Geshelli j2
May 8, 2024 at 11:26 PM Post #181 of 233
Thanks guys. I ordered the "PRO to DUAL DIP8 Adapter - Adapter + Two SS2590 Fully assembled into adapter". Hopefully this is the correct one? It seems like it may be dual configuration instead of two singles.

Also I'm considering getting the DAC without any op-amps. Not sure if that's recommended? I would just throw them away anyway after upgrading. Maybe I should get it with however so I can see how they look when they are situated on the board.
What you have ordered from Sparkos will work in the single-ended op-amp spot. If you want to use the XLR outputs as well, you will need two more of the same, and they will be difficult to fit in the case. I think Ted did it in his, but I only did the SE.

You can either buy the J2S with the cheapest op amp option or possibly with none at all.
May 9, 2024 at 12:05 AM Post #182 of 233
What you have ordered from Sparkos will work in the single-ended op-amp spot. If you want to use the XLR outputs as well, you will need two more of the same, and they will be difficult to fit in the case. I think Ted did it in his, but I only did the SE.

You can either buy the J2S with the cheapest op amp option or possibly with none at all.
You can order a larger taller case for the J2S that makes it way easier if you also use the Burson 8pin extensions
May 10, 2024 at 12:49 AM Post #183 of 233
I was so disappointed with the sound coming from 4499 with sparkos ops that i didn’t even bother trying different power supplies. Returning it this week, and it’s not to speak down on Geshelli, awesome company and i love what they represent, but the j2 just wasn’t for me, i like some heft to my music and while the j2 presented the music impressively, it started to sound rather boring, quickly. To each his own i suppose.
Wow, I was surprised to read this. I just ordered the DAC as you guys recommended today, 4499 chip with Amanero module and will be running Toslink optical into it. Now I'm realizing from here some thought it was too lean / thin, and interestingly a few others said the 4499 chip sounds too soft or dark. Mind to mention about how many hours did you let it burn in? Maybe that would have added some fullness. And which opamps did you try? Was it the Sparkos SS2590?
May 14, 2024 at 11:24 PM Post #186 of 233
I got my Sparkos SS2590 chips yesterday, both dual mode on an adapter, for my upcoming Jnog 2 DAC. Will be using it only for the RCA SE outputs. This is what I got. Does this look correct or do I need another chip or adapter?
May 15, 2024 at 3:56 AM Post #187 of 233
This is what I got. Does this look correct or do I need another chip or adapter?

It looks like there is some kind of "cap" on the dip8 male adapter, tho maybe im wrong, otherwise it look correct from what i remember seeing (but better to doublecheck pinout between the boards)
May 15, 2024 at 4:23 AM Post #188 of 233
It looks like there is some kind of "cap" on the dip8 male adapter, tho maybe im wrong, otherwise it look correct from what i remember seeing (but better to doublecheck pinout between the boards)
Good catch! Just poked around on it and was able to remove what actually was a cap on the 8 prongs. I guess it's just a dual board all in one stack that is used for the SE output of this DAC.
May 15, 2024 at 6:59 AM Post #189 of 233
Good catch! Just poked around on it and was able to remove what actually was a cap on the 8 prongs.
i havent used sparkos personally so far but something looked off :D

I guess it's just a dual board all in one stack that is used for the SE output of this DAC.
yea the 2509 is a single op amp only... you need two of these to get a dual opamp, hence the adapter construction and adaptation to dip8, since this is more commonly used
May 15, 2024 at 8:29 AM Post #190 of 233
I got my Sparkos SS2590 chips yesterday, both dual mode on an adapter, for my upcoming Jnog 2 DAC. Will be using it only for the RCA SE outputs. This is what I got. Does this look correct or do I need another chip or adapter?
Yes, that is the dual 2509 combo on a dip 8 adaptor. Depending on the age of your J2S, it may fit perfectly, replacing the existing single-ended op-amp, or it may require a dip-8 riser like this to get the clearance needed. My J2S, being older, had the sockets too close to the jack, so I had to sand down the edges of the one side of the Sparkos green boards to get it to fit. Reportedly, Geshelli has moved the socket a bit further in so that this chip will fit on the newer J2S without sanding/filing the boards.

Screen Shot 2024-05-15 at 7.24.04 AM.png
May 15, 2024 at 9:39 AM Post #191 of 233
Yes, that is the dual 2509 combo on a dip 8 adaptor. Depending on the age of your J2S, it may fit perfectly, replacing the existing single-ended op-amp, or it may require a dip-8 riser like this to get the clearance needed. My J2S, being older, had the sockets too close to the jack, so I had to sand down the edges of the one side of the Sparkos green boards to get it to fit. Reportedly, Geshelli has moved the socket a bit further in so that this chip will fit on the newer J2S without sanding/filing the boards.

Screen Shot 2024-05-15 at 7.24.04 AM.png
Having recently added a 2509 to the RCA side of my J2S, I can confirm that no sanding was needed. The fit is close but there's clearance.
May 15, 2024 at 10:07 AM Post #192 of 233
May 15, 2024 at 10:15 AM Post #193 of 233
May 15, 2024 at 10:39 AM Post #194 of 233
You only need those extension leads for the XLR op-amps, right?
Need is a bit of a strong word. I have seen pics of people fitting the huge sparkos opamps on the XLR without them with just stacks of the risers and/or a stack of risers on one XLR and one of the burson extensions on another. I personally like keeping whatever extensions I chose the exact same on both L and R channels so I went with 2x of the bursons, one on each of the XLR. It'll work on the RCA as well of course but the placement of the RCA opamp does not requite extensions that long. A normal 8 pin riser or two will work on the RCA.
May 22, 2024 at 9:57 PM Post #195 of 233
Incoming yesterday was my Geshelli JNOG2 (J2S) DAC, customizations are AK4499 chip, wooden case, Amanero module and I went with the lowest free opamp TI OPA1656, already having also received the recommended aftermarket opamp to swap out later.

Being temporarily without an amp, awaiting a new tube amp later this week, I thought I'd concoct some adapter chain and see what audio I may be able to juice out of it from the RCA line-out (SE). I Jerry-rigged up sensitive IEMs to my nifty custom aftermarket RCA cable, turned the volume down to about 5% on the PC source, expecting I would barely hear anything... boy was I in for a surprise, like a pop-up circus in no man's land!! Having just done a recent A/B with my previous DAC, (Chord Mojo 2) fed by the same highly tweaked digital source chain and same song, I was astonished at what I was hearing. Not only very acute fidelity, but VOLUME!! And TONS of it to spare! I quickly realized that just from the direct RCA line out, this beast is not only able to deliver ear-splitting volumes to IEMs, but can even power full-size headphones up to loud levels with zero distortion; so far only tried the it with ATH-r70x.

I had a fun night, enjoying pristinely blissful sonic reproduction; so far I'd characterize it as a very pure, robust sound with wide FR from bass to treble and everything in between to full effect, good dynamics and overall a very lively and true to life sound. So far good for both electronic and acoustic genres. I'm not saying this is meant to be an all-in-one unit, but in a pinch it sure can hold up its own and with the right adapters of course. I may be amazed at how much even better this can sound as an actual DAC to an amp.

Some of my fantastic performance and possibly even pleasingly loud volume may have had to do with my unique digital source chain that ends with a Toslink optical cable to the DAC. Also I was expecting it to take 3 to 4 weeks like others I read about here, but mine was delivered only within 2 weeks from the order!

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