Fiio FT5
Nov 11, 2023 at 9:38 AM Post #121 of 403
Because one guy on a forum tells they are muddy because of beeing "flat" (?!) doesnt mean they "need" eq in any given way. High Fidelity means as close to the original as possible, so a basically flat reponse is exactly that. When this guy is more into V-Shapped, thats fine, but doesnt tell anything about the FT5 at all!
Sure. Again opinions are subjective. I've said I'm not an expert.

Please do share your impressions too.
Nov 11, 2023 at 3:38 PM Post #124 of 403
Bought ones today, from Aliexpress at a massive discount (turned out $387.72).
Could you share a link or send it to pm?
Nov 11, 2023 at 4:44 PM Post #125 of 403
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Nov 11, 2023 at 5:58 PM Post #126 of 403
Yeah, saw your post on reddit too. Sorry to hear they're not what you were hoping for.

What you're describing perfectly aligns with the Audio Technica guy's impressions a few pages back, with the FT5 reminding him of the old Audeze house sound (LCD2 pre fazor/LCD3) with their neutral/dark upper mids. Definitely a marmite sound signature.

I've been hoping VSG would quickly get a pair and measure the frequency response like he did with the FT3's upon their release.
UPS is taking its sweet time but it's in the UK now finally. I imagine it will be delivered Monday or Tuesday, I'll share photos and measurements here when done.
Nov 14, 2023 at 12:22 PM Post #128 of 403
I am interested in the FT3 32 Ohm because Fiio stated that my Q3 MQA has not enough power to drive the original 350 Ohm version. Seems like the 32Ohm version has a LCP Aluminum-plated + Aluminum Metal Composite diaphragm so sounds (probably) different. Seems the FT3 sounds better than the FT5 as far as I can read the reviews…
Nov 14, 2023 at 1:00 PM Post #131 of 403
Fr of ft3 seems to be lot flattee than ft5. Ft5 seems to have a bad treble peak.
Does it?

graph (2).png

graph (3).png

Let's not judge based on marketing figures, the FT5 is closer to a Meze planar set than a Hifiman set.
Nov 14, 2023 at 1:50 PM Post #132 of 403
Does it?

Let's not judge based on marketing figures, the FT5 is closer to a Meze planar set than a Hifiman set.

Thanks for the graphs.

First thought was the HarmonicDyne G200 which had similar midrange wonkiness due to it's pads. But yeah does seem to resemble a Meze Elite in tuning anyway.


What's your initial subjective listening impressions?
Nov 14, 2023 at 2:04 PM Post #133 of 403
Thanks for the graphs.

First thought was the HarmonicDyne G200 which had similar midrange wonkiness due to it's pads. But yeah does seem to resemble a Meze Elite in tuning anyway.

What's your initial subjective listening impressions?
Warm and relaxed, not exactly my preference. It's very well built and is comfortable so the Meze Elite comparison continues, although the ear pad spacing could be taller. Some photos of the FT5:


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