Finding open headphone
Jun 4, 2015 at 3:13 AM Post #16 of 27
Wow that's really informative, I did tried sr80e before, but just for a short while. So I kind of forgot the sound, I only know it leak the sound a lot. Actually hd 598 is a good choice too right?

No it is not that good choice. Almost non existent real bass, too much mess up in lower hights. undapmed rough sound... but better soundstage...
AKG K612 AKG KXX also is a good way to go if you want cheap. thoughts on AKG KXX - better control even than HD600, bass is tighter, kinda more hifi sounding at first glance, but upper mids lower treble distortion kills it quality... I have owned Q701 also, older generation... well good, but not that great, however for the price it is nice. K612 is very dependent where you plug into, also good headphone.
Why I recommend HD600 is that it has most organic, natural and well put together sound. You might find other headphones better in some other margins. However if you stay and listen music you will realize that HD600, due to soundstage and natural organic character is truly open headphone... and others fake it ... DT880 AKG line and so on. research more how damping is done. and remember sound travels is space.
which amp suit the best for hd 600? Or even hd598?

Better amp better it sounds, better DAC better it sounds. Depends on how much money is left ...I highly suggest get Audioquest Dragonfly V1.2 if not than grab Fiio E12 or other Fiio AMP and buy DAC later...
regarding links - go to sales forum here and you will find 
Jun 4, 2015 at 3:08 PM Post #19 of 27
OP, I was where you are two years ago.  Classical music listener, looking for some good open cans with around the same budget.
First off, the headphones.  For this genre of music you want as natural a sound as possible, and HD600 will give you the most natural per dollar spent.  If you shop well you can find them for well under $300.  (I got mine used for $275 CAN).
You can play them off your smartphone or DAP and they will sound good, however I find that a decent amp will open up the treble and get rid of that so-called 'veil' that some people complain about.  However, they don't need much.  A mere PA2V2 or Fiio E07K is enough to make the HD600 sing quite well.  If you have an old integrated amp or receiver lying around, or find one for $50 off a garage sale, it may be the last headphone amp you'll ever need.
About the Dragonfly: it lack a little juice as an amp for the HD600.  Great DAC though, if you can put an amp between it and the Senns (I use a Schiit Vali).  E07K is a good DAC/amp combo for under $100, at least it can power the HD600's well enough.
Jun 4, 2015 at 8:41 PM Post #20 of 27
The HD598 is warmer than the HD600, but (to me) it's not as good, altough it's way easier to drive (aka you won't need an amp as much, I have HD555s (which are comparable to the HD598 in my opinion) and they are relatively easy to drive). But I find them (the HD598) expensive for what they are, so if you can find them at around $200 I'd take them, but otherwise maybe wait until you have a bit more money and get some HD600 (or HD650, depends on if you prefer warmer (HD650) or natural and detailed sound (HD600)) and a good amp. But if you're ready to pay around $400 for headphones, go with some HD600/HD650 (or other models in the same range) and not Grado.
About the amp itself, I can't tell you really, I'm looking for an answer myself (I'll most probably buy some HD600 when I have enough money :p ).
Jun 4, 2015 at 8:49 PM Post #21 of 27
  OP, I was where you are two years ago.  Classical music listener, looking for some good open cans with around the same budget.
First off, the headphones.  For this genre of music you want as natural a sound as possible, and HD600 will give you the most natural per dollar spent.  If you shop well you can find them for well under $300.  (I got mine used for $275 CAN).
You can play them off your smartphone or DAP and they will sound good, however I find that a decent amp will open up the treble and get rid of that so-called 'veil' that some people complain about.  However, they don't need much.  A mere PA2V2 or Fiio E07K is enough to make the HD600 sing quite well.  If you have an old integrated amp or receiver lying around, or find one for $50 off a garage sale, it may be the last headphone amp you'll ever need.
About the Dragonfly: it lack a little juice as an amp for the HD600.  Great DAC though, if you can put an amp between it and the Senns (I use a Schiit Vali).  E07K is a good DAC/amp combo for under $100, at least it can power the HD600's well enough.

Where did you find them at $275? I want to know 

Jun 4, 2015 at 9:18 PM Post #22 of 27
Kijiji (a Canadian classified ads website).  The poor guy had to sell his 2-year-old cans because his wife heard his music from the bedroom next door... I hope he was able to find a good closed headset.
Jun 4, 2015 at 9:31 PM Post #23 of 27
lol! Poor guy. Well yeah I know Kijiji, but I thought you meant I could have new ones for $275 :p . But I have a friend who works at Archambault, he'll check tomorrow how much it'd cost him for the HD600!
Jun 5, 2015 at 8:31 AM Post #26 of 27
I find HD600 suits other kinds of music very well - while it shines with classical it is a superb all-rounder.  On rock music it will tend to steer your attention towards the midrange a little more than you might feel used to.  You may like this or not, but one thing must be said - it does wonders for guitars.  I used to like Rush especially for the drum and bass playing, but it wasn't until I put on the HD600's that I realized that what Alex Lifeson does with guitar colour and texture is pure genius...
Sure, the HD650 might give you more oomph and a fuller sound, but do you really listen do AC/DC for its rhythm section?  No, you want to savour the Young brothers' guitars and the HD600 will give you the best view of them.
And the 650s cost more.  Nuff said.
Jun 7, 2015 at 8:01 AM Post #27 of 27
I find HD600 suits other kinds of music very well - while it shines with classical it is a superb all-rounder.  On rock music it will tend to steer your attention towards the midrange a little more than you might feel used to.  You may like this or not, but one thing must be said - it does wonders for guitars.  I used to like Rush especially for the drum and bass playing, but it wasn't until I put on the HD600's that I realized that what Alex Lifeson does with guitar colour and texture is pure genius...

Sure, the HD650 might give you more oomph and a fuller sound, but do you really listen do AC/DC for its rhythm section?  No, you want to savour the Young brothers' guitars and the HD600 will give you the best view of them.

And the 650s cost more.  Nuff said.

Thank you I think I made my mind, will choose hd600 instead of grado or hd650 .
The amp I won't choose Fiio e17, think is not enough for hd600....
I am considering O2+odac or little dot mk4.... Still not sure which one I should go for the amp

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