Feliks Audio Echo (new budget OTL amp)
Jan 20, 2024 at 4:27 AM Post #511 of 553
Anyone tried Arya Stealth with the Echo? I've read multiple reviews about the Echo that the Arya Stealth sounds great with it. Anyone with experience?
Feb 10, 2024 at 11:36 AM Post #512 of 553
Hoooly I own the echo for a couple years now. I am not really into tube rolling, but as I was searching for the monolith liquid platinum and it's discontinued, I decided to check the forum for echo tubes. And just saw this.
I know it's just 35 pages. But anyone can summarize what's some end game tubes for the echo? I am not really willing to spend 2k like these 300B for envy.
But I could go 200+€. If it's worth it.
Btw I am in the eu. And really trying to avoid customs.

Thank you everyone! ☺️
Feb 10, 2024 at 12:07 PM Post #514 of 553
Feb 10, 2024 at 12:57 PM Post #516 of 553
I use EH 6922 Gold Pins for mine. Also an upgrade from original tubes. I love em.
Feb 10, 2024 at 1:57 PM Post #517 of 553
Bel NOS Ecc88
I have the Tungsram and they are very very good! Improvement to the original tubes for sure.
I use EH 6922 Gold Pins for mine. Also an upgrade from original tubes. I love em.
Both driver and power?
Excuse my stupidity, never messed with tubes. Is there any advantage of getting different driver/power companies?
Should I begin with driver then power? Otherwise? Which provides more sonic difference/benefits?
Thanks in advance ☺️
Feb 10, 2024 at 1:57 PM Post #518 of 553

Sure, there's a lot of room for improvement if you upgrade your drivers. The included 6N1Ps are a good starting point, but compared to better NOS, I found them a bit grainy and the mids are less liquid. It's been 3 years since I got my Echo, and I've tried 4 different drivers:

  • Voskhod 6N1P (included tubes): Good dynamics, tonal balance is nice, just lacking a bit of liquidity and refinement.
  • Tungsram E88CC: The fastest transients and most resolving sound so far; these little guys slam hard, have a very refined treble, and produce a holographic presentation. However, the mids are just a bit thinner than the other options. If a thicker reproduction of vocals is your thing, you may find the Tungsrams a bit hollow. But if you're searching for resolution and detail, the Tungsrams are the way to go.
  • Sylvania/Philips JAN 6922: These are a steal, very inexpensive American-made tubes that provide a punchy bass (not as tight as the Tungsrams but well-extended), great mids and voice reproduction (fuller), a decent soundstage, good dynamics, and refined treble. They are just a couple of steps behind the Tungsrams on detail retrieval. (If you want to add them to your collection, try to get the ones with green labels; those with blue labels are a bit less resolving in my experience).
  • Amperex Bugle Boy (Herleen) E88CC: These are hard to find at acceptable prices. The best of both worlds, not as fast as the Tungsrams but almost there. Mids are textured and natural, detail retrieval is great, and they have the sweetest and most refined treble reproduction that I've experienced in the Echo.
Telefunkens must be super good; usually, my favorites in other variants (12AU7s/EL84), but I've never gotten to listen to a 6922 type. So I'm just guessing based on that. Nevertheless, I am not sure if I would spend 30% of the Echo's MSRP just on driver tubes.

About the 6N6Ps (power tubes): The included tubes do the job really good. If you get some Foton 6N6P, you may find them warmer and fuller, but not particularly better, just a different sound signature.
NOTE: Some 6N6Ps come with 'red tips' or are offered as 'gold grids' at higher prices. Don't pay the extra cost and make the same mistake; I discovered that these are the same tubes as the regular ones. The red tip indicates they were simply re-tested.
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Feb 10, 2024 at 2:11 PM Post #519 of 553
Both driver and power?
Excuse my stupidity, never messed with tubes. Is there any advantage of getting different driver/power companies?
Should I begin with driver then power? Otherwise? Which provides more sonic difference/benefits?
Thanks in advance ☺️
I will not divulge too much as the previous user did quite a nice roundup, however, I will answer the question. You definitely should start with driver tubes on almost every tube amp. These are the tubes that change the sound in the most meaningful way. As for power tubes, they can change but the Echo is limited by the 6N6P tubes and there are not many options or options that would improve the sound. I have found the stock 6N6P tubes to be totally fine and if you need new power tubes, the 6N6P tubes are very cheap in many places like VivaTubes or Upscale Audio. Remember to stay within the tube families that the Echo can use. Putting the wrong tubes can damage it. That being said, you should just buy and try. People sell tubes all the time so if you don't like them, someome will buy them off you. Finally, you asked for companies. It depends. Each company has a particular sound but most popular ones are Jan, Telefuken, Electro Harmonix, Amperex, Sylavania, Philips, Genalex, among others. It really depends on what you want or what gear. If you want to add clarity, bass, mid range, warm. Stuff like that.
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Feb 10, 2024 at 3:34 PM Post #520 of 553
Sure, there's a lot of room for improvement if you upgrade your drivers. The included 6N1Ps are a good starting point, but compared to better NOS, I found them a bit grainy and the mids are less liquid. It's been 3 years since I got my Echo, and I've tried 4 different drivers:

