Grado : Anyone tried the pads from headphile ?
Apr 6, 2005 at 10:44 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 23


100+ Head-Fier
Mar 22, 2005
Berlin, Germany

has anyone used the pads offered by

They are comfy Beyer circumaural velour pads
that can be used on Grados (SR and RS) with adapters.
These adapters are called Alpha-Port and Beta.
The Beta should put the driver very near to your ears,
the Alpha-Port uses a single soundboard with the driver a bit farther from your ears, "Port" means that there are 4 or 8 ports per side that allow to adjust the bass and overall sound with removable pegs.
The link is

I found this approach quite interesting and thought about ordering some comfy pads from Beyer (as I live in Germany) and build some adapters on my own.

What do you think about this kind of pads?
Apr 6, 2005 at 10:48 PM Post #2 of 23
I think every grado lover on this forum has tried those pads and ive yet to read bad feedback on them. Theyre well worth their price imho. Theyll make your grados comfortable (yes, comfortable) and enhance sound as well. Try em out
Apr 7, 2005 at 2:05 AM Post #4 of 23

Originally Posted by Blitzula
The Headphile pad's comfort has been universally praised, and the sound has generally been enjoyed. There have been some people that didn't enjoy the sound if you read back through the large impressions thread.

I didn't enjoy the sound. I need those Grado highs.
Apr 7, 2005 at 12:53 PM Post #5 of 23
After a VERY short try-out with Beta pads, I'd say that the sound is overally darker than with the normal Grado bowls. But I keep myself the right to change my statement later.

I just received the shipment from Morphie, and I really need to do some more comparison. I am not even use to Grado sound yet. My ears need some drive in.
Apr 7, 2005 at 3:13 PM Post #6 of 23
within the first 5 seconds of putting CPads on, your brain will be doing a little psychoacoustic adjustment dance. During that time, your ears might tell you that the cans sound darker, closed in, like walking through humid air - not slowing you down (like molasses would) or obstructing anything (like fog would) but you feel that innate difference between supraural cans and circumaural cans.

A few songs later all that weirdness sorts itself out and you're good to go. All the highs and sweet mids are there, it's just as fast, just as in your face. But now the stage seems to have expanded beyond your head as well - very freaky feeling coming from a Grado let me tell you! Plus, my pads are not ported, so all that bass gets pushed around in that Beyer pad and goes into my ear - the bass is incredible, yet still keeps that Slam and Kick. Since I've put these pads on, the flats/vwaps/bowls have sat on the shelf.

Plus, they are comfy.
Apr 7, 2005 at 3:13 PM Post #7 of 23
I do like the sound of the c-pads, but I wish there were a way to combine the bass of the c-pads with the open airy sound of the other pads I've used. With using the c-pads it usually takes 3 or 4 songs for them to really sound good while the other pads sound good instantly. Lately I have been using the old pads (comfies with holes cut) much more than the c-pads, but it's nice to have both options.
Apr 7, 2005 at 7:15 PM Post #8 of 23
simaauki & carp: are your beta pads ported or unported?

Hmm.. it seems that the initial, universal enthusiasm for the Headphile pads is becoming more...“tempered", so to speak.

Reminds me of when the SR-325i's, the SA-5000, etc. came out..
Apr 7, 2005 at 7:47 PM Post #10 of 23
What Jahn said. They have a different flavor, but a good one, and they are very comfy. Oh, and they look nice, too. I now have a 2-ported version of the betas -- Larry and Headphile are great. I am happy to use these pads with my 225s, but I do switch around, for the sheer variety of it.

- walk
Apr 7, 2005 at 9:10 PM Post #11 of 23

Originally Posted by Zoide
simaauki & carp: are your beta pads ported or unported?

Mine are unported.

If I lift the Beta pads slightly the sounds changes 'radically'. I assume (suspect) that the Alfa pads would be better in this sence. Just my quessing here.

I have used the standard bowls this evening, Grados do sound good - really good. I just have to try more of those C-pads.

Comfort is of course important. However comfort without soundquality is not sufficent. Soundquality without comfort is not good either - however this is the better choice.

I do already have Beyer DT-531:t and I love them. They just need some 'compettition'.
Apr 8, 2005 at 8:58 AM Post #12 of 23
Try building your own first. Shipping to Germany will cost as much as the pads themselves.

Very easy to make. I adapted AKG501 pads to my Grado a few months ago. Just find a 1-2mm thick rubber sheet or wood or whatever. Cut your material to size, outer ring to match the pads, inner ring to match the notch on the Grado housing. Glue the adaptor to the pad. Let dry and slip on the phones. I prefer the rubber sheet, makes it easier to put on and take off.

