got my Koss KSC50's today....meh
Jan 20, 2002 at 4:20 AM Post #17 of 28

Originally posted by ai0tron
they fit me fine, they are nice and light, everyone I ask about the cord likes the idea of fabric.

Yeah the fabric is pretty neat, but unfortunately it isn't very practical; within a month of me owning the ksc-50's, the wire would pop out of the cord, which is pretty annoying. I'm sure that if you used the ksc-50's at home, then you might not have this problem, but often when i'm in a hurry i just curl the cord into a ball the size of my fist and put them in a separate bag in my backpack. Maybe I was too rough on them, who knows. What I do know is that I much prefer a regular cord to the fabric cord.
Jan 20, 2002 at 9:30 PM Post #22 of 28
Another thing one can do is bend the clip (a bit) to the form of a corkscrew.

Now you can screw them on and off. Combined with the filing mod you can screw them on a little further, which gives even better fit.

With this (and the wire) I haven't managed to shake them loose - regardless what I tried.
Better fit than Grados


Jan 21, 2002 at 1:12 AM Post #23 of 28
It took about a week to arrive, but there were 2 holidays and a weekend in between (i ordered right before new years). I live in alberta and had no problems at all. the only thing is that it says it comes with a 1/8" adapter but it didn't.
Jan 21, 2002 at 4:41 AM Post #25 of 28
Are you people putting them on right?

At least two people I've shown my ksc-50s to tried to put them on by just cliping them over the top part of their ear. If you do that, then I can understand why they're not staying on: you're putting them on wrong. The clip has to go all the way around the back side of your earlobe. A good way to tell if you have them oriented properly is that the facet on the headphones where it says Koss should be VERTICAL. Not horizontal, not at an angle. The clip should behind your earlobe in all places. I have to pull the bottom of my ear just a bit to get it through the clip properly.

When I have them on properly, they're snug enough that I can headbang without them falling off. Still, it's not perfectly snug even then. If I tilt my head to the side, as if I were going to lay down, they lean away from my ears. And if I shake my head rapidly 'no' (something I wouldn't normally do while listening to headphones) I can get them to fall off. To get them that last bit of snugness, I stitched some sleves for the clips out of the fabric from an old sweatshirt. If you'd like to try this, the hook of a plastic clothes hanger makes a perfect guide to stitch around to get the curve of the clips right.
Jan 21, 2002 at 5:44 AM Post #26 of 28
toe...its ok....i think we all here know how to put them on right...its just that these things must have designed for some $%#@ big ears!!

Stiching and stuff seems too time consuming and im lazy, so im prolly gonna do the croakie mod instead...
Jan 21, 2002 at 6:21 PM Post #27 of 28
Are you sure? My '35s had the 1/8" adapter plug in the little carrying case. (BTW, could the "KOSS" on that case be any louder and more annoying?)


Originally posted by deyton
It took about a week to arrive, but there were 2 holidays and a weekend in between (i ordered right before new years). I live in alberta and had no problems at all. the only thing is that it says it comes with a 1/8" adapter but it didn't.


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