Geshelli j2
May 22, 2024 at 10:43 PM Post #197 of 222
Granted the DAC chip has something to do with the great experience I'm getting, but the digital source chain system I'm feeding it is highly special, and hard to fathom. I've got a series of seven USB enhancers / DDC / reclocker / external clock each being tweaked by mods, grounding boxes, custom cables, custom DC super capacitor LPS and multi-thousand dollar AC power conditioner, so you bet my Geshelli is feeling good about the signal its' receiving 😉. In recent years my coming to the realization that an audio chain is like an organism where all parts contribute to the final sound, I've been able to reach new sonnic heights without necessarily breaking the bank nor laser focusing on any one individual component.
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May 23, 2024 at 11:39 AM Post #198 of 222
Granted the DAC chip has something to do with the great experience I'm getting, but the digital source chain system I'm feeding it is highly special, and hard to fathom. I've got a series of seven USB enhancers / DDC / reclocker / external clock each being tweaked by mods, grounding boxes, custom cables, custom DC super capacitor LPS and multi-thousand dollar AC power conditioner, so you bet my Geshelli is feeling good about the signal its' receiving 😉. In recent years my coming to the realization that an audio chain is like an organism where all parts contribute to the final sound, I've been able to reach new sonnic heights without necessarily breaking the bank nor laser focusing on any one individual component.
I have done quite a bit myself to this DAC. And sadly... The truth is... To get it to truly shine. I had to spend $1252.97. Now check it... This is before we add the Intona Galvanic isolator.... Add $500 to that.... 👎🏼1752.97

This is with custom DC cables, supercaps LPS, conditioners, etc... Just as you have apparently done.

The Cyan II DAC that I have had for a week now... Even without the Intona... Sounds better than the J2 with the Burson V7V config...

The Cyan II - $1198.00. With the Intona in front... This thing.... Feels like I have big boy pants on...
May 28, 2024 at 1:18 AM Post #199 of 222
I finally went and rolled in the SS2590 opamps, thanks to @TedB 's review and photos showing the proper direction to insert it. Gotta be brutally honest, so far the only real difference I hear is added brightness. The treble is boosted at least +1DB now, could explain the extra soundstage reported. And the dynamics are too fast and now its' borderlining fatiguing. Possibly a nuance better instrument separation. It's replacing the free OPA1656 which it shipped with, which were quite well performing.

My hunch is that other people liked this chip because it was counterbalancing a dark system or un-detailed headphone, hence why the added brightness would be appealing in such a system. Or maybe it just needs more burn-in? About how many hours?
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May 28, 2024 at 12:20 PM Post #200 of 222
I can't say I've seen the SS2590 described as too bright or too fast elsewhere. I find the presentation to be remarkably detailed, expansive, coherent, and largely uncolored - more of everything the SS3602 offers. I might note the test setup permutations I've used for reviewing are deliberately simplistic and neutral, configured to isolate the differences between op amps with minimal connection breaks, without idiosyncracies, or increased potential of influence from external devices. That being said, I can choose combinations that give a sound that I describe as more highly contrasted and better suited for critical listening (e.g. studio mastering) rather than listening for enjoyment, but that's more a factor of the chosen gear than the op amp.

What you might try is going source->DAC->amp without all the dongle insertions, using only a conditioner and maybe an LPS for the DAC (no batteries), headphones the consensus describes as near neutral on the sonic spectrum, and see if that gets you something different. In any case, for someone who finds the SS2590 to be borderline fatiguing for whatever reason, the Burson V7 Classic may be more their speed.
May 28, 2024 at 12:24 PM Post #201 of 222
I can't say I've seen the SS2590 described as too bright or too fast elsewhere. I find the presentation to be remarkably detailed, expansive, coherent, and largely uncolored - more of everything the SS3602 offers. I might note the test setup permutations I've used for reviewing are deliberately simplistic and neutral, configured to isolate the differences between op amps with minimal connection breaks, without idiosyncracies, or increased potential of influence from external devices. That being said, I can choose combinations that give a sound that I describe as more highly contrasted and better suited for critical listening (e.g. studio mastering) rather than listening for enjoyment, but that's more a factor of the chosen gear than the op amp.

