Grado SR225e owner: SR325e vs PS500e vs RS2e - which way to upgrade?
Mar 27, 2015 at 7:04 AM Post #16 of 176
I think you've accepted a lot of hysteria if you've come to the unwarranted conclusion that the RS1e is a bad headphone.  There's nothing that Grado does that changes anything significantly when they update a headphone.  All the changes are in the margins.  To say the RS1e is "bad" is to succumb to those people where the little marginal changes made them mad.  It's like accepting the fact that the RS1 has always been bad.  The only way that could be true is if you don't like Grados, period.  It certainly makes no sense whatsoever if you're interested in the RS2.  Do you really think that Grado would sell a higher-level, more expensive version of the RS2 (the RS1) if it wasn't a better sounding version?  Do you really think that Grado never listens to their headphones and made these changes (from RS1i to RS1e) in the blind?
You need to stop over-analyzing and try the headphones.  If there's no place for you to do that, then pick one of the online retailers that will let you exchange the headphones.
Mar 27, 2015 at 7:13 AM Post #17 of 176
  I think you've accepted a lot of hysteria if you've come to the unwarranted conclusion that the RS1e is a bad headphone.  There's nothing that Grado does that changes anything significantly when they update a headphone. 

That's not correct with the RS1e. They have put in a completely new driver. If I read and understood it right, it's bigger than the original RS1/i driver. (It even protrudes the casing.) Everyone is saying it has horribly rolled off treble, and sounds flat.
The e-range enhancements otherwise are improvements to the existing headphones. The list of what they did is here.  
Anyway the RS1 was not on my list. Since reading more about the 1e, I wouldn't even vaguely consider it. By all accounts it's money down the drain. 
I am not going to start shipping headphones back and forth because it's risky. I see no harm in people wanting to discuss their ideas and findings. As already said, it's collating opinions on a common choice.
Mar 27, 2015 at 7:31 AM Post #18 of 176
The RS1e is a bad headphone. People can not even sell the ones they have bought, so no. Unfortunately1 is not better than 2 in this case.

Your suggested the PS500e. I am cautious of that headphone since some say the top end is light and has a shouty range. According to the HeadRoom graph of it there is a peak around 9000Hz that would explain a shouty range. The upper frequency response rolls off. 

This is why the PS500e is such a confusing headphone. Some owners love it, while others sell them on. Some have auditioned them and won't buy them. That is why it's confusing when they make comparisons with the HF series, as the HF is much loved headphone. From opinions the PS500e will have detail and clarity superior to my other considerations. Sadly it will not have the flatter response I would hope to buy.

For now, the PS500e is kind of off my choice list.


The RS2e is by all accounts a good headphone, and comparable to the RS1e. The only drawback I read a day ago, is that the RS2e might be better paired with a headphone amp. Whereas some are happy plugging straight into an iPhone. I do not use a dedicated headphone amp. I have a DAC with a headphone stage, but I use my headphones on more than just my computers. If there were a pro-review of the RS2e going into all these aspects, it would make life easier. I am confidently prepared to buy the 325e based on that.

Really though, this is the choice faced by many Grado users. It shows up practically first under a google search for 325e vs 500e. Why not add as many opinions and information to it. If you hadn't noticed, I have been endeavouring to add anything I find out along the way.

I don't understand why you think I should be impatient. I live in the UK and headphones here cost much more than they do in the States. A $500 RS2e cost £500. It's not a decision to take lightly. If SR325e cost the equivalent of £180, I would have already them. That was the list price of my SR225i/e.

I have a good set of headphones. I can wait if I need to. Plus I can't make my own judgement without an audition. I understand the best plan would be to audition, and someone will probably suggest it. Unfortunately getting to an audition is an issue. The nearest Grado retailer I know is fifteen miles away. However because of my health I have not travelled more than six miles from home for about eight years. 

