First true Hi-Fi headphones; And I can't decide.
Feb 27, 2009 at 6:13 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 29


100+ Head-Fier
Feb 27, 2009
These are the current "Finalists".

Sennheiser HE60
Beyerdynamic DT990
AKG K340
AKG K272
AKG K601
AKG K 701
Aud.Tech. ATH-ESW9
Sony MDR SA5000
Etymotic ER-45
Denon AH-D5000
Beyerdynamic DT880
Aud.Tech. ATH-W1000
Grado SR325i
Sennheiser HD650
Sennheiser HD600
Stax SR404
AKG K601
Koss ESP 950
Aud.Tech. ATHW11R
AKG Acoustics K271

I previously owned Monster Beats by Dr.Dre and they were terribly bass-driven. I'm looking for a very even and very well balanced set of earphones; Earphones with which I can listen to both extremely technical metal as well as classical music with the best possible reproduction of studio sound and the utmost of clarity. Price range for the above list is $200-$600 (with the Sennheiser HE60s being the exception, at $700.) I'm thinking that an Electrostatic system may be the best kind of driver, but I could be wrong.

I love--and live for--my music, and as such I want to be able to draw as much enjoyment out of it that I can. Any and all commentary and suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Feb 27, 2009 at 6:21 AM Post #3 of 29
Eh... I might be able to afford an RSA SR71 ($395.00) sometime in the future. Either way, I often listen to my music at a fairly low decibel level (So as not to affect my hearing) and this makes it difficult to hear details with my current $80 Sennheisers (as good as they may be.)

So, no, I go unamped, for now, but I expect to be investing in some better equipment soon. (Mind you, it's really a little unnerving when your amp cost you more than your headphones.)
Feb 27, 2009 at 6:22 AM Post #4 of 29
That's a nice list of headphones you got there.

I haven't listened to the majority of them, but I can tell you with certainty that DT770 doesn't do classical or metal very good and you could safely strike them from your list.
Keeping in mind I'm not experienced with the others, I'd give my vote to HD650 just because I listen to a wide variety of music and I enjoy mine a lot with classical, metal, electronica and jazz. A lot of people don't think HD650 is fast enough and recommend HD600 instead, maybe you should add those to your list. Make sure you have a nice source and amp to get the best out of your phones.
Feb 27, 2009 at 6:23 AM Post #5 of 29
It's mighty hard to say which headphones would suit you best, especially since your budget statement is so very broad. Have you heard any of the headphones in your list at this point so that you know generally what you like or dislike? I've heard, owned or own some of them, and based on my limited experience, would take a stab at the AKG K601 as sounding "very even and very well balanced."

However, if I were to recommend anything I've heard as being nearly ideal for listening to any kind of music, then without a doubt I would point to the Etymotic ER-4S. They need at least some mild amplification, but it's certainly easier to drive them than most of the full-sized headphones on your list.
Feb 27, 2009 at 6:31 AM Post #6 of 29
AKG K601s
Etymotic ER-45s
HD650 --(or)-> HD600s
and Nix the DT770s.

Got it.

Any low-cost, good bang-for-buck Amp recommendations?
Feb 27, 2009 at 6:38 AM Post #8 of 29
Honestly, if I were you, I'd try a couple of the lower ranged models just to get an idea of the various flavors offered.

Try the AD700s by Audio Technica. They are around $100. Also, try out the Grado SR80. They can be had for 75+ shipping at music direct. Denon D2000s are around $200. Last thing you want to do is buy an expensive headphone and not like the sound. Get a couple of pair of the cheaper models and then when you've identified a signature that's more towards your liking, then you can move up in teh headphone chain while selling your old model.

Grados are more aggressive and better for fast paced music like rock. I've heard they are quite good unamped, but have comfort issues and can have ear-piercing highs. Great for fast music, but not all that good for slower, more intimiate pieces.

Sennheiser are good all-around phones. However, if you get somthing like the HD600, it will require you put some good juice behind via amp unless you want a distant, overly soft sound. Can be too gentle for something like metal.

Denons are well balanced from what I hear, however they do have an emphasis on bass. They have been reported to have a slightly recessed midrange as well.

AKG 701 has a very large soundstage, and excel at detail retrieval, but some report it as sounding plasticky and they have a rep for being hard to amp as well.

Audio Technicas have a prominent midrange and excel at clarity. However, the 700s and 900s have been said to be a bit bass shy, and the AD2000s have been said to have an overpowering midrange.

As you can see, people have their qualms with different models. What's MOST important is finding the can that has the sound signature that fits with you. It's more important than getting a refined, expensive model. For example an AD700 by audio technica for $100 can be a lot more enjoyable for you than a Grado RS1 for around $700 if you can't stand the Grado sound signature but love the Audio Technica signature. Spend a little money dabbling around with the lower models, identify your sound signature (or signatures as you may prefer to have different headphones for different genres), and THEN look into getting more refined and expensive models.
Feb 27, 2009 at 6:40 AM Post #9 of 29

Originally Posted by Kayito-san /img/forum/go_quote.gif
AKG K601s
Etymotic ER-45s
HD650 --(or)-> HD600s
and Nix the DT770s.

Got it.

Any low-cost, good bang-for-buck Amp recommendations?

The EF1, which I own, has been getting rave reviews for an amp that is sold at $300.
Feb 27, 2009 at 6:40 AM Post #10 of 29
I really like my Gilmore Lite, and if I were in the market for a portable amp (since you mentioned another portable amp) to drive either the ER-4S or the K601 or even the Sennheisers on your shortened list, I would choose the Head-Amp AE-2 in hopes that it would be the most similar to my desktop amp, which I think does very well with all of the aforementioned headphones.
Feb 27, 2009 at 6:56 AM Post #11 of 29

Originally Posted by Kayito-san /img/forum/go_quote.gif
These are the current "Finalists".
Price range for the above list is $200-$600 (with the Sennheiser HE60s being the exception, at $700.) I'm thinking that an Electrostatic system may be the best kind of driver, but I could be wrong.

If you can get the HE60 for $700 it's a given. Though you will need an amp for it, unless the HEV70 is included? Go! You will be able to sell the phones with a profit if you don't like them.
Feb 27, 2009 at 7:03 AM Post #12 of 29
Sennheiser HD650s with the new Compass DAC/amp will bring you with in a few steps of auditory nirvana. That would really fit your budget. When you're ready, get a tube amp Little Dot Mk3 is a nice start and improves drastically with better tubes.

Honestly, the HD650s I feel are the phones made for music lovers. There are certainly more detailed cans, more bassy cans, and more blinging cans out there, but I've never heard anything as lush and depict music with such drama and authority. Always leaves me with a warm and energized feeling after a long listening session.
Feb 27, 2009 at 8:11 AM Post #13 of 29
I would get the Stax SR-404.
Then use the money left on amplification (some left, since you consider the HE60).
Feb 27, 2009 at 8:51 AM Post #14 of 29

Originally Posted by KevM2 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The EF1, which I own, has been getting rave reviews for an amp that is sold at $300.

I agree with this amp, and the Grado SR-80 recommendation. As it was said, you don't want to spend a bunch of money on a pair of phones and have them not be the pair you were looking for. Maybe some SR-80s and a pair of HD-650s? You could sell one or the other or, you might just end up liking both for their strengths in certain genres.
Feb 27, 2009 at 8:56 AM Post #15 of 29
If you can afford the HE60, GET IT. You shant be dissapointed.

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