Forza AudioWorks Impressions Thread
Jun 7, 2016 at 7:59 AM Post #1,171 of 4,804
I recently got my color serie usb cable. i have to say that I am impressed by the quality of work. It looks fabulous!
Great work! I am now looking forward to have my headphone recabled by them.
Jun 7, 2016 at 12:24 PM Post #1,173 of 4,804
Has anyone been able to compare Mat's different copper offerings (noir hpc vs claire hpc vs colour)? 
I've been looking for a custom cable for my 2.5mm HE400i (see my classified) and am very curious about the difference between FAW tiers.
Jun 7, 2016 at 1:26 PM Post #1,174 of 4,804
  what cable you want to order headphone?

I am looking at Noir and Claire serie, but I am leaning toward Claire purely because of the look.
I want to have my headphones recabled because the stock is now curled up and does not go back to the previous state no matter what I do.
Sound quality is not really my objective here.
Jun 7, 2016 at 1:45 PM Post #1,175 of 4,804
I am looking at Noir and Claire serie, but I am leaning toward Claire purely because of the look.
I want to have my headphones recabled because the stock is now curled up and does not go back to the previous state no matter what I do.
Sound quality is not really my objective here.

after the purchase, looking forward to your review!
Jun 7, 2016 at 6:57 PM Post #1,176 of 4,804
I have received my Noir Hybrid HPC for my Oppo pm 3 quite a while ago and having been comparing between the stock cable & with the noir.
At first it was quite difficult to tell the difference but going through my music and some couple of days later, the bass is more detailed, having a slight more impact & with the treble just extending just a bit more compared to the stock cable. Vocals i found to be slightly a bit better on the stock cable, female & male vocals just have more air to them compared to the Noir which has less air with male vocals but manages to have some air to the female vocals.
The thing i noticed with the Noir cable is that they have a much bigger bass body that hits slightly harder which in turns can take away from the vocals of the oppo pm 3, with the stock cable the bass is not really dominate which allows you to listen to the vocals which i prefer because of the added air to them.
Jun 11, 2016 at 8:41 AM Post #1,177 of 4,804
Got my Noir cable yesterday, a Piece of Polish Perfection. Mine is for my Mr speakers ETHER as I had the cheap stock canare cable. The Ether isn't a bass heavy headphone. Mine is internal modded MAXX134 Mod. So the signature is more even sounding across the range.

The bass is just nice with some air around the treble. Lasting that bit longer.. The mids on the ETHER are it's strong point and nothing is taken away from that. I am just going through a cleaning process on the 3 sets of 4 pins on this balanced cable. IPA,Caig Deoxit red. Then some mapleshade silver contact grease.

The build quality is superb, the proprietary weave is nice and even across the whole cable. Pulled taught,there are no kinks or excess wire. The custom heat shrink sleeving is always a nice touch and the splitter has a nice FORZA cog displayed. Lovely braiding material, great feel to it and the bonus of the new HQ wire type and sleeving with no issues of moisture affecting the wire going green on you, especially for the Claire buyers.

As with any cable , tweak, addons, sound is in the ears of the beholder, so far no issues. I never expected a sound change I just wanted a nice looking well made cable within a price range. Pimp out my rig...

The added bonus of signature is a nice suprise.

As always.. good work from our European Polish friends. Matt should open up a Uk centre, we have all the Polish shops here now so no missing out on that pickled cabbage...

Good luck at the Forza buisness and keep up the good work my friend. A+ service, I like supporting nice people, with a eye on the customers needs.

Kind regards

Dave UK
Jun 17, 2016 at 12:39 PM Post #1,180 of 4,804
Good job Forza, The manufacturer remains one of the best especially with the right price ! I chose two clear MK2 copper cables 6.3mm jack Viablue of 1.50 meter, finishing as flexibility are really perfect to go with my Ifi Micro IDSD 

Jun 18, 2016 at 6:37 AM Post #1,182 of 4,804
Hi everybody,
Just bought a second hand HD800 coupled with FAW Claire HPC mk2.
I’m a bit surprised because the famous 6khz pic that affects HD800 is definitely not present on my unit (serial 20k). Could it be due to the cable which attenuates it considerably? someone else maybe?
I owned previously a brand new HD800 with stock cable (serial 44k), and I feel like I have completely different headphones. The brand new one sounded (by memory) a bit more aggressive, the pike of the 6khz was very hearable, it’s like these was a bit more detailed, than my actual second hand with FAW cable, which is more relaxed sound, with more bass / infra bass, less details, more musical.
So my question is that, could it be due to the 20k HD800 series which are not affected by 6hz pike ? or it is definitely due to FAW cable ?
Too bad previous owner did not let stock cable, so I was able to make a little compare.
Thanks in advance for your answers
ps: salut DarktoreS :wink:

Jun 18, 2016 at 10:50 AM Post #1,183 of 4,804
  Hi everybody,
Just bought a second hand HD800 coupled with FAW Claire HPC mk2.

As far as I'm aware a well crafted HPC cable can help tame frequency spikes, or so I've read anyway - Matt's great at what he does so I'd say that's very possible, as well as the fact your brand new HD800 were not "broken in" before hand (if you believe in that sort of thing) which could've made them even brighter than they actually are.
The Claire are very nice so as said, that probably has something to do with it as well. Looks beautiful by the way, so congrats.
PS: Recently received my USB cable made by Matt too, as always the build quality is exquisite and the cable looks and feels super smooth - sonically speaking everything sounds as it should. Impressive work as per usual.
Jun 18, 2016 at 11:03 AM Post #1,184 of 4,804
  Hi everybody,
Just bought a second hand HD800 coupled with FAW Claire HPC mk2.
I’m a bit surprised because the famous 6khz pic that affects HD800 is definitely not present on my unit (serial 20k). Could it be due to the cable which attenuates it considerably? someone else maybe?
I owned previously a brand new HD800 with stock cable (serial 44k), and I feel like I have completely different headphones. The brand new one sounded (by memory) a bit more aggressive, the pike of the 6khz was very hearable, it’s like these was a bit more detailed, than my actual second hand with FAW cable, which is more relaxed sound, with more bass / infra bass, less details, more musical.
So my question is that, could it be due to the 20k HD800 series which are not affected by 6hz pike ? or it is definitely due to FAW cable ?
Too bad previous owner did not let stock cable, so I was able to make a little compare.
Thanks in advance for your answers
ps: salut DarktoreS :wink:

Hey Subwoof3r, the IDSD is good with the HD800 ? lol

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