Glossary Help, please !
Oct 6, 2002 at 10:17 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


500+ Head-Fier
Jul 13, 2002
I have English limitations and I have tried hard to solve this...

But, there are some little things that I need your help!

What this stands for?






Thank you very much

Oct 6, 2002 at 10:29 PM Post #2 of 11
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion

LOL - Laughing Out Loud

LMAO - Laughing My ***** Off
Oct 6, 2002 at 11:29 PM Post #3 of 11
MHO - My humble opinion

OMG - Oh my god

Here are a few more that you may see:

ROFLMAO - Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

BTW - By the way

AFAIK - As far as I know

IIRC - If I recall correctly
Oct 7, 2002 at 3:58 AM Post #6 of 11
There are a few more you'll see:

FWIW: For what it's worth
What: What the ****(?)

I think there are some others, too. Can't recall at the moment.

Oct 7, 2002 at 2:39 PM Post #7 of 11
I once made a search on GOOGLE - here you have the results:

:-O hbtu o-: we all singin': Happy birthday to ...
2d -to delete
2d4-to die for
2g4u-too good for you
2l8-too late
4e -forever
4uo -for you only
4yeo-for your eyes only
a/s/l -age/sex/location
aak -asleep at keyboard
adn-any day now
afaik-as far as I know
afk -away from the keyboard
aisi-as I see it
aiui -as I understand it
aka-also known as
alol-actually laughing out loud
aml-all my love
asap -as soon as possible
at-always tomorrow
atm-at the moment
atw-at the weekend
awgthtgtata-Are we going to have to go through all this again
awhfy -Are we having fun yet?
awl (awol)-absent without leave
ayor-at your own risc
b4 -before
bbb -bye bye baby
bb4e-bye bye for ever
bbfallt-bye bye for a long long time
bbfn-bye bye for now
bbiab-be back in a bit
bbl-be back later
bbsl-be back sooner or later
bcdhm -be careful, don't hurt me
bcnu -be seein' you
bh -blockhead
bion -believe it or not
bmhwb-be my hot-water bottle
bmor-be mine or run
bnscd -but now something completely different
brb-be right back(tuvm Jens)
btobd -be there or be dead
btw -by the way
bukt(a) -but you knew that (already)
cb-Ciao Bella/Bello
cf-constant fury
ciao-ital. bye bye
cibm?-could it be magic?
cm -call me
cmiiw -correct me if I'm wrong
cmm -change(d) my mind
cnrbe-could never resist blue eyes
cofr-cry out for revenge
cpf -can pigs fly?
cs-como siempre
cu -see you
cuial-see you in another live
cul, cyl -see you later
cu nitl -see you - not in this life (tuvm Horst)
cum -change your mind
cus -see you soon (tuvm Olly)
cut -see you tomorrow
cuttl -crawling under the table laughing (tuvm Olly)
dae-dreams are empty
dak -dead at keyboard
diik -damned if I know
dk -don't know
dlg -devilish little grin
dlmbm-don't let me be misunterstood
dluvm(t)-don't like you very much (today)
dom -dirty old man
dpwm -don't play with me
dsh -desperately seeking help
dtrt -do the right thing
dur? -Do you remember?
duswic -do you see what I see
dwbh-don't worry be happy
dwim -do what I mean
dwimnwis -do what I mean, not what I say
E2EG -ear to ear grin
eod -end of discussion
eol -end of lecture
F2F -face to face
fawc-for anyone who cares
FDROTFL -falling down, rolling on the floor laughing
flch-feels like coming home
fmm -fresh my mind
FN-Feliz Navidad
foac -fall over and cry
FOTCL -falling off the chair laughing
ftl -faster than light
fud -fear, uncertainty and doubt
fwiw -for what it's worth
fya -for your amusement
fye -for your entertainment
fyi -for your information
g -grin (usually typed <g>)
ga-go ahead
gaga -go amused, go amazed
galgal-give a little, get a little
gbh-great big hug
gf -good feelings
gh-go home (tnx GC)
gigo -garbage in, garbage out
giwist-Grrr, I wish I'd said that
glgh -good luck and good hunting
gliw -got lost in web
gok -God only knows
gooml -get out of my life
gowi-get on with it
h2cus -hope to see you soon
hak-hugs and kisses
halatnm -have a look at the next mail (tuvm Olly)
hand -have a nice day
hant -have a nice time
hf-have fun
hhoj-Ha Ha only joking
hih-hope it helps
hsik -how should I know
hth -hope that helps!
huh -hate you, honey
humm -hope you miss me
hummb -hope you miss my beasties
iaal-I am a lawyer
iac-in any case
ic-I see (tuvm Jens)
icocbw -I could of course be wrong
idbi-I don't believe it
idk -I don't know
idts-I don't think so
Igtp -I got the power
iha -I H A T E Abbreviations
iituwimiwhtku -if I tell you what it means, I will have to kill you
iituwimwubmad -if I tell you what it means, will you buy me a drink?
iitrt-it is the right time
ihu-I hate you
ilu -??? (never used, we only need ihu)
il2sus -I like to see you speechless
