman with my E4 IEM, at loud volumes the crackling noise was there!

Went to an ENT, and found out my ear bone was damaged. Heck, due to in denial stage (Headphone is my life), I don't care and continue listening to extended period using IEM in the next few days. I thought if I can block outside noise, I can listen at lower volumes. It took less than 4 days that I start to sense that vocal is off balance, and soundstage is off. It turns out IEM is even more damaging to the ear!! Tinnitus develops, and ringing occurs occasionally during the day.

Return to ENT, took a hearing test, and found out my right ear has minor hearing loss already. It was a blow because every headphone I listen now is off balance. It's like having the main singer always to the left; and nothing can help except an amp with L/R balance control and even that doesn't solve the soundstage issue. Different volume/tone/pitch requires different L/R balance to make them even.

I quit listening headphones for 6 months, thinking ear bone can recover but it doesn't. I tried listening and the tinnitus is back again after listening. Tried herbal medicine sold online touting as curing tinnitus (there are only a few online) and accupunture, all failed.

You've been warned
Take care!
Jul 6, 2006 at 8:10 PM Post #78 of 78

Originally Posted by iancraig10
Does the MS1 aggravate it even at low volumes?


I would have to try that out as my normal is in the medium range. Rarely do I go to low or loud.

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