Favorite and most hated instruments?
Aug 5, 2004 at 9:26 PM Post #16 of 94
just for you, raif:

Aug 5, 2004 at 11:43 PM Post #17 of 94
Fav: Piano. But not by itself. Piano as a backup instrument or part of band, (Think Delta Goodrim, Supertramp,etc).

Hated: Vocal Synthesisers. Let's face it synths have their place, like on Pink Floyd's album, or adding weight to Emerson Lake Palmer. Even Alan Parsons Project. What they souldn't be used for is to make a crap singer sound like she can almost sing. (Britney Spears and the rest of the top 50)
Aug 6, 2004 at 2:26 AM Post #20 of 94
Fav: Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Double Bass. Pretty much it.

Hated: Most Brass instruments, Violin/Fiddle, woodwinds, guitars with so much distortion that you can't even tell what chords/notes are being played.
Aug 6, 2004 at 6:28 AM Post #21 of 94
D-EJ915, that is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. It is absolutely impossible to get a good acoustic tone from an electric guitar. You could spend a thousand dollars on the best piezo bridge pickups that money could by and mount them on your best sounding electric guitar, and you would still only be approximating "acoustic tone," as you call it. The cheapest and most beat up plywood Takamine would still sound better if you're looking for "acoustic tone."

My favorite instruments would have to be guitar and Rhodes piano. The Rhodes just has such a unique, expressive sound, somewhere between a guitar and marimbas. And the guitar (especially the electric guitar) is probably one of the most versatile instruments ever conceived (unless you count a synthesizer as an instrument).

My least favorite instrument would probably be the flute. I know it can sound beautiful depending on the player and the piece, but after hearing all the disco songs in the 70's that showcased the instrument (especially the Hustle), it sounds really cheesy to me.

Aug 6, 2004 at 7:21 AM Post #22 of 94
Favorite Instrument: It's just impossible for me to pick a favorite because in one piece of music, I'll love the piano, and in another song, I'll swear to like the trumpet or bass guitar even more, just to shortly after contradict myself. In general, I'd say bass guitar and drums.

Most Hated: GuineaMcPig...............................hit it right on the head. I can't stand the flute. Funny thing is, is that eveyone in my house plays an intrument. My mom happends to play the flute and I don't think I'd every tell her how much I hate that silver blowtube.

PS: D-JE915, HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE SLAP BASS? (not really a question). I was just listening to Victor Wooten - Me & My Bass Guitar and DAMN that is some amazing playing. It's also a nice funky track too.
Aug 6, 2004 at 2:41 PM Post #25 of 94
love: wah-wah-pedalled distorted guitar in the right hands (say, j.mascis or joey santiago)

hate: shoes. that's an instrument, yes. at least in austria, bavaria and i believe switzerland and slovenia. before you ask, no, you don't blow into it, you hit the soles with your palms. the costume you wear when doing this is worthy of another topic.

and as for the swiss... famous for constructing some of the best gear and gears, they also build the largest, ugliest, rudest sounding instrument still in use today: the alphorn. looks and sounds like the front part of an elephant (though ten times as long). imagine a didgeridoo with only one note, but ear-splittingly loud.
the ancient romans and celts used similar stuff in war
Aug 6, 2004 at 3:40 PM Post #27 of 94
Most favorite? Don't really have one, but when done well, I really like the violin, cello, and piano.

Most hated? Does Bob Dylan's voice count? If not, do the random objects used in "noise" music count? If still not, I'll go w/ the bagpipes.

I'm kinda surprised at all the brass hate. But, the songs I listen to w/ brass in them, the brass is played well and sounds good. Your average marching band brass players, well, that's another story...
Aug 6, 2004 at 4:36 PM Post #28 of 94

Originally Posted by eyeteeth
Hated? Bagpipes

I'm glad i'm not a cop or firefighter because they'd play those wretched things at the service were I to fall in the line of duty.

Please note that there are TONS of different Bagpipes and none of them sound the same.
Aug 6, 2004 at 4:59 PM Post #29 of 94

Originally Posted by dhwilkin
Most favorite? Don't really have one, but when done well, I really like the violin, cello, and piano.

Most hated? Does Bob Dylan's voice count? If not, do the random objects used in "noise" music count? If still not, I'll go w/ the bagpipes.

I'm kinda surprised at all the brass hate. But, the songs I listen to w/ brass in them, the brass is played well and sounds good. Your average marching band brass players, well, that's another story...

Brass instruments are really hard to record well (moreso than guitar and stuff), so...they sound small in recordings, or at least on the ones I have. Anyway, Bob dylan's voice is a good hate thingy...umm...listen to the band "Dead Baby Feast"...their song "mammoth man" sounds like a garbage disposal to my english teacher. p.s. I'm really anti-acoustic if you haven't noticed, I just hate the tone.
Aug 6, 2004 at 5:16 PM Post #30 of 94
MY favorite instrument is the violin, partially for the fact that I've been studying it for many years and mainly, because I love the sound.

Actually, as a solo instrument, I'd often like a viola even more, it has the right combination of treble and depth that just melds to form the most beautiful music.

My least favorite instrument wuold have to be the Tuba. The tuba itself must be its musical limitation because I've heard some of the greatest tuba players play and it still seems that the sound is muddy and lacking very much precision.

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