First HiFi Headphones... can i do better?
Sep 10, 2016 at 1:50 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 24


New Head-Fier
Sep 10, 2016
My old pair of earbuds finally gave out, and since i recently moved into an apartment i decided to get some HiFi headphones since i cant really utilize my JBL towers. 
Last night i went to best buy and somehow walked out the store with the Bose qc35s, they went back this morning, and i picked up some B&W p3s  which i think sound better for $150. It was between these, and the c5 s2 earbuds. 
a few questions:
1. is $150 a reasonable price? 
2. are the c5 s2 better? ( i couldnt try them out )
3. can i do alot better for the price? (200 or less)
So far i really like the p3 but they seem to like to shift forward on my left ear and i loose some of the sound.
Sep 10, 2016 at 4:57 PM Post #2 of 24
Many prefer Audio Technica ATH M50 at $150 price range which should match or mostly beat the commercial $300 HPs. See if you can audition it before buying but even if you blind buy, these HPs are  time tested and well acknowledged in the audiophile comunity
Sep 10, 2016 at 6:12 PM Post #3 of 24
The M50s have lost a lot of popularity on Head-fi. They are considered harsh and clumsy-sounding.

Audio Technica does have the ATH-MSR7, which is very highly regarded, with a smooth and refined sound.

If you can find the Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 Over-Ear, then by that for sure. I love those so much. They do drop to the $200 range now and again.

Sep 10, 2016 at 6:18 PM Post #5 of 24
The M50s have lost a lot of popularity on Head-fi. They are considered harsh and clumsy-sounding.

Audio Technica does have the ATH-MSR7, which is very highly regarded, with a smooth and refined sound.

If you can find the Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 Over-Ear, then by that for sure. I love those so much. They do drop to the $200 range now and again.

Too good to be true ?
Sep 10, 2016 at 6:38 PM Post #6 of 24
MDR-V6/MDR-7506. Old, but still good. For a little more money you could pick up a pair of K701's, K702's, or DT880's. If you prefer a warmer sound, Amazon currently has HD600's for $250 (Actually, the package is $400, but it has the headphones and a $150 gift card). Mind you, most of those are open headphones, and provide almost no isolation.
Edit: T70's are also good deals, as long as you EQ some bass into them.
Sep 10, 2016 at 6:54 PM Post #7 of 24
Pretty much all of those options need an amp to sound their best.

I love my HD600, but didn't recommend it because it seems like 04lss is looking for a good low-impedance portable option.
Sep 10, 2016 at 7:00 PM Post #8 of 24
Thanks for the info i read somewhere that the technica have artificial bass ? Not sure if its that model or not

The Audio Technica ATH M50x are a tiny bit bass heavy (though I wouldn't call them basshead headphones).  I think it comes across as more offensive sounding for some because they're supposed to be neutral and analytical, though if you prefer a bit of thump, you'd be in for a treat.  My buddy has them and I've auditioned them.  I thought they were pretty nice; clear highs and mids, though on songs with a good beat, the bass did sometimes intrude a bit into the lower mids.  I ran them through with an amp and they benefited in clearing up.  I could hear more separation and it didn't sound nearly as bloated in the lower registers.
I've heard good things about the Audio Technica ATH M40x though, which is the M50x's baby brother and about $50 bucks cheaper (around the $100 range).  More neutral overall, with nice separation sans needing extra equipment.  I think they're my next pair to buy if I can audition them and they live up to what people say.  I've read a lot of recommendations to forgo the M50x in favor of the M40x if you're wanting a more analytical sound.  They're not perfect, but usually don't have any deal-breaking coloration like people have with the bass on the M50x and they're reportedly the best in the $150 sub price range.
Sep 10, 2016 at 7:17 PM Post #9 of 24
Pretty much all of those options need an amp to sound their best.

I love my HD600, but didn't recommend it because it seems like 04lss is looking for a good low-impedance portable option.

True, but they all scale well, so if 04lss ever wants to upgrade, he can. 
The sony's don't really need an amp to sound great, and they're $100 or less
Sep 10, 2016 at 8:24 PM Post #11 of 24
It's hard to say, really. Bower and Wilkins is a good brand, and the P3 gets good ratings, last I checked. It's just not often talked about. There are likely better options.

If you want to stay with the low profile of on-ear design, I'd recommend trying the Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 On-Ear. If it's anything like my Over-Ear version, it should please you well.
Sep 11, 2016 at 4:30 AM Post #12 of 24
ATH M50 for oopmph on the bass and Treble, yeah it is not the most refined or smooth sounding HP but sure is exciting. Senn Momentum are more refined, have better mids and clarity with smoother bass and treble. I personally like ATH M50 though in the $150 category to but YMMV on what you are looking for and there could be other new HPs in that segment as well. In IEMs Dunu 1000 is pretty decent as well in that price range  with slight fun V sound
Sep 11, 2016 at 9:31 AM Post #13 of 24
Are you looking for easily driven portable headphones, or are you okay with a full-size open back?
Also, If you could get both the headphones and a nice dac/amp (Schiit Fulla, Fiio) within your price range, yould you? I ask because the sony's (MDR-V6 and MDR-7506) can be found on amazon for about $75, leaving room in your budget for a very nice DAC/amp, and most people prefer them to the ATH-M50x.
It seems like you already have good speaker gear, which often comes with integrated headphone amps that can drive things Beyer, AKG and Sennheiser full-size, high impedance models.
If you are okay with open back designs, but don't want to have to use amps, the HD 5x8 series is good. T70's are also easy to drive even though they have an impedance of 250 ohms. Driving mine from my tablet vs my Magni 2 Uber doesn't show many differences, although I haven't formally compared them yet. (I could if you want)
Sep 12, 2016 at 11:21 AM Post #14 of 24
  Are you looking for easily driven portable headphones, or are you okay with a full-size open back?
Also, If you could get both the headphones and a nice dac/amp (Schiit Fulla, Fiio) within your price range, yould you? I ask because the sony's (MDR-V6 and MDR-7506) can be found on amazon for about $75, leaving room in your budget for a very nice DAC/amp, and most people prefer them to the ATH-M50x.
It seems like you already have good speaker gear, which often comes with integrated headphone amps that can drive things Beyer, AKG and Sennheiser full-size, high impedance models.
If you are okay with open back designs, but don't want to have to use amps, the HD 5x8 series is good. T70's are also easy to drive even though they have an impedance of 250 ohms. Driving mine from my tablet vs my Magni 2 Uber doesn't show many differences, although I haven't formally compared them yet. (I could if you want)

First thanks for all the replies!
Im probably going to return the p3s I love the sound but I find them uncomfortable.
I should explain, I want headphones that I can drive from my phone, (soon to be an LG v20)
I plan to listen at work, so open back is probably not good for my situation (office environment)
I think I would prefer some over the ear headphones as I might be wearing them all day.
I want clarity as my first priority, but I don't want harshness, and I do still enjoy some thump.
I listen to everything from rap, to country, to jazz, to rock, to classical. I want something versatile.
Mobility doesn't really factor in, as long as I can get them in a bookbag, im good.
Thanks again for the replies! 
Sep 12, 2016 at 2:58 PM Post #15 of 24
I would recommend sony MDR-V6 or MDR-7052. I have heard that they sound the same, although some say they don't. They do look different. 
If you don't care about looks, DT-100, DT-150, or DT-250 may be better sounding than the sonys, but slightly more expensive. DT770 would also be good as a more bass-heavy and "fun" option, but aren't very portable.

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