gaming poll
Dec 3, 2001 at 2:15 PM Post #16 of 32
I whoop ass at Tekken whenever I get the chance, but I have a little too much going on in my life to play too many games. Since I have been in Russia, I have not played a single one. The only games I really get into now are the old ones, and some good new ones. Personally, I would much rather sit down and replay Ultima 7 or Star Control II than subject myself to most of the crap that is out lately. Perhaps I am not up to speed since I don't play much anymore. I think Fallout 2 is one of the only games that has come out recently that I have enjoyed, but even then it could not hold a candle U7 or SCII...these were games that would swallow you and only spit you out 100 hours later. I hate to be a video game cynic at only 23....TerriblySorry, please make me a game with an excellent story and a fun interface! Sooth my gamers heart. I will give you a cd.....oh wait, I already did that....I ordered it a week ago, but it still hasn't should soon though. Anyway....
Dec 3, 2001 at 4:06 PM Post #17 of 32

Originally posted by chych
It's sad... I'm 17, in high school, the right type of person who would play games... but I don't play any games anymore. They just stopped appealing to me. Maybe audio replaced it or something, or I have lost all my free time now. I guess it is a good thing... I do get the occasional shockwave pong or things of that sort, usually during school in my free time...

I was just gonna post the same thing. Except that I'm 19 and not in High School anymore. I always feel like I should play games, but I never get around to it. This of course excludes my occasional SNES orgies where I find a good SNES game and play it constantly until it's beat, last time it was Super Mario World (again). I'll probably go through FF VI for the umpteenth time next, that game rocks!

As for the shockwave games, this one is my latest obsession. Try it, but only if you have nothing important to do for the next few hours.
Dec 4, 2001 at 4:52 AM Post #19 of 32
i don't play games. They take up time I could be learning or doing something with my life. I'm an ex-gamer.

Until I was 14, I'd play a good 50 hours per week... I wish I had that time back. I don't feel that I learned or accomplished anything, and I don't have good memories. A total waste of time.
Dec 4, 2001 at 5:54 AM Post #20 of 32
Commander Keen! That was an awesome game for the PC. I must have played it hundreds of times as a kid. I'm not a game person at all-no consoles, no games on my computer. It just does not appeal to me.
Dec 4, 2001 at 6:04 AM Post #21 of 32
Dreamcast and gameboy advance! I used to play a lot more when i was in Junior high but started getting bored of it by the time i was 17. The most time i ever played was 20 hrs in two fantasy II for SNES. I play Starcraft all the time on Battlenet, my screen name is "gloco" as well!

Dec 4, 2001 at 7:04 AM Post #22 of 32

Originally posted by chych
It's sad... I'm 17, in high school, the right type of person who would play games... but I don't play any games anymore. They just stopped appealing to me. Maybe audio replaced it or something, or I have lost all my free time now. I guess it is a good thing... I do get the occasional shockwave pong or things of that sort, usually during school in my free time...

That's exactly my position right now. It's not like I don't have interest in them, but, well, I just don't have that burning urge to play games now. And it really stopped appealing to me, it's not like I have other stuff that I replaced it with. Well, my time is more occupide then it used to be now.
Dec 4, 2001 at 7:23 AM Post #23 of 32

Commander Keen! That was an awesome game for the PC. I must have played it hundreds of times as a kid. I'm not a game person at all-no consoles, no games on my computer. It just does not appeal to me.

Hell-yeah! Commander Keen was and still is my favourites game. My housemate thinks I'm a retard but I honestly think that Keen is a classic example of the simple things in life...
****, it cost me $2 and fits on a single 3.5 floppy!

I would be lucky to clock up more that 10 hours per year playing games. My housemate has a Sony Playstation, and the only game I enjoyed was the first Tony Hawk skateboard one, but even so I tired of it quickly. Gimme good headphones, good music and a comfy bed anyday
Dec 4, 2001 at 3:47 PM Post #24 of 32
I just bought Simcity 3000, BIG MISTAKE. I'm getting no work done now.

10-15hours a week, easy.
Dec 4, 2001 at 8:11 PM Post #26 of 32

Originally posted by CaptBubba
I just bought Simcity 3000, BIG MISTAKE. I'm getting no work done now.

10-15hours a week, easy.

LOL, it is very very addictive. Are you working on your first city without having to retry? I was able to get a city off the ground on the third attempt, and wound up with over 3 million sims.

Dec 5, 2001 at 2:06 PM Post #27 of 32
Yes, I got my first one off the ground, but kind of slowly. It took 20 years to really start pulling in money. My next two were just to see how quickly I could start and those are taking off. One is a rural one and it is at about 40,000. The other one is at 221,000 and still going up, my origonal one is at 140,000.
Dec 8, 2001 at 11:12 PM Post #28 of 32
Minesweeper has to be taking the cake on my gaming time lately. I probably spend a good 15 to 30 minutes per day playing this game before I go to bed. Any records for Expert level (99 bombs)? I'm at 357 seconds.
Dec 8, 2001 at 11:23 PM Post #29 of 32
I find Minesweeper much more fun playing Custom games. Specifically, max out the board size, put about 200-225 mines in there, and just see if you can actually complete a game!

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