Got my DT931's, dont know whether to laugh or cry!
Apr 17, 2003 at 8:45 AM Post #16 of 31

Originally posted by pbirkett
What would you recommend then?

To be honest, I am finding the treble has calmed down quite a bit, and the headphone jack in my Rotel integrated appears to drive them even better than the NAD C370 i tried it with, it has more bass and the treble is not as harsh. Perhaps the headphone jack on my Rotel is very high quality? I am actually very happy with the sounds coming from it, and I'm wondering whether its worth the expense, given that Rotel are known to use high quality components...

I'd love to have a chance to try the 931 with a Corda amp actually, that's what most people seem to agree sounds the best.
They work quite well with the MG Head as well, although I need to do a bit of tube rolling to tweak the sound a bit myself
Apr 17, 2003 at 12:40 PM Post #19 of 31

I'd love to have a chance to try the 931 with a Corda amp actually, that's what most people seem to agree sounds the best.

I wouldnt mind, but its a bit over my budget, and its also more expensive than my full blown stereo amp!
Apr 17, 2003 at 12:59 PM Post #20 of 31

Originally posted by pbirkett
Slow??? Thats certainly not my impression of them

Well, they were just unimpressive and "blah" for me. I couldn't get into the music with them. I mean they sound OK until I A/B'd them to other phones (grado Sr80, sony eggo). Used with a Porta Corda 2 amp. I didn't find them bright either. I guess I need the "faster" type headphone design. I'm on RS-1's now and can't imagine much better.
Apr 17, 2003 at 1:08 PM Post #21 of 31
I'm actually selling the Grado SR80's you speak of. I think they are bloody awful headphones to be honest. They are lively, but not neccesarily any more lively than the Beyers IMHO, but they are harsh, fatiguing and uncomfortable. Also, in this country, the RRP is an outrageous $160. Considering that in terms of price, the DT931 and SR80 means that they are roughly equal, IMHO there is no contest.

One mans trash is another mans bread and butter...
Apr 17, 2003 at 1:46 PM Post #22 of 31

Originally posted by pbirkett
I'm actually selling the Grado SR80's you speak of. I think they are bloody awful headphones to be honest. They are lively, but not neccesarily any more lively than the Beyers IMHO, but they are harsh, fatiguing and uncomfortable. Also, in this country, the RRP is an outrageous $160. Considering that in terms of price, the DT931 and SR80 means that they are roughly equal, IMHO there is no contest.

One mans trash is another mans bread and butter...

ah. I picked up the sr80's for $70. yes they can be uncomfortable, you have to bend the headband a little, lessening the tension to fit your own head. some people prefer other pads too. I am using the yellow Sennheiser pad mod (dyed) on RS-1's.. it is some work, agreed - not for everyone, but no other brand of headphone can get the Grado-like agressiveness.
Apr 17, 2003 at 2:27 PM Post #23 of 31

Originally posted by austonia
Well, they were just unimpressive and "blah" for me. I couldn't get into the music with them. I mean they sound OK until I A/B'd them to other phones (grado Sr80, sony eggo). Used with a Porta Corda 2 amp. I didn't find them bright either. I guess I need the "faster" type headphone design. I'm on RS-1's now and can't imagine much better.

mm.. DT931 is lean and fast.. I dont know why youre hearing slow.
Apr 17, 2003 at 3:19 PM Post #24 of 31
Slow? no fricken way!

Boring? Depends what you're listening to I guess.. I find them to be less involving and emotional than some headphones, which I suppose could make them "boring" for some things.
I find that if I'm doing something else while listening to them, like reading head-fi, I don't notice I have music playing... they're too polite I guess whereas on the other end of the extreme you have the 770pro which is rather rude if you're trying to concentrate on something else
Apr 17, 2003 at 5:09 PM Post #25 of 31
I primarily listen to techno. They sound anything but boring to me, quite attention grabbing out of the headphone out of my Rotel. Personally, I dont find them any more boring than the Grado's, which as I've already said, I find offensive in more ways than one.

The price of the SR80's in the UK is a joke.
Apr 17, 2003 at 6:08 PM Post #26 of 31
The DT931's have been running for 24 hours now. They are sounding much better IMO, the bass is coming through, and its just right IMO, not too much, but not too little. It is bright, but personally, I dont find it fatiguing in the slightest, but nice and lively, all this out of my Rotel's headphone jack. I'm beginning to wonder whether I need a headphone amp at this rate. Its just disturbing the way I'm beginning to prefer them to my speakers, but thats definetly a good thing, especially as I rate my speakers rather highly for their price group.

This forum is great - using the search function, I have been reading all about headphones for many hours, which led me to these excellent cans. You are all a credit to this forum
Apr 17, 2003 at 7:17 PM Post #27 of 31
pleased your getting on with your 931"s m8,i know what you mean about the quality of sound through good cans compared to external speakers,i seldom listen to anything other than phones now!if you do think about a dedicated amp don"t rule out the slee solo mk3,drives anything without breaking into a sweat and sounds great,ie you hear whats coming from the source without worrying about what the amps doing,tony
Apr 18, 2003 at 4:02 AM Post #28 of 31
laugh, cry, and rejoice. All good reactions to good music.

The brightness is actually a peak in the response at about 6 khz (+5 db or so). Higher impedence source is a tradeoff solution. Other than that, the 931s have astoundingly flat response, relative to other top of the line cans. They have some of the deepest bass that I have found. What an incredible bargain for the price. How do those guys do it?

Apr 18, 2003 at 11:45 AM Post #29 of 31
I am considering the 931 or the Senn 590, I'm not sure which one would suffer less being powered by a "humble" projectstudio mixer (Behringer 1604). Also, which one is expected to be more tamed in the highs (60%progressive rock , 40%orchestral scores) ?
Thanks a lot for any comment on these cans in a similar setup.

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