I'Ve tried most of those headphones.
My personal choice would be the RS-2e, which I'd like to buy this year.
The 325i was too bright, the PS-500 was just awful, very muddy compared to an RS-2i.
When I compared an SR-325i to the 325i and the RS-2i, I thought the 325i was too bright, but the RS-2i sounded like and improved, more refined SR-225i.
I felt the RS-2e was better still.
Mar 27, 2015 at 7:38 AM Post #19 of 176
Thanks. Again I am surprised to hear the 325e being quoted as bright. I mean I like my 225i/e, but there is a subtle lack of bass. Apparently, the RS2e has more, and the 325e more still. I'd have thought that would have made a more balanced phone.
(Everyone also says the 325e is less bright than the 325i, and 325is. They say it's clearer. However, not surprised someone had fallen for the 2e, haha.)
I am also glad you quoted the whole post. I noticed a mistake in it.
Under the dotted line where I wrote:
The RS2e is by all accounts a good headphone, and comparable to the RS1e.
should have read,
The RS2e is by all accounts a good headphone, and comparable to the RS1i.
Sorry folks. Will go back and edit my original post.
Mar 27, 2015 at 1:04 PM Post #20 of 176
I'm very anxious to know which headphone you decide to get.  I don't think you'll be disappointed at all with either the 325e or the RS2e.  I'm perfectly happy with my 325e and have zero regrets or second-thoughts of my decision.  It's in my plans to go up the Grado line eventually (PS500e & GS1000e are my next top choices) so there's less stress over whether I made the right choice or not. 
You can also use a good parametric EQ, like the open source Equalizer APO & Peace GUI to tailor the frequency response to suit you best if you're inclined to do that.
Mar 27, 2015 at 4:01 PM Post #21 of 176
Thankyou for the free EQ prompt. I had been looking for one. My DAC manufacturer maintains that we should run the DAC flat. I have already added a fraction at 55Hz to compensate for the lower roll off. I am hoping to boost a few dB at lower freqs.
Before I bought my DAC I was running with the sound card on the motherboard of my PC. It had an EQ built into the software that installs with the drivers. I know PC sound cards get a rough review but this one stunned me by being brilliant. Apparently others are noticing too. It was obvious to me when I plugged my 225i/e into the headphone jack that it was nice audio. Anyway when I was using that I eq'd it from memory to sound like my hi-fi, that I no longer have. I was happy as a pig in muck with it, even though I see where it was letting go.
If I think really hard, I predict I will buy the 325e. It's good to know you love yours, and I can imagine why. What Hi-Fi adore them as do many owners. I am in the same mind as you about owning the PS1000e, but am not ready to make that jump now. I just can't work out if it's worth the extra cash to secure the 2e. The 2e is almost double the price of the 325e. In £'s sterling, that's not a small sum when unsure about the 2e.
I can understand why someone would think, 'why upgrade one step' from 225e to 325e'? Well the 225 never gained anything higher than four stars. The SR225 with What Hi-Fi was 4/5. The SR225i with Hi-Fi Choice was 4/5 on the box of mine. I landed lucky getting an e-version, but you have to wonder why its roots were not as strong as others. Over the 125, the 225 has better vent and closer matched driver. Yet it seems it can not pull it off, like the 325 always could. Maybe it needs the aluminium to harness the upgrade. The 225e does have that characteristic opened up sound, that everyone talks about. It's an epic and exciting headphone at the 20% discounted price I paid for it. However I pine to see what more detail, clarity, control, (and bass,) would show me.
Basically, going from a good £160 headphone to an excellently regarded £300 headphone seems like a good idea. (Acknowledging not everyone loves the 325e though.)
Mar 27, 2015 at 5:55 PM Post #22 of 176
Thanks. Again I am surprised to hear the 325e being quoted as bright. I mean I like my 225i/e, but there is a subtle lack of bass. Apparently, the RS2e has more, and the 325e more still. I'd have thought that would have made a more balanced phone.