What you might try is going source->DAC->amp without all the dongle insertions, using only a conditioner and maybe an LPS for the DAC (no batteries), headphones the consensus describes as near neutral on the sonic spectrum, and see if that gets you something different. In any case, for someone who finds the SS2590 to be borderline fatiguing for whatever reason, the Burson V7 Classic may be more their speed.
Even the V6 classic does well in this regard.
May 28, 2024 at 1:24 PM Post #202 of 222
I finally went and rolled in the SS2590 opamps, thanks to @TedB 's review and photos showing the proper direction to insert it. Gotta be brutally honest, so far the only real difference I hear is added brightness. The treble is boosted at least +1DB now, could explain the extra soundstage reported. And the dynamics are too fast and now its' borderlining fatiguing. Possibly a nuance better instrument separation. It's replacing the free OPA1656 which it shipped with, which were quite well performing.

My hunch is that other people liked this chip because it was counterbalancing a dark system or un-detailed headphone, hence why the added brightness would be appealing in such a system. Or maybe it just needs more burn-in? About how many hours?
I can see how to some this would be the case. With headphones I actually take the opposite approach from what you described with the counterbalancing darkness and use the bright detail sparkle I hear in the J2S with SS2590 to enhance head phones that have a similar nature to it. An example is I have a pair of Grado RS1X headphones which I like a lot on a lot of gear but I LOVE on the Geshelli stack which is the J2S with the SS2590 connected to the Archel 3 Pro which also has the SS2590 opamps in it. That combo to me is mind bending with certain types of music. To me that stack also works wonders with most IEMs. I love it with more neutral sounds too like my Sennheiser HD600. I also have a set of headphones with a complete opposite sound signature, the JM Audio XTC2 with the Biowool driver and soft fuzzy pads. These have a deep thick wide detailed sound signature that to me works supremely well with things like class A amps and R2R dacs but they do not work well with the geshelli stack I mentioned. It brings it to a neutrality which I don't like. Those headphones have a very unique falvor and I don't want to lessen that experience by bringing it closer to balance. I am a big fan of have a collection of hear and finding what headphones I have that can be my personal ideal match with certain gear. It to me is a purely subjective practive based around what I as an individual want when I listen so I totally can understand how it might be too much for some. I like the headphne/component conbo to work in harmony as more of a percision tool to listen to certain types of music or to give me what sound I want on certain days when I'm in certain moods. To me the J2S with the SS2590 is not always the sound signature I want but when it is I'm eternally grateful I have it.

That said, when i deal with componenets I very much do agree that the J2S with SS2590 can add some sparkle and a little flavor to a system with other colder or sterile components. I have read on this thread soemwhere about users who have one type of opamp in one output (rca) and a different type of opamp in the other output (XLR) which is a cool idea I want to do but have not yet done. I think, if I remember right, they had SS2590 in one output and one of the Burson opamps in another. Two flavors in the same system all we gotta do is switch from XLR to RCA, way cool idea. I have heard the J2S with the SS2590 connected to colder darker headphone amps and I very much like the sound that comes from that. I have a frined who is obsessed with neutrality so he has the Topping D90 and the toppoing A90D and that is all he wants. Both componenes are super good for what they do, amaziong at times, but that clinical sterile sound is not at all what I want. I like a little flavor. I took my J2S with SS2590 over to his place and connected it and to me it breathed a bit of life into what was a great but cold setrile combination. It's way cool. He now has the J2S with SS2590 so that he has both falvors when he wants them so I can confirm that people do use it to sweeten up a colder system. I have not yet been over there with hte Aechel 3 pro that has the SS2590 opamps to connect it to the D90 but I want to. I imagine it'll do a similar thing which could be pretty special. I have also connected the J2S SS2590 to a tube amp from time to time and to me that is great as well. I love it more connected to my tube amp when its connected to speakers but for headphones it also sounds amaizng. The characteristics of the SS2590 to me enhance an already wonderful sound of my tube amp.

Question. Have you every trued the Burr Brown OPA2134PA? I built up a DIY preamp and power amp a couple years back and had those in it and loved them. I would roll opamps sometimes in the preamp going from the BB OPA2134PA to the SS2590 to one of the Burson V6 opamps but I would always come back to listneing with the BB OPA2134PA. I always wanted to try them in the J2S and might order some. To me they are one of the great values in HIFI for opamps. Nothing stands out about the sound signature, no spikes or particualr areas of the sound heightened over others, so it's not leaning in any one direction, not super sparkly and bright, not fatiguing. They to me just presented the honest open very clear natural sound in a non cold non sterile way. I'd recommend that because you can find them for like $20-$40 each. Could be a cool idea. Also have you tried the lesser sparkos dual opamps, the SS3602? If there are parts of the flavor of the SS2590 that you like but find them to be too much of that, this might be a good idea. I started the J2s journey listening to the stock OPA 1656 and like you I was very impressed. I went up to the SS3602 and liked the change a lot. To me it was like a middle ground between the OPA 1656 and the SS2590 which I ended up keeping in the J2S. I have my 3 SS3602 sitting around unused if you want to try them. Private message me and I'll mail them your way if you want to give them a shot no prob. I'd much rather them going to use than sitting around collecting dust.

