Funny Short Story Contest
Dec 2, 2001 at 1:10 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


Member of the Trade: Audiogeek: The "E" in META42
Jun 23, 2001
In 300 words or less, write a funny short story. Winner gets a free ego inflation treatment

I'll start it off:

........................ Bad Day

Harold Trotter got up at five in the morning to take the bus. However, since his apartment had been burgled during the night, he had to make do with a purple suit, yellow tie and green socks. Harold inhaled breakfast in under four minutes, tripped over a “Caution: Wet Floor” sign and fell down the stairs from his apartment to street level. He managed to get only minor lacerations when he walked through the plate glass door, which had been freshly cleaned. Upon staggering out of the doorway, Harold was promptly run over by a mad woman with a Harley-Davidson shopping cart. When the bus came, he had to hold on to the bottom, since he lost all his money in the burglary. Feeling rather damaged after the bus jumped a drawbridge, Harold hitched a ride with a passing taxi. The taxi accelerated to Mach 4 and took him two blocks closer to his job, but let him out in a dark alley because he was unable to pay. Harold managed to stagger dizzily around until a passing police car mistook him for a wanted forger and brought him a whole ten blocks closer to his job, but fortunately the police car was involved in an accident before Harold could land in jail. Harold managed to stagger half a mile until he reached the textile factory where he worked as a repairman. Wearily, he crawled over the razor-wire fence and up the stairs to read the sign on the door –
Closed for the Weekend.
Dec 2, 2001 at 11:08 PM Post #2 of 6
Heres my entry which really occurred to me last night...i was happily watching the DVD Shrek and everything was going fine...well earlier in the day i was cleaning my room and being an avid civil war buff i moved my 4 civil was muskets while cleaning and had them leaning against a chest of drawers next to my lazy boy chair which i watch my TV problem yet...well as i watched Shrek through my K1000s and subwoofer i could feel some of the thumping coming from the sub...still no about the part where Shrek starts wrestling with the guards in Dulac Castle i suddenly hear a noise followed by things crashing on my head and face...the things were my muskets which apparently got dislodged by the subs thumping and fell over on me. at least one of the muskets was nice enough to make contact with my nose and i ended up with a bleeding nose. i was able to finish watching the movie nursing my nose which fortunetely didn't get broken as far as i can tell and i lived happily ever after...The best part about this story is my K1000s survived uninjured...
Dec 3, 2001 at 2:04 PM Post #4 of 6
I didn't write this myself but rather received it via e-mail. I think it fits this thread anyway.

The woman entered the room, and with a knowing smile
teasing her full lips, she sank into the comfort of
the plush chair in the corner. The handsome stranger
turned, having sensed her approach. Locking his steely
gray eyes on hers, he moved slowly toward her, his
experienced gaze measuring her, hypnotizing her with
his soft murmurs of assurance.
He sank to his knees before her and without a word,
smoothly released her from her constraining attire.
With a sigh of surrender, she allowed his foreign
hands to unleash her bare flesh. He expertly guided
her through this tender, new territory, boldly taking
her to heights she had never dared to dream of, his
movements deliberate, confident in his ability to
satisfy her every need.

Her senses swam. She was overcome with an aching
desire that had gone unfulfilled for so long.
And, just as it seemed that ecstasy was within her
grasp, he paused, and for one heart-stopping moment,
she thought, "It's too big! - it will never fit!"
Then, with a sudden rush, it slid into place as if it
had been made only for her. As pleasure and
contentment washed over her, she met his steady gaze,
tears of gratitude shining in her eyes. And he knew it
wouldn't be long before she returned. Oh, yes, this
woman would want more. She would want to do it again
and again and again....
Don't ya just love shopping for shoes!

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