grado earmax question
Dec 21, 2005 at 9:04 PM Post #16 of 21
I agree (not with the ground loop theory, of course). Most likely you belong to the other 499.
Dec 21, 2005 at 10:18 PM Post #17 of 21
The other thing you should remember is that if you have only heard the Senn's through a CMoy then you have only heard a fraction of what they have to offer.

I have DT-880s and don't yet have an amp fit to drive them so I am running through a pa2v2 and they don't sound anything like their reputation.

So hang on to the Senn's until you get the EMP and see what you think of them then.
Dec 22, 2005 at 11:50 PM Post #18 of 21

Originally Posted by Sugano-san
Grado out of Earmax Pro sounds very good indeed. The problem is the background hum, which is much stronger with Grados than it is with Senns, due to the significantly lower impedance of the Grados. I am not imagining this---I discussed the problem with Stefan Brocksieper over the phone and he confirmed my perception (although he added that only one out of 500 customers notices the hum), which occurred independently from mains filtering and the like. Maybe it's less of a problem with PSU-modded earmaxes or the anniversary model, but there is definitely an audible hum with Grados and the Earmax Pro.

For EMP, There is no hum on my ears with HD600, at least it is very hard to notice, but there is hummm with RS1 and AD2000. Someone says using the battery supply eliminates this hum. I haven't tried it, I cannot vouch.

EMP AE has an outstanding clean background.
Dec 22, 2005 at 11:55 PM Post #19 of 21

Originally Posted by ċãţ
should this put this me off, does it matter alot? i haven't heard about this before, and even so I don't know whether it means I shouldn't buy a Pro

the alterantives are the graham slee or sugden, but i thought i'd go for the emp as its valve and known to be very good...

No. The hum is not a problem at all. You won't notice or care the hum at almost all time.

You need good tubes for EMP. At least some Mullard, Siemens or Amperex. TELE is the best of the best IMO. Tubes change presentation out of an EMP. Bad tubes == bad sound.
Dec 23, 2005 at 2:10 AM Post #20 of 21
The first time I tried the EMP was with the 225's. The 225's even being considered the most "neutral" of the current Grado SR range was still tto much for me. With the EMP it made it more listenable for me.

The EMP is very warm and is slow compared to most offerings today. The Low end is a little lumpy and doesn't have the control similar offerings at the price.

I would suggest taking a listen and deduce whether you personally like it.
Dec 23, 2005 at 12:29 PM Post #21 of 21
yes, im going to wait till january, i might save for the anniversary ones, I can't really be bothered with changing tubes etc. I'm also considering now the Graham Slee - a completely different kind of amp but I don't want to have to mess around trying different tubes, expensive enough as it is.

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