Give Away: New Top IEM RE252
Nov 10, 2009 at 2:29 AM Post #16 of 69

Originally Posted by WalkGood /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Nankai, I would be most appreciative if given the opportunity to test the New Top IEM RE252, as well as I would love to write a review. I haven’t written many, but the one’s that I have are linked below my signature: iAudio 7 (my opinion only & pictures) | HeadAmp Pico | ue11 Pro | ue11 Pro One Year Later | Woo Audio 6 |

Give this man one. He runs a major site that a lot of us enjoy.
Nov 10, 2009 at 7:28 AM Post #17 of 69
I've been a steady contributor to Head-Fi, and would be honored by the chance to try out these new IEMs. I post reviews and commentary both here and on, so I'd love to share my experiences with the RE252 with those readers.

I'm well acquainted with many of the more popular IEMs within this price segment, including the Etymotic HF2, HF5, ER4P, ER4S, ER4B, Head-Direct RE0, Klipsch S4, Denon C710, and JVC FX500.

Hopefully my ears are as good as I imagine they are, since although I've been a percussionist and pianist for years my experience with headphones is limited by what my wallet can tolerate.

I would suggest though that you make sure that both Kostalex and ClieOs get samples, since they've proven to be authorities on the RE0 and could without a doubt provide deep and concise commentary.
Nov 10, 2009 at 7:48 AM Post #18 of 69
As the 'token' european I'd be only to happy to write a review on these new IEM RE252's - due to crazy pricing the IEM market is somewhat different in the UK and EU, and combined with the inabilty of returning items purchased (which seems to be common practise in the US) getting it right first time is pretty important.
ATM i'm writting up review on the Maestro EU Loaner program (just sent the cans back to Germany) but I've written a few reviews comment etc on gear that I've been either first to buy (rarely) or an early adopter.
Nov 11, 2009 at 11:18 PM Post #19 of 69
I am a re0 user from Turkey and there would be a lot of interests to your prodcuts if you send me one of them for testing.Also in head-fi,i can make a detailed review i have the opportunity to compare it with ie8,ie7,monster turbine...

I have used 10+ iems in my past,i can make a good review about re252 i also own re0 it would be superb to test it and write my detailed review,you can be sure i will test it very nicely as my portapro review.Iam not very active in head-fi because we have a good websites and forums about sound equipments in Turkey.

Let me give you my detailed comparisons and review that i made recently;but in Turkish.i can make in english that is not a problem for me...

My nickname is utuman in turkish website , and it has +500000 members,i am a member who advises there about portable headphones,mp3s and basically earphones (iems)...

My profile there


koss portapro review


my thoughts and descriptions about re0 in turkey's professional sound equipment forum and thoughts of my friends about your other products re2 and ef2 ...


last message,very little comparison between re0,ie7,ie8 and turbine


akg k324p

I would be happy if you can let me try and made a review about that,i will try it with sansa clip and zen x-fi 2 to get good results and will definitely use flac files...
Nov 12, 2009 at 1:34 AM Post #20 of 69
I'd like a sample for reviewing purposes. I've done a review of the Grado HF2s (here), as well as posted impressions of several other products.

I work at (here) and would naturally add the RE252 to the gadget repository and publish my review (as well as head-fi) there as well.

I have listened to quite a number of high-end IEMs (IE 8, ER-4P, SE530, TF10pro, UM3X, etc.) and currently own the JHAudio JH13pro, Sennheiser HD 650, and Grado HF2 for comparative purposes. I have the iPhone 3GS as a source as well as a dedicated DAC and an integrated receiver amplifier as well as a WooAudio 6.

If it matters, I have no prior experience with Head-Direct/HiFiMan products.
Nov 12, 2009 at 2:13 AM Post #21 of 69
I would love a sample and I would love to do a review for you guys. I have tested/owned a bunch of top name IEM's, including Shure(e3c, se210, se530), Westone(W3), Sennhiser(IE8) and Ultimate ears(TF10), but I have always been intrigued by the HiFiman series, and have been looking for a pair of Iems I can just put in my pocket, and don't have to carry around my expensive customs. Here are two of my reviews:

Further more, I have not heard a HiFiman IEM, but from the description of the sound signature of the RE0, those IEM's seem like they would be my cup of tea. My favorite IEM out of the universals I have tried are the TF10 pro, which has detailed highs and great bass, but maybe a little too much for my taste. If I could find an IEM which has a smidgen less bass but had the other same sound properties of the TF10, I would fully endorse that as a winner.

Also, I have a few portable amps in which I could test the synergy with, as many people are buying portable amps these days, and would want to know which combos are best.

Since I have a roommate in College, and he is a complete idiot, I am always looking for new ways to drown out his ramblings. The more ways the better(seriously).

Plus, I could use high end universal IEM to start converting my friends into audiophiles, as right now I have a few lower end IEM's and a set of customs.

Thank you for this offer,

Nov 12, 2009 at 6:29 AM Post #22 of 69
I do not even have 1 IEM ever in my life. However after reading up this forum, I would like to give the IEM world a try. I am also trying to write a review for portable headphones that I have owned and would like to throw this into the mix.

Therefore, I would really like a chance to win the RE252.

Thanks for doing this by the way
Nov 13, 2009 at 2:12 AM Post #24 of 69
As a long-time RE0 lover--and someone who has suffered through several unsatisfying pairs of IEMs before discovering Head-Direct--I would love to audition your latest offering.

As a student on a shoestring budget I won't be able to justify buying a new pair of headphones, so the only way I would be able to hear these is if I were to get a pair this way.

