Final audio B3 takes over top spot!
Dec 5, 2021 at 7:22 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


New Head-Fier
Feb 20, 2019

There are some many different views, ear shapes, and preferences in the world that it's truly hard to know when you have the one. Sometimes you base things on the cost, look, or even hype from others that truly push you into a direction. Based on all that I have seen and heard, the 9nly consistent fact is that there will never be the perfect anything in technology for everybody. Ultimately, you will be blessed to just find what meets your root needs. You also need to understand there will never be a time where you find something that doesn't have another thing doing it better than what you have. Go spend $100-$4000 and none of those prices produce something unbeatable. There will always be a more expensive item or less expensive item doing things better. So, to continue to chase down something like a unicorn in technology is foolish.

So sometimes you need to just keep what you have in your lap that checks your root need boxes. And for me that what I found out about the Final audio B3's. You see, before that I had the Kato's, which were absolutely beautiful pieces of jewelry with amazing fun sound. But for me, what I found out is that they created too much pressure in my head. They have venting holes but I don't think they work very well for me and then the weight of the IEM would cause seals to break and you found yourself adjusting them. I'm sensitive to pressure build ups inside my ears/head and always seek to avoid earphones and headphones that create this. So for me buying a product, like a IEM always presents a challenge to me. Blessingly I found a solution to this issues in the form of the B3. Not only do they have better venting with no pressure creation but they delivered a soundstage, imaging, separation, treble extension beyond anything tried to date. The only issue I found that wasn't superior was bass extension on lower power sources. If the Kato's were a 10 on bass then these would fall into a 7(imo)on bass response. But with soundstage, vocals, mids, timbre, treble extension, separation and imaging...9 and 10's(imo). And on top that zero pressure or fit issues. In fact, its fit was on par of custom design earphones.


Even its look and design for me is something of luxury and it better be, right? These IEMs cost $500 compared to the $189 of the Kato's. So if there was a negative, that would be it, the expense. Now granted I didn't spend that amount on my pair, nowhere near that price but it is the mrp on that product. So that has to taken into consideration because the majority of the people in the world will still pick the Kato's because of the bass and price difference. And I'm not going to pretend that there is no cause for it. But my choices are based on or should be based on my personal needs. And for my needs, having something that doesn't scratch up when I look at it is important, having no headaches or pressure build up inside my brain is also somewhere on that list I guess :). And of course it doesn't hurt to have a sound that is just amazing. Overall, my point is that while there is plenty of earphones out there...finding what's right for you might not always fit others opinions. And most of all remember what you have, it isn't the best..because there is no such thing no matter how much or how little you spend.
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