May 28, 2024 at 6:22 PM Post #203 of 222
Oooooooooo it came! My triple stack double cheese hat trick is complete. My Erish 3 Pro came!. I’ve only listened for a few min but couldn’t contain my excitement. I can’t really write anything about it yet but if you all want I will. I don’t want to take up too much space in the J2 forum with this but I will say that in just a few min it is VERY obvious that it is the ideal balanced mate for the J2S. It could be because I have sparkos SS2590 in both the J2S and the Erish 3 Pro so that could be the synergy I’m hearing. But it’s awesome. Different than the Archel 3 Pro. A certain pair of very teary headphones I don’t like on the Archel 3 Pro I am listening to on the Erish 3 Pro and it sounds great. I’ll play with some different headphones and dacs and come back with some experiences of you all are interested.

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May 28, 2024 at 10:05 PM Post #204 of 222
I can see how to some this would be the case. With headphones I actually take the opposite approach from what you described with the counterbalancing darkness and use the bright detail sparkle I hear in the J2S with SS2590 to enhance head phones that have a similar nature to it. An example is I have a pair of Grado RS1X headphones which I like a lot on a lot of gear but I LOVE on the Geshelli stack which is the J2S with the SS2590 connected to the Archel 3 Pro which also has the SS2590 opamps in it. That combo to me is mind bending with certain types of music. To me that stack also works wonders with most IEMs. I love it with more neutral sounds too like my Sennheiser HD600. I also have a set of headphones with a complete opposite sound signature, the JM Audio XTC2 with the Biowool driver and soft fuzzy pads. These have a deep thick wide detailed sound signature that to me works supremely well with things like class A amps and R2R dacs but they do not work well with the geshelli stack I mentioned. It brings it to a neutrality which I don't like. Those headphones have a very unique falvor and I don't want to lessen that experience by bringing it closer to balance. I am a big fan of have a collection of hear and finding what headphones I have that can be my personal ideal match with certain gear. It to me is a purely subjective practive based around what I as an individual want when I listen so I totally can understand how it might be too much for some. I like the headphne/component conbo to work in harmony as more of a percision tool to listen to certain types of music or to give me what sound I want on certain days when I'm in certain moods. To me the J2S with the SS2590 is not always the sound signature I want but when it is I'm eternally grateful I have it.

That said, when i deal with componenets I very much do agree that the J2S with SS2590 can add some sparkle and a little flavor to a system with other colder or sterile components. I have read on this thread soemwhere about users who have one type of opamp in one output (rca) and a different type of opamp in the other output (XLR) which is a cool idea I want to do but have not yet done. I think, if I remember right, they had SS2590 in one output and one of the Burson opamps in another. Two flavors in the same system all we gotta do is switch from XLR to RCA, way cool idea. I have heard the J2S with the SS2590 connected to colder darker headphone amps and I very much like the sound that comes from that. I have a frined who is obsessed with neutrality so he has the Topping D90 and the toppoing A90D and that is all he wants. Both componenes are super good for what they do, amaziong at times, but that clinical sterile sound is not at all what I want. I like a little flavor. I took my J2S with SS2590 over to his place and connected it and to me it breathed a bit of life into what was a great but cold setrile combination. It's way cool. He now has the J2S with SS2590 so that he has both falvors when he wants them so I can confirm that people do use it to sweeten up a colder system. I have not yet been over there with hte Aechel 3 pro that has the SS2590 opamps to connect it to the D90 but I want to. I imagine it'll do a similar thing which could be pretty special. I have also connected the J2S SS2590 to a tube amp from time to time and to me that is great as well. I love it more connected to my tube amp when its connected to speakers but for headphones it also sounds amaizng. The characteristics of the SS2590 to me enhance an already wonderful sound of my tube amp.

