FiiO X1 II (2nd Gen) w/ Bluetooth!
Oct 21, 2016 at 10:12 AM Post #916 of 3,121
Apple uses .m4a for both ACC and ALAC, and I have both, I must first check a file in each album to find if it's ACC or ALAC then convert if ALAC.
I have about 2000 ALAC and 6000 ACC files. Also, a cover file must be created for FLAC files that is not necessary for ALAC files.
Conversion is fast if the file is on a computer but to convert a file on a microsd it's slower. I'm using microsd cards from my X3 that are loaded with files.
Are the restrictions on bluetooth playback common with other HiRez players?
you can get an SD card adaptor for less than $1. I use it to transfer my file from SD card to computer and vice versa since X1 transfer rate is damn slow.
What did you mean cover file must be created? Foobar2k can transfer all tag including cover art during conversion.
Oct 21, 2016 at 10:38 AM Post #917 of 3,121
you can get an SD card adaptor for less than $1. I use it to transfer my file from SD card to computer and vice versa since X1 transfer rate is damn slow.
What did you mean cover file must be created? Foobar2k can transfer all tag including cover art during conversion.

I'm on Mac and i believe foobar is a Win app. I use an adapter with the microsd on my computer but it is still slower than if the file was on a computer HD. I use Amadeus Pro to batch convert and all my FiiO's X5ii, X3 and X1ii sometimes will not show a cover unless a cover.png is in the folder, so I always include a cover in the folder. 
I any case it's a pain the A** to have to do these conversions. iPhone doesn't have a problem with ALAC on bluetooth.
Oct 21, 2016 at 10:44 AM Post #918 of 3,121
I'm on Mac and i believe foobar is a Win app. I use an adapter with the microsd on my computer but it is still slower than if the file was on a computer HD. I use Amadeus Pro to batch convert and all my FiiO's X5ii, X3 and X1ii sometimes will not show a cover unless a cover.png is in the folder, so I always include a cover in the folder. 
I any case it's a pain the A** to have to do these conversions. iPhone doesn't have a problem with ALAC on bluetooth.
oh I see. Sorry can't help with Mac. Yeah foobar2k is Windows software and it offer hassle free conversion. It transfer all tag and album art to the converted file automatically.
Oct 21, 2016 at 11:01 AM Post #919 of 3,121
oh I see. Sorry can't help with Mac. Yeah foobar2k is Windows software and it offer hassle free conversion. It transfer all tag and album art to the converted file automatically.

Amadeus Pro also transfers all tags in the conversion but sometimes the cover didn't display when playing a file so I add a cover.png just to be sure. I love FiiO products but sometimes it takes awhile for the FW to work as expected.
Oct 21, 2016 at 11:11 AM Post #920 of 3,121
Based on all that has been posted about issues with the X1 II in terms of issues and incomplete features.  I think Fiio tried to change to much all at once on this DAP.
I think if they had made the changes to the form factor, the audio side with the new DAC and changes made to the amplifier section to improve the sound and added the new touch wheel that would have been a good place to stop.
Clearly bluetooth is not ready and it appears more testing needed to be done on the new OS before rolling it out.  For $150.00 CAN the hardware changes alone would have been enough to get me to buy one.
I would have left the new OS to rollout on the likely more powerful X3 III and left bluetooth until the next round of DAP updates.  Perhaps by then Fiio could have implemented bluetooth fully with support for Apt-X or maybe that will come with the next X3 and or X5.  There seems to be to many holes to plug on this DAP and I will wait until the X3 III to see if Fiio can get everything right.
Oct 21, 2016 at 3:29 PM Post #922 of 3,121
Some real world reviews from Amazon buyers.  Scroll to the bottom to read them.  What kills me is the review from the guy who owned it for 30 minutes and raves about it followed by the folks having issues.  One would think testing in-house would be much easier than dealing with these things coming in the form of customer complaints/issues.  One or two people in the FiiO office could have found all of this stuff in a day without really trying to hard IMO.  Hopefully FiiO addresses these things soon before more bad reviews get out there.  
Oct 21, 2016 at 3:34 PM Post #923 of 3,121
40% are one star reviews!! I'm not on my own then. I am a bit disappointed to say the least. I also have an m3 which also has never really reached normal Fiio standards. No updates for that either.
Oct 21, 2016 at 3:45 PM Post #924 of 3,121
40% are one star reviews!! I'm not on my own then. I am a bit disappointed to say the least. I also have an m3 which also has never really reached normal Fiio standards. No updates for that either.