  • Voskhod 6N1P (included tubes): Good dynamics, tonal balance is nice, just lacking a bit of liquidity and refinement.
  • Tungsram E88CC: The fastest transients and most resolving sound so far; these little guys slam hard, have a very refined treble, and produce a holographic presentation. However, the mids are just a bit thinner than the other options. If a thicker reproduction of vocals is your thing, you may find the Tungsrams a bit hollow. But if you're searching for resolution and detail, the Tungsrams are the way to go.
  • Sylvania/Philips JAN 6922: These are a steal, very inexpensive American-made tubes that provide a punchy bass (not as tight as the Tungsrams but well-extended), great mids and voice reproduction (fuller), a decent soundstage, good dynamics, and refined treble. They are just a couple of steps behind the Tungsrams on detail retrieval. (If you want to add them to your collection, try to get the ones with green labels; those with blue labels are a bit less resolving in my experience).
  • Amperex Bugle Boy (Herleen) E88CC: These are hard to find at acceptable prices. The best of both worlds, not as fast as the Tungsrams but almost there. Mids are textured and natural, detail retrieval is great, and they have the sweetest and most refined treble reproduction that I've experienced in the Echo.
Telefunkens must be super good; usually, my favorites in other variants (12AU7s/EL84), but I've never gotten to listen to a 6922 type. So I'm just guessing based on that. Nevertheless, I am not sure if I would spend 30% of the Echo's MSRP just on driver tubes.

About the 6N6Ps (power tubes): The included tubes do the job really good. If you get some Foton 6N6P, you may find them warmer and fuller, but not particularly better, just a different sound signature.
NOTE: Some 6N6Ps come with 'red tips' or are offered as 'gold grids' at higher prices. Don't pay the extra cost and make the same mistake; I discovered that these are the same tubes as the regular ones. The red tip indicates they were simply re-tested.

I will not divulge too much as the previous user did quite a nice roundup, however, I will answer the question. You definitely should start with driver tubes on almost every tube amp. These are the tubes that change the sound in the most meaningful way. As for power tubes, they can change but the Echo is limited by the 6N6P tubes and there are not many options or options that would improve the sound. I have found the stock 6N6P tubes to be totally fine and if you need new power tubes, the 6N6P tubes are very cheap in many places like VivaTubes or Upscale Audio. Remember to stay within the tube families that the Echo can use. Putting the wrong tubes can damage it. That being said, you should just buy and try. People sell tubes all the time so if you don't like them, someome will buy them off you. Finally, you asked for companies. It depends. Each company has a particular sound but most popular ones are Jan, Telefuken, Electro Harmonix, Amperex, Sylavania, Philips, Genalex, among others. It really depends on what you want or what gear. If you want to add clarity, bass, mid range, warm. Stuff like that.

Super thanks to both of you.
This is all the info I needed.
I will try as suggested.

Thank you very much again ☺️
Feb 10, 2024 at 4:56 PM Post #521 of 553
Wow again... And when I thought I had enough info... Hahahha this is madness..
Now where to get these in eu?
I found these two posts trying to understand and it all got very fuzzy.
And here
Feb 10, 2024 at 5:07 PM Post #522 of 553
Feb 10, 2024 at 5:18 PM Post #523 of 553
Feb 10, 2024 at 9:59 PM Post #524 of 553
Both driver and power?
Excuse my stupidity, never messed with tubes. Is there any advantage of getting different driver/power companies?
Should I begin with driver then power? Otherwise? Which provides more sonic difference/benefits?
Thanks in advance ☺️
For me just the driver are changed to Tungsram. Very distinctive change: its like if all instruments have now a special place for each one in the 3D sphere around your head and the resolution and detail are all there ;no siruppy effect; everything is controled but never harsh ; honestly I never though music could sound so good.
Very highly recommended! You will not regret it!
Feb 11, 2024 at 7:45 AM Post #525 of 553
Trying to decide between options lol

I ended up with 3 options (or 4 or 5 or 7)....in mind.

+Mullard E88CC for 367 Holland gold pinned (Like this one for the added warmth but don't know how is going to be 3d wise)

+Amperex 7308 for 270 USA gold pins yellow ink (this should be more neutral, but in all my reads didn't find any yellow mark ink, so don't know).

+Amperex E88CC for 160 Holland no gold pins (this should be easy pick to just try, bit I wonder if I like them I may just get some better and put these 160 towards a better tube. Which leads me to another question, does a tube sound that different from 160 to 400 on an echo?)

+Then there is an Amperex 6922 from USA with gold pins and PQ logo for 500.
(Considering I bought the echo for 500 in a local dealer here at a discount price, I think it's too much, and I should save the 500 towards better tube amp).

+Tungsram seems to be nice. But I am seeing from 80 to 400 price. (Couldn't really find tungsram in a reliable ebay vendor I've been provided).

Any ideas? Should instead of spending a cent on the echo, wait 3 months or so and get the envy performance? Maybe something happens and I never get the envy.
Also, the envy is not just the tube amp, I should get cables and that's an added 600-700.

I am looking at ebay. If you need links to check these lmk.

Thanks everyone ☺️🤯
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