Question. Have you every trued the Burr Brown OPA2134PA? I built up a DIY preamp and power amp a couple years back and had those in it and loved them. I would roll opamps sometimes in the preamp going from the BB OPA2134PA to the SS2590 to one of the Burson V6 opamps but I would always come back to listneing with the BB OPA2134PA. I always wanted to try them in the J2S and might order some. To me they are one of the great values in HIFI for opamps. Nothing stands out about the sound signature, no spikes or particualr areas of the sound heightened over others, so it's not leaning in any one direction, not super sparkly and bright, not fatiguing. They to me just presented the honest open very clear natural sound in a non cold non sterile way. I'd recommend that because you can find them for like $20-$40 each. Could be a cool idea. Also have you tried the lesser sparkos dual opamps, the SS3602? If there are parts of the flavor of the SS2590 that you like but find them to be too much of that, this might be a good idea. I started the J2s journey listening to the stock OPA 1656 and like you I was very impressed. I went up to the SS3602 and liked the change a lot. To me it was like a middle ground between the OPA 1656 and the SS2590 which I ended up keeping in the J2S. I have my 3 SS3602 sitting around unused if you want to try them. Private message me and I'll mail them your way if you want to give them a shot no prob. I'd much rather them going to use than sitting around collecting dust.

Thanks for your recommendation about the Burr Brown OPA2134PA. I remember noting positive impressions about them before at a previous Head-fi meetup. Are you saying you haven't tried them on the Geshelli yet, but they are compatible? And does it take a single or dual for RCA output? And for the SS3602, how does the sound generally compare to the SS2590?

I do think we agree on the sound at least somewhat of the SS2590, noticing more sparkle and energy detail, maybe it pushed it a bit over for my system. Could also be from forgetting to connect an external ground box that I had on the unused RCA port, this generally adds more robustness, smooth sweet treble and analog flavor to a system. So we also do agree it sounds great with tube amps. Rocking it with a new one I got, and it it definitely packs a powerful punch of resolution, organic quality and 3D sound image. Fwiw though, the free op amp it came with OPA1656 was very well performing also.
May 28, 2024 at 10:17 PM Post #205 of 222
I've used OPA2134's in there, and it sounded good. Nice bass. Less detailed than OPA1656. Similar to MUSES03, broadly speaking. This was in the SE output. I have two of them though, so I could do balanced out.
But I'd have to pop them back in to give a proper description.

Soon. Soon. I will have all the MUSES03 I need for the balanced. I already got two adapters with the first two MUSES03 I ordered off ZenMarket.
May 28, 2024 at 10:35 PM Post #206 of 222
Thanks for your recommendation about the Burr Brown OPA2134PA. I remember noting positive impressions about them before at a previous Head-fi meetup. Are you saying you haven't tried them on the Geshelli yet, but they are compatible? And does it take a single or dual for RCA output? And for the SS3602, how does the sound generally compare to the SS2590?

I do think we agree on the sound at least somewhat of the SS2590, noticing more sparkle and energy detail, maybe it pushed it a bit over for my system. Could also be from forgetting to connect an external ground box that I had on the unused RCA port, this generally adds more robustness, smooth sweet treble and analog flavor to a system. So we also do agree it sounds great with tube amps. Rocking it with a new one I got, and it it definitely packs a powerful punch of resolution, organic quality and 3D sound image. Fwiw though, the free op amp it came with OPA1656 was very well performing also.
Right. Correct. The OPA2134 is what I want to try in the J2 but have not yet. I have only used dual opamps in the J2, I have no idea if I need to only use the dual opamps btu I have only used duals opamps so I am most likely going to keep doing that.

Does anyone reading know if we need to only use dual opamps in each slot or can we use single opamps in the slots as well?

To me the SS2590 is everything I love about the SS3602 but cranked up to 11. I personally like that which is why I have my SS3602 sitting around unused. So the SS3602 to me has all the characteristics of the SS2590 just a but less of it. If that makes sense. To me it is not a different sound, it is like its the same sound just 60ish% of it. If you want, I can send them out to you and you can try them for a few weeks then send them back. Happy to do that. Message me your info and I'll send them out. They're literally not being used so you might as well use them to see if you like them.
May 29, 2024 at 4:19 AM Post #207 of 222
May 29, 2024 at 5:50 PM Post #209 of 222
Checked out your link. Definitely looks like I would need the option "with pins installed", but what about the option for "two 8-pin dip sockets"? Also it looks like the pins for the likes of Burr Brown are a different shape more like flat pins versus rounded pins of the normal opamps. Not sure if that would even fit in the socket?
May 29, 2024 at 9:27 PM Post #210 of 222
You need everything installed in order for it to be usable.
All DIP8 pins will fit the holes, even if they're slightly different shapes.

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