The M3 was a disaster IMO, but that's a topic for another thread.  In all seriousness, this stuff can give a company/product a bad name.  This is even more of a reason this stuff should have been tested prior to putting it on the market regardless of FiiO's excuse as to why they can't. There will be more reviews like those coming.  I only hope FiiO can address and fix these things sooner rather than later.  Makes me worry how future X3 & 5 models will be released to the public because their current method of sort of working as advertised doesn't really work for me.
Oct 21, 2016 at 3:58 PM Post #925 of 3,121
40% are one star reviews!! I'm not on my own then. I am a bit disappointed to say the least. I also have an m3 which also has never really reached normal Fiio standards. No updates for that either.

Might pay to qualify this - there are 5 reviews up and 2 are 1 star.
And I'm disappointed in this release too.  I've been patiently waiting for a decent fw update to address some of the bugs before I review it.  My patience is wearing thin though.  I wouldn't pay for it in its current state.
Oct 21, 2016 at 4:01 PM Post #926 of 3,121
  The M3 was a disaster IMO, but that's a topic for another thread.  In all seriousness, this stuff can give a company/product a bad name.  This is even more of a reason this stuff should have been tested prior to putting it on the market regardless of FiiO's excuse as to why they can't. There will be more reviews like those coming.  I only hope FiiO can address and fix these things sooner rather than later.  Makes me worry how future X3 & 5 models will be released to the public because their current method of sort of working as advertised doesn't really work for me.

I have made this point more than once in Fiio threads and after 15 years selling audio equipment. I can say nothing kills a manufacturer quicker then continually bad reviews.  People keep posting that this kind of thing is taken as normal in the Asian market.  But if Fiio wants to keep selling their products outside of Asia this product rollout method needs to change.  
Oct 21, 2016 at 4:15 PM Post #927 of 3,121
Might pay to qualify this - there are 5 reviews up and 2 are 1 star.
And I'm disappointed in this release too.  I've been patiently waiting for a decent fw update to address some of the bugs before I review it.  My patience is wearing thin though.  I wouldn't pay for it in its current state.

You have been involved with Fiio products much longer than I have.  How do you think the X1 II compares to other Fiio DAP's on first release in terms of bugs?  At this point being their 8th DAP they should be getting better on releasing complete products and not worse.
Oct 21, 2016 at 4:28 PM Post #928 of 3,121
  You have been involved with Fiio products much longer than I have.  How do you think the X1 II compares to other Fiio DAP's on first release in terms of bugs?  At this point being their 8th DAP they should be getting better on releasing complete products and not worse.

The problem for me isn't the obvious bugs as such - its the incompleteness of it.
  1. Bluetooth which is patchy and very weak as far as signal goes
  2. UI which is really, really, REALLY slow
  3. Scanning which half the time does not work.  I have 6500 AAC tracks which is my normal library.  Its read by every other FiiO device. This one keeps getting jammed, and it's because the scanning is so slow. I've even formatted cards in the X1ii and its no better.
I don't mind waiting for a few bugs to be fixed.  But in its current form, I can't even get the X1ii to go half the time (ie it won't finish scanning).  And its not my card or the files. Its the device.
Oct 21, 2016 at 5:59 PM Post #929 of 3,121
Might pay to qualify this - there are 5 reviews up and 2 are 1 star.
And I'm disappointed in this release too.  I've been patiently waiting for a decent fw update to address some of the bugs before I review it.  My patience is wearing thin though.  I wouldn't pay for it in its current state.

I've noticed you've been pretty silent thus far and you saying something like this says a lot. 
Oct 21, 2016 at 6:04 PM Post #930 of 3,121
  The M3 was a disaster IMO, but that's a topic for another thread.  In all seriousness, this stuff can give a company/product a bad name.  This is even more of a reason this stuff should have been tested prior to putting it on the market regardless of FiiO's excuse as to why they can't. There will be more reviews like those coming.  I only hope FiiO can address and fix these things sooner rather than later.  Makes me worry how future X3 & 5 models will be released to the public because their current method of sort of working as advertised doesn't really work for me.

I was initially satisfied buying the M3 in November even though I knew there  were firmware bugs. I became unhappy though when March arrived, and the M3 firmware still didn't work adequately. It is now almost November, 11 months since I bought the M3, and they still don't have firmware for it that will play the songs in order by track number. Now some people may become wary of buying a Fiio player knowing the firmware isn't perfected, hoping a good version will be available within three months. I might buy the X1 V2 if there is a large black Friday discount on it. Otherwise i will probably wait until the firmware is perfected before buying it.

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