fastest triode tube?
Jul 11, 2015 at 4:03 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 28


100+ Head-Fier
Feb 21, 2013
31 Tube amps,both OTL and transformer coupled have usualy bandwidth of 75 to 100khz,transistor amps are much faster,even the slowest ones like Violectric V281 or 430HA are 200khz+...then you have current mode amps like Bakoon that go to 1Mhz

the slower,the warmer the sound.... faster = more detail,resolution,better transient

Aried Cerat have Impera II pre amps with their reverse triode that go to 500khz

my question is,what tube is fastest,with highest bandwidth

EDIT : look what I found! Image about million of these in OTL cyclotron :basshead:
Jul 11, 2015 at 4:16 PM Post #2 of 28
the slower,the warmer the sound.... faster = more detail,resolution,better transient

how could you get such an idea?
Jul 11, 2015 at 5:26 PM Post #3 of 28
Warmer amps generaly have lower bandwidth and more neutral,high resolution ones have higher bandwidth,for example look at v281,Rag and bakoon ..... more bandwidth more accurate sound,its a fact.The faster,the more precisely it follows input signal
Jul 11, 2015 at 5:41 PM Post #4 of 28
Warmer amps generaly have lower bandwidth and more neutral,high resolution ones have higher bandwidth,for example look at v281,Rag and bakoon ..... more bandwidth more accurate sound,its a fact.The faster,the more precisely it follows input signal

One can easily design an amp with fast or high slew rate active components and have a low bandwith. We are neither bats nor radar sets so our human bandwidth is very limited. Sound to me like you're chasing ghosts.
Jul 11, 2015 at 5:41 PM Post #5 of 28
Warmer amps generaly have lower bandwidth and more neutral,high resolution ones have higher bandwidth,for example look at v281,Rag and bakoon ..... more bandwidth more accurate sound,its a fact.The faster,the more precisely it follows input signal

I think you'll need to present rather more robust evidence than you have so far 
Jul 11, 2015 at 8:32 PM Post #8 of 28
lets masturbate over my claim that faster amps are more accurate and totaly ignore the whole point of this thread and that is answering whitch tubes have highest freqency response/bandwidth/whatever
Jul 11, 2015 at 8:36 PM Post #9 of 28
  lol you say my evidence is weak yet you presented zero evidence :D

I'm not the one making the claims, you are. I'd like to know where you get backing for your assertion, simple as that, do you have some source for your assertion ?
Jul 11, 2015 at 8:41 PM Post #10 of 28
I'm not the one making the claims, you are. I'd like to know where you get backing for your assertion, simple as that, do you have some source for your assertion ?

did you heard : 1. any tube amp?
                       2. V281?
                       3. Ragnarok?
                       4. Bakoon ( preferabely the japanese one )
if yes,then google their max freqency,its no rocket science that more slewrate/freqency response/bandwidth = less warmth more resolution
Jul 11, 2015 at 8:47 PM Post #11 of 28
did you heard : 1. any tube amp?
                       2. V281?
                       3. Ragnarok?
                       4. Bakoon ( preferabely the japanese one )

if yes,then google their max freqency,its no rocket science that more slewrate/freqency response/bandwidth = less warmth more resolution

Ragnarok: 20 Hz - 20 kHz, -0.1 dB. -3 dB at 300 kHz.

You have no clue what you're talking about.

Jul 11, 2015 at 8:55 PM Post #13 of 28
did you heard : 1. any tube amp?
                       2. V281?
                       3. Ragnarok?
                       4. Bakoon ( preferabely the japanese one )
if yes,then google their max freqency,its no rocket science that more slewrate/freqency response/bandwidth = less warmth more resolution

What do you mean by warmth (do you mean low order distortion or high frequency rolloff ?) and resolution?. I am not sure that resolution is even a meaningful term as presented here, but what do you mean by it ? Do you mean bright ?  Any half decent amp tube or SS will be more or less flat but not all are. I am genuinely struggling to understand exactly what you are getting at...
Jul 11, 2015 at 9:10 PM Post #15 of 28
The all tube Schiit Valhalla 2 has a -3 dB of 200 kHz.


didnt heard Valhalla,the Rag is 50% faster and again,even through I didnt heard Valhalla I bet Rag is more accurate and Valhalla is warmer
thank you for supporting my claim 


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