(Everyone also says the 325e is less bright than the 325i, and 325is. They say it's clearer. However, not surprised someone had fallen for the 2e, haha.)

I am also glad you quoted the whole post. I noticed a mistake in it.

Under the dotted line where I wrote:
The RS2e is by all accounts a good headphone, and comparable to the RS1e.

should have read,

The RS2e is by all accounts a good headphone, and comparable to the RS1i.

Sorry folks. Will go back and edit my original post.

Sorry, I wrote this while eating breakfast and trying get to work on time.
It's either write an accurate e-mail or get to work on time!
Guess what?
I got to work on time!

I should point out that I was only referring to the 325i and and 225i.
But I have tried the RS-2i and RS-2e.
My least favourite was the PS-500.
As I said earlier, my favourite was the RS-2e.
I'll add this, my second favourite was the RS-2i.
You're correct about the price, in Canada there is also a big jump between the various 325 and the RS-2, also a big jump from the various RS-2 to RS-1. Hard to stomach the big price jumps! :xf_eek:
Apr 8, 2015 at 7:47 AM Post #24 of 176
I Have the 50th anniversary edition bronze  SR 325i , which I love the sound of, Today I received a new pair of the SR225i  ( light green box )  I notice they have the Red Drivers.....Does this mean they could be a early  E version ?...also the cable is thicker than my 325i, and a little shorter.....?. Sound great right out of the box via my schiit magni 2  amp......pleased.
Apr 8, 2015 at 11:38 AM Post #26 of 176
I got the taxman to take off ten dollars more a week from paycheck for mad money.

Yes I had Grado 60, 80, 225 in the past. Then I just stayed home to build speakers.
An knew I was going back to Grado this year. My two picks was RS 1 or the new PS 500
For on the go listing, I pick the 500's, just to play it safe odds are I might have many bad
Recording on hand and I do. I listen to metal only. It works good from punk rock and metal.
For my ears but most of all for my mind to be happy.
I do not care about what the rest say, imo reviews just helps, towards my target picks.
Now iam on the hunt of use 325 just for the a replacement of the RS 1 as the mad money is low.
Yes I understand the trade offs in life.
For me I do love the bloom in the top end of the RS 1 and 225 and the 325 that makes Grado famous for.

Same as when I was doing the above speaker building, I knew that I needed many an x-over, to be use
For different types of music or recordings.
As someone said in a reply on here. That's why golfers have more then one club in the bag.

Go listen to your picks, after all your the one that will be listing to your next purchase, not the rest of us.
Go fine your new love affair.
Apr 23, 2015 at 1:43 PM Post #27 of 176
I've owned GS1000i, RS1i; sold them both recently.
Currently own PS500 (have not heard the 500e), and it's my favorite along with HD650. Balanced cable, with BHA-1 or WA6 (TRS adaptor). Bliss.
From 225i/e, I would strongly recommend the PS500, if you can find one on the used market. I've read that 325i can be very bright.
Apr 23, 2015 at 8:39 PM Post #28 of 176
Life so easy. We all want it now. Of an one hit wonder. I'll say this much, we all have to understand are self, then kick are self in the ass. Should of then that or this. Foot in mouth mode..
So many more make an pick, for me only never be happy.
As I toss coin up in air. Pick RS1 PS 500' dam if I do or do not.
Not it was reviews, those are there to only help make up an mind.
So now as I open hand up for my pick to yell or sing at only me.

Yes I'm old and young all at the same time. Yes the damage of never finding out for one self. Like vote stop it pick one.
As we will only listen too one at a time. So bring in on.
Ear rule law, boot can never be 100 percent. Just endorse an pick. Joy this pick for long time.
So easy as we or me never be happy.
Rule is join on here for music, never brand.
Love life, now shake let note goose bumps.
If you feel this hell your in a zone.
Mind is gone.

At de' end of night/day plz your mind.
Go for the prize.
Apr 24, 2015 at 12:04 AM Post #29 of 176
So, Greenbow, what did you do?

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