Fostex TH909 or LCD X 21 Version for bass?
Apr 1, 2023 at 2:41 PM Post #2 of 13
You're ok with using EQ?
Apr 1, 2023 at 2:59 PM Post #4 of 13
TH900 Mk2

But the LCD X is most likely the better technical headphone
Apr 1, 2023 at 3:01 PM Post #6 of 13
Apr 1, 2023 at 3:09 PM Post #8 of 13
For bass, I think the 909. Is it amazing? No. But neither is the LCD-X, plus that one has more issues with the tuning.

EQ a TH900mk2 as GH said and it's one of the hardest hitting most extreme and energetic headphones. But I realize it's closed and you don't want to EQ.

Without EQ as long as you have significant power, the Hifiman HE6SE v2 will get closer to the 900. It has the ability to hit hard with very little distortion, which is what makes the 900 special. Tuning is also better on the HE6SE.
Apr 1, 2023 at 3:13 PM Post #9 of 13
For bass, I think the 909. Is it amazing? No. But neither is the LCD-X, plus that one has more issues with the tuning.

EQ a TH900mk2 as GH said and it's one of the hardest hitting most extreme and energetic headphones. But I realize it's closed and you don't want to EQ.

Without EQ as long as you have significant power, the Hifiman HE6SE v2 will get closer to the 900. It has the ability to hit hard with very little distortion, which is what makes the 900 special. Tuning is also better on the HE6SE.

Agreed, if you have an amp with enough horsepower, the HE6SE V2 is tremendously capable. But you have to be ok with the agressive mids, which many people are not.

The HE6SE is one of my favorites for vocals, they honk but never go over the ragged edge into sibilance. Particularly outstanding for Sinatra. If you haven't heard New York, New York out of pair of HE6SE V2, you haven't heard Sinatra on headphones.
Apr 1, 2023 at 3:21 PM Post #10 of 13
So there it is. Most people talk about the TH900 and LCD-X as having great bass, but it only comes out with EQ.

The 909, I actually have never heard anyone talk about the bass on it, but it's ok now that I think about it. Just hard because it's compared with the 900 and in that comparison, it loses a lot of what makes the 900 so fun.

Without EQ, I'd get a new HE6SE plus an amp and budget for a replacement cable cause Hifiman. That combo can be less than a 909 used.

If you decide to open up to closed backs, there are other cheaper options. Denon D7200, TR-X00 Mahogany, Emu Teak, all those have great bass and don't need EQ.
Apr 1, 2023 at 3:26 PM Post #11 of 13
Well, the TR-X00 Mahagonies have a pretty severe V. I can't stand to listen to them with a lot of music without EQ to the mids. I don't like to use EQ so these have been back in the box for a long while.

But they are very fast and have good bass as long as you don't listen to a pair of TH900 Mk2 side by side. A lot cheaper also.
Apr 3, 2023 at 10:45 AM Post #12 of 13
You could also consider Kennerton anything from the Magni (I haven't listened but folks compare to Emu Teak) to the Gjallorhorn(closed)/Vali(open) for dynamics. If you want bass then Kennerton should probably always be on the list.

Emu Teaks are semi-open imo and if you decide to get the 909 you're using the same hinge system as the Teaks but at 4x the cost because different drivers and red cups.
Apr 3, 2023 at 1:45 PM Post #13 of 13
You could also consider Kennerton anything from the Magni (I haven't listened but folks compare to Emu Teak) to the Gjallorhorn(closed)/Vali(open) for dynamics. If you want bass then Kennerton should probably always be on the list.

Emu Teaks are semi-open imo and if you decide to get the 909 you're using the same hinge system as the Teaks but at 4x the cost because different drivers and red cups.

Yeah the yokes are definitely the achilles heel on Fostex cans. It's hard understand why they didn't do a better job on the TH900 and if you look at the price of factory replacement yokes it seems delusional.

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