imi-I mean it
imho -in my humble opinion
imnsho -in my not so humble opinion
impov -in my point of view
ianal-I am not a lawyer
iow -in other words
irl-in real life
isbt-It's strange but true
ishbab-I should have bought a book
itsfwi-if the shoe fits, wear it
iuswim -if you see what I mean
iwbni -it would be nice if
j4i -just for information
j4f -just for fun
jad -just another day
jam -just a minute
jas -just a second
jas-just another story
jaua-just another useless answer
jj-just joking
kc -keep cool
khuf-Know how you feel
kiss -keep it simple, stupid
kms -killing me softly
kwim?-Know what I mean?
L&K -Love and kisses
l8r -later
lamacmc -look at me and see me crying
lg -lovely greetings
LL&P -Live long and in prosper
lmao -laughing my ass off
lof -lots of fun
lol -laughing out loud
luta-let us talk again
MC -Merry Christmas
mcaahny-Merry Christmas and a happy new year
mcibtu -my computer is better than yours
mhdc (a) -my hard disk crashed (again) (esp. for Jan)
mg -many greetings
mm -mail me
MOMPLS-MOMent PLeaSe (tuvm Marco)
mp -my point!
mtfbwu -may the force be with you
mu -miss you
muuuhhh -miss you very much (the special version of the authors)
muvm-miss you very much
mymb-miss your morning beasties
n4e -never for ever
na -no access
nalopkt -not a lot of people know that
nbbbha-non-blonde but blue haired angel
nc -no comment
ncnl -new channel new luck
nehw -no enjoyment, hard work
nes -never ending story
nino-no input, no output
nn -nothing new
no4c -not only for cows (see also: mu, ...)
np -no problem
nrn -no reply necessary
nrp -no reply, please
nsn-never say never
nt -no trust
ntdwbe-never trust devils with blue eyes
nth -no therapy helpful
nu -need you
nwo-no way out
o4u -only for you
oic -oh, I see
onna -Oh no, not again
onnta -Oh no, not this again
oo -over and out
oosoom -out of sight, out of mind
otoh -on the other hand
otw2h* -on the way to heaven
otw2h^^ -on the way to hell
pc-private chat
piaS -play it again Sam
pmigbom -put mind in gear before opening mouth
pov -point of view
pwduc's-people who don't use computers
pyabtrl -put your ass back to real life
raebnc-read and enjoyed, but no comment
rip-rest in peace
rl -real life
rlad -read, laugh and die
rotfl -rolling on the floor laughing
rotflmao -rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
rtdm -read the damned manual
RTFM -read the f**g manual
rtwfq-read the whole screw* question
ruok -are you ok?
sc-stay cool
scnr -sorry, could not resist
sed -said enough Darling
sfete-Smiling from ear to ear
SFMJI -Sorry for my jumping in
sitd -still in the dark
slfn-so long for now
snief -sender needs immediately example for ...
snu -sender needs you
sol-sooner or later **** out (of) luck
SSSL&P -Sleep sweet strong long and in prosper
swht -sweet heart
t+-think positive
tabyas-thinking all but you are stupid?
taf -that's all folks
tafn, ta4n -that's all for now
tanj-there ain't no justice
tcb -trouble came back
tcs -take care sweetheart
tfs -three finger salute (CTRL-ALT-DEL)
tgif -thanks god its Friday
tia -thanks in advance
time -tears in my eyes
tig -this is great (tuvm to Virginia)
tinwis -that is not what I said
tld-the little devil
tmg-tu me gusta
tms -touch my soul
touwg -turn off your wicked games
toy -thinking of you
tp -turn pale
trdmc-tears running down my cheeks
tsr -totally stupid rules (esp. for Pedro)
tt -till tomorrow
tttac-the times they are changing
ttyl (ttul)-talk to you later
tuvm -thank you very much
twiu-that's what I understand
uad -you are drunk
uasv -you are so vain
ubd -user brain damage
udum-you don't understand me
ugi-You got it
ummc -you make me crazy
unast-you need a special training
uok? -are you ok?
uwc -you will see
w4u -waiting for you
wab -what about breakfast? (tnx GC)
waef -when all else fails
wb -welcome back
WE! -WeekEnd!
wisp -winning is so pleasureable
wisky -why I should kill you
wk-who knows
wmrs-write me real soon
wsitu? -why shall I trust you?
wt -without thinking
wttm-without thinking too much
wuwh -wish you were here
y!-typically male
yafiygi-you ask for it, you got it
: :
2bctnd -to be continued

hope it helps...
Oct 7, 2002 at 3:56 PM Post #8 of 11

Yes, helps a lot !!

ITM? (is there more?)


Oct 7, 2002 at 7:52 PM Post #9 of 11

Originally posted by Ari

Yes, helps a lot !!

ITM? (is there more?)



I'm sure there is... but I ain't got it...
Oct 7, 2002 at 9:32 PM Post #10 of 11
Thanks guys !! Now I can understand you.... There are no schools like Head-fi and no fellows like you !!


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