Forgotten little treasure; Samsung Galaxy Buds Live ... 'the beans'.
Jan 14, 2024 at 10:50 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 21, 2023
Spain, UK
The following is of course in my opinion only, you may disagree and more than even full size headphones, this kind of 'in ear' (it isn't ... quite) is dependant on good fit.

I am not a headphone expert, I don't spend thousands on them and my love lies more with speaker based Hifi (currently still in the UK but hopefully soon to be re-united with me in Spain/Barcelona). See my other HP's in my profile.

Ok, with all disclaimers mentioned, I start with:

The product; They are a BT 5.0 'in ear' headphone with noise cancelling and an Android app for adjustments, updates etc.. They differ from other BT headphones in that they have no rubber tips as usually found. Instead they fit tightly in what I assume is the 'concha', the outside of the ear canal, using a choice of rubber gaskets which can be interchanged (please correct me if I have picked the wrong medical description). - This has some consequences, both good and bad, more later. They initially retailed for around £130 or thereabouts. As far as I am aware Samsung doesn't make these anymore but they are still available NOS for around half their RRP on Amazon and other sites. This 'review' is for the Galaxy Buds LIVE, not their successors the Galaxy Buds 2 and 2 Pro's which I also had and immediately sold before snapping up another new set of these (buds live) for when mine eventually give up. The successors truly sounded terrible in comparison, can't find other words to describe them but they had one distinct advantage, more later.


Looks and build; One is subjective, the other isn't. These are imho some of the sleekest (BT or otherwise) in ears available. They are small and almost disappear. People often talk to me not realising I am wearing them. Whether that is good or bad, you are the judge but personally I dislike bulky In-ears or ones that have odd pieces sticking out. These have this amazing, organic, tiny (bean) shape and in their black metallic colour makes them appear jewel like. For some reason women really dig the looks. I often have questions. Some men perhaps prefer a more macho looking in ear ... whatever.


Build is just super solid and in my 3 or so year long experience of using them, impeccable. They charge as intended, keep the charge (yes, after 3 years of daily use ...) and that extends to the very small, equally solid case, protected with a Spigen outer from new (not included). Both case case and phones survived multiple accidental drops during this time with no ill effect. I believe they have a modicum of water resistance. I have worn them many times in rain with no ill effect but I don't believe they are rated to go swimming with. They probably survive a gym session or two but heavy sweat could possibly damage them.

Comfort; I simply don't notice wearing them. Can't really say more other than this may be different for you depending on preferences and, obviously, shape of your ears. I can easily lie on the side of my head whilst listening and I often wear one in my left ear whilst road cycling. They stay put securely and I never had one falling out of my ears accidentally. Practicality; Obviously very good. No wires ... no hassle. You will question how to exactly insert them in your ears (and case) for a day or two. After this it will become second nature. Because they have no tips I personally find them incredibly comfortable, to the extent that I sometimes forget to take them out before I put the case away.

The app; the Android only app is ok, no more and will give basic adjustments. It initially did have a 5 band graphic equalizer which has subsequently been dumbed down/replaced with sound pre-sets after an update. After initial misgivings for no other reasons than that I really (!) dislike 'dumbing down of products' I have found them to be fine however especially as my listening preference has always been with EQ flat (now called 'Normal'. Others are available to good effect if required. All impressions of mine are using the normal/flat profile unless otherwise mentioned. The app is fairly basic, not much to play with but also easy to use, effective and it works. Nuff said.


Noise cancelling; In a word, non -existent and likely the one reason you don't want these. Because of the way they fit (no tips) both active and passive noise cancelling is abysmal. Do not buy these if you need good NC! Their successors have improved this substantially reverting back to conventional tips but at unacceptable cost to sound quality, to me at least.

However, buy these if you like good, no, great sound ...

Sound: Starting with bass, it has a gorgeous, fleshed out and bouncy/elastic quality that hits hard and fast. It seems to walk that tightrope between too much and not enough. Without EQ applied (see above) it will be enough for most. It does not bleed into the midrange, at all, but the progression from sub to low to upper bass and then lower midrange is seamless. Nothing is missing, nothing standing out. Its just organic, fluid and lovely lows. Double basses are clearly delineated and sound like real wood instruments whilst electronica can rattle ears.

Mids; Very nice and essentially flat. They seem neither recessed nor forward.

Highs; I include lower, upper and high treble ... beautiful in a word. Incisive but no distortion or sibilants. Long term listening fatigue is non existent for these ears. Treble extension is good rather than great.

All of the above can easily and effectively be attenuated via the App/EQ.

Soundstage; Great for an in-ear, not quite on par with say, my Sundara (itself not the best admittedly). Fantastic focus and separation though. A picture without any identifiable holes.

PRAT; Pace, rhythm and timing ... very good. Involving.

I am not a pro reviewer and leave lengthy flowery descriptions to others. I absolutely love these headphones and despite them being BT/non wired they exceed in SQ. I put them up agains all my other Headphones and they do not 'embarrass' themselves. In fact, as far as bass is concerned, these are amongst the best. For fun, they rank as or amongst the best.

Many (most?) pick BT in ears for noise cancelling. Unfortunately that is exactly where these fall down, probably because of the same reason they sound so good. I recommended these to two work colleagues. Both purchased them, both love them.


Noise cancelling (both active/passive
Basic app
Battery life decent rather than great.
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