FiiO X7 preview world tour--tour impressions rolling in
Oct 21, 2015 at 1:31 PM Post #182 of 732
Oct 21, 2015 at 1:59 PM Post #184 of 732
Not the Oppos, noooooooo

Jkjk, kind of. Have you tried them?

Thats a big negatory... waiting for them to arrive for review the the tour... by my estimates, should be here round mid November
Oct 21, 2015 at 5:25 PM Post #190 of 732
  When my wife wants to know why I spent another 300-400 dollars on headphones, I'm going to tell them it's Fiio's fault for sending me a DAP worthy of the the new cans!

I see what you did there.
Once you get the new cans, you'll have to send the tour X7 on its way. Then you'll have to get your very own X7 to properly support the new cans. 
From here on out, I am WATCHING YOU VERY CAREFULLY. 
(I have so much to learn.)
Oct 21, 2015 at 7:33 PM Post #193 of 732
P.S., Have everything shipped to work, guys.

"Long-term loaner, honey."

"Selling old gear more than paid for this purchase."


You've done this before! :wink_face:
Oct 21, 2015 at 9:48 PM Post #195 of 732
What do you want to try with X7 that the IEM module won't drive @Barra?

I am sure that the IEM module will drive my CIEMs very well, but the Hidition's scale up very well so it would be interesting to see if the various amp modules would sound better with them or maybe provide flavor variety making the X7 very versatile. The only other example of a DAP with amp modules that I know of is the 901 and most owners swear that the balanced model sounds a ton better than the standard IEM amp that comes with it - even with CIEMs - so I am interested to compare with the X7. It would be unfortunate the reviewers to give a good review rather than an awesome review due to a lessor amp or one that doesn't hit their flavor preference when there is another that nails it.
I have also been listening lately to my AK100ii with my HD700 and LCD2.2 and prefer the sound with an additional amp - my warm, textured, and dynamic sounding C&C BH2. That combination gets me most of the way to the SQ of the much more expensive setups that I was just listening to at RMAF/CANJAM. It would be nice to get that sound quality from just the X7 alone if one of the amp modules gets me there.

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