I have always been pleased by Head-Direct's commitment to sound quality, value, customer service, and, of course, community. It's things like this that set you apart from every other big-name manufacturer!
Nov 14, 2009 at 11:22 AM Post #25 of 69
If given a chance , I would love to review a pair of RE252 . I am not really an audiophile with golden ears buy my journey of quality IEMs started with the RE2. When I first heard them , I was amazed. Back here in India, we hardly have any Big brands selling quality stuff. All that people know of is Creative and to a point entry level Sennheisers.
That's when I realized , we needed brands like Head-Direct in India which provide with total value for money audio gear and superb service.
So to make other Indian audio enthusiasts aware of Head Direct , I wrote a review of the RE-2 on India's no.1 Technology community ,TechEnclave and even convinced Lynx India company to get dealership (distribution rights) for products from Head-Direct ,Fiio and Soundmagic . Soon after my RE2 review and local availbilty of Head Direct products a lot of my friends and forum members were proud owners of the RE2 and few even bought the RE0.
I have been instrumental in promoting Head-Direct in India and the reason I am doing so is I really love their products ,commitment and most importantly Fang's awesome after sales/customer service.
Since then Ive been checking out a lot of other mid range IEMs and even got to use the RE-1 recently. My RE-0 is on it's way (via Indian dealer) and the review should be up by December ,also will be reviewing the Sound Magic PL-50 and few other entry level IEMs soon.
Here are some of my existing detailed reviews.
REVIEW: Soundmagic PL-30 earphones & Fiio E3 amplifier. - TechEnclave

Head Direct RE-2 Review - TechEnclave

REVIEW : Beta Brainwavz Pro IEMs. - TechEnclave

So to sum it up, I would say that I really haven't actually reviewed any flagship/high end IEMs (soon to arrive RE0 would be my first ).If I am provided with a RE 252 I will be greatly honoured and ofcourse write a review on Tech Enlcave and Head-fi as well,comparing with my RE0, a friend's RE1.
Other than this give away ,there wont be any other way i could ever afford a flagship/high end IEM since I am a student .Only other way could be to wait for a year or till the Chinese new year for big discounts Fang offers.
Warm regards to everyone
Nov 14, 2009 at 11:36 AM Post #26 of 69
Hi there.
I'd love to try this RE252. As you probably know, the RE0 was recently quoted as "beating the ER4P", but not the ER4S.
As a long time lover of the Etymotic sound, I do not believe this is the case - although in sheer value absolutely.

I'd really be interested in seeing if the RE252 can beat the Etys for an Ety lover this time.

You can expect me to give reviewing it a go, but I don't have any previous examples so it would be sort of a "music lovers" review without flowery words. Just the way I hear it.

I'd probably send it around to locals who love head direct stuff including a shop that stocks head direct stuff so you'd probably get multiple reviews/exposures. And everyone loves sharing wax.
Nov 15, 2009 at 1:33 AM Post #27 of 69
I would very much like to try the RE252 to compare to the amazing quality of the RE0, to find what they have synergy with, to enjoy the extacy that I find in music.

I would love to find out that the RE252 are the PERFECT earphones I have been searching for. The deep bass I crave, the treble spark that give me chills, and vocals that make you sing-along.

I would gladly write a full review/comparison for the RE252.


Nov 16, 2009 at 12:24 AM Post #28 of 69
I would love to be one of the three people to win the RE252 because I know that head-direct will not disappoint me. I feel that the products sold from head direct have the highest price / performance & quality within the IEM market. Out of more than 20 sets of IEMs that I've owned in the past (priced anywhere from 40 dollars to 500), 3 out of 6 of the ones I ended up keeping are bought from head-direct.

I've sold off the RE0 in the past, thinking there was better / due to the fit, only to purchase them again used from head fi and even bought custom tips for them. I want and need to know what the RE252 is like.

Although I haven't yet written a full-review for head-fi yet, I'd feel obliged and would be more than happy to write one. I feel I am qualified to do so and will do a good job in writing one as I have 2 sets of high-end IEMs (one of them being custom) and I can roll these between the 4 DAPs I have.

And thanks again to Fang for doing this - around the times I've been around in head-fi I think head-direct is the one of the companies that gives away the most to the community.
Nov 16, 2009 at 2:31 AM Post #29 of 69
I would really like to hear what else is out here and I have had my eyes on a few of your products for a while and like what I have read. But for now due to limited funds, I'm stuck with what I have until they break out of warranty.

Although I have only experienced one decent set of IEMs, I do listen to a wide variety of genres of music (Electronic, Classic Rock, 90s Rock, Classical, Jazz, and Mashups containing various types mixed together) and would be able to give a simple rundown of how they sound with these.

I have 2 basic amps if they require a little extra power and I have a LOD I bought from Head-Direct that would probably go well with them too.

Thank you for another chance of winning a fine looking product.
Nov 16, 2009 at 2:17 PM Post #30 of 69
I am a new user when it comes to Head-Direct products. I just recently bought a Cowon D2+ to replace my Sansa e260 (which replaced my Sony e345) and decided it was time to take a small step into the audiophile world. My budget for headphones after buying the D2+ wasn't huge, but after reading all the reviews I could find the general consensus seemed to be that the RE2 was the best bang for your buck IEM out there.

I quickly ordered the Fiio E5+RE2 combo, and am eagerly awaiting its delivery. I'm currently in the process of writing up a review for my D2+ and will look forward to reviewing the RE2's as well. I would love to try these 252s because they seem on an entirely different level than the RE2s and represent an entirely different target audience.

Anyways, I think this is a great idea for word of mouth marketing, and also a great way to foster goodwill within the community, keep up the good work! Looking forward to reviewing my RE2's when they arrive either way.

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