Never experimented with holes or porting, etc. But a large rubber sheet costs about $4 so you can make as many prototypes as you want. I've been using AKG501 pads because I had an extra pair, but the Beyer pads look more comfortable.
Apr 28, 2005 at 10:03 PM Post #13 of 23

Originally Posted by mikeliao
Try building your own first. Shipping to Germany will cost as much as the pads themselves.

..., but the Beyer pads look more comfortable.

I got my comfy circumaural pads from Beyer today. Beyerdynamics has a great customer service here and the pads are 1/3 of the price of Sennheiser pads, in fact 12.84 Euro plus postage. I built an adapter from birch-wood (3mm thickness) and so far I'm really thrilled.

I thought about keeping an additional Sennheiser HD650 because of their deep impactful bass but now with these new pads my Grado RS-1 blows the HD650 away


Originally Posted by Jahn
within the first 5 seconds of putting CPads on, your brain will be doing a little psychoacoustic adjustment dance. During that time, your ears might tell you that the cans sound darker, closed in, like walking through humid air - not slowing you down (like molasses would) or obstructing anything (like fog would) but you feel that innate difference between supraural cans and circumaural cans.

A few songs later all that weirdness sorts itself out and you're good to go. All the highs and sweet mids are there, it's just as fast, just as in your face. But now the stage seems to have expanded beyond your head as well - very freaky feeling coming from a Grado let me tell you! Plus, my pads are not ported, so all that bass gets pushed around in that Beyer pad and goes into my ear - the bass is incredible, yet still keeps that Slam and Kick. Since I've put these pads on, the flats/vwaps/bowls have sat on the shelf.

Plus, they are comfy.

Well, you are absolutely right about the bass and the expansion of the soundstage.

Plus all the shrillness and harshness in the upper highs has gone, yes it's really not there any more. I thought about selling my headphone amp because the sound was too bright and shrill with bowl pads, but now I'm really happy.

But Mr. Grado (I hope you read this!), why don't you include a pair of flat pads, bowl pads and C-pads with the RS-1? For 700$ I can expect the best of Grado and nothing less!
Apr 29, 2005 at 4:21 AM Post #15 of 23
I just received my set of C-Pads, purchased from a Head-Fi Member who was willing to part with them.

My first observation is how challenging they were to fit to a set of Grado RS-1's. One sid fit the C-Pad beautifully -- with one moderate push, the pad snapped right in place. I used a small amount of putty, but it probably wasn't even required. The other side? Forget it. Not matter what I tried, after several hours of fiddling, I couldn't get a decent fit and no way would it snap in place. I finally just resorted to packing the interior with blue stick putty and physically wedging the driver into it enough so that it would stay in place. Very unsatisfying, but it seems to be holding up.

Next, I put them on my head and immediatley noticed the comfort. nice these pads feel on the ears/head!!!! Beyer has it right and, as for Grado -- what were you thinkin'! That cheopo foam rubber is simply awful -- irritating and uncomfortable. Sheesh! On a $600 headphone? Come on...

Finally, the hearing test. I was comparing my RS-1's to a set of Sony CD-3000's that I bought used from another Head-Fi member. I used a CD that I have played a bizillion times and know by heart: Gary Burton and the Berklee All-Stars (JVC digital recording).

1) At higher volume levels, the Grado bass was not only overpowering, but severly distorted (raspy) -- not so with the Sony's. I suppose it could be a problem with amplification, but both cans are rated at 32 ohms. Why would one be so prominently distorted and the other not? I was running both cans through a Yamaha RX-E200 receiver.

2) Comparitively, the sound of the Grado's is cramped, muffled, and dark (not bright). For my tastes, not as pleasant a listening experience at all.

So, my bottom line: comfort -- fantastic; sound -- way less enjoyable than the CD-3000's. As I write this note, I have the Sony's on and am thoroughly enjoying Gary Burton! The sound is clear, distinct, airy, vibrant, and pleasant. I simply don't want to take these headphones off my head...

Interestingly, I paid under approx. $300 (USED) for the CD-3000's (incl shipping) and $600 (NEW) for the Grado's. For me, it's not a monetary thing at all. I bought the RS-1 because of its huge fan base and overwhelming positive reviews. I'm simply not all that impressed compared to the Sony CD-3000.

I am expecting to receive a set of SA-5000's on Monday -- another recent purchase from a Head-Fi member. It will be interesting to compare the Grado RS-1, CD-3000, and SA-5000. I have a pretty strong suspicion, based on what I've read, that the SA-5000's are going to appeal to me. If so, it's looking quite likely that the Grado's will be up for sale next week... So, if you are interested in a good deal on a 2-week old set of RS-1's in immaculate condition, stay tuned (or write me privately).


P.S. If I sell the Grado RS-1's and keep the CD-3000 and SA-5000, I will be in the market for a STAX setup. I simply have to own a set of electrostatics. I'm currently craving the SR-007 + SR-717 combination.

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