ety foams way better than triflanges?
Mar 6, 2005 at 2:18 PM Post #16 of 33

Originally Posted by KenW
Careful. You know how nicknames get started and somehow stick with you...."big ears".

Which buds did you decide on for the yardwork? One thing I find appealing about using the ety's for yardwork is the isolation. The roar of the motors is much less intrusive with these vs. the Senn MX buds. I'm probably just not a bud man and will likey just change to the foamies for yardwork vs. the comfy tips for casual listening around the house.

Using Koss Plugs modded with Ety large yellow foams. Isolates good, too. Sounds like Regus above is another "Big Ear" Guy.
Mar 6, 2005 at 3:37 PM Post #17 of 33
in my case right ear canal is arrower than the left one .
putting foamies in is a PITA. in contrast, the triflanges just slip in nicely and provide enough isolation for my purposes. Also the bass is a lott better in my playing experience with them. I use the 4S version
Mar 6, 2005 at 8:36 PM Post #18 of 33
I'm in the foamie camp at the moment. But I've gone back and forth a couple of times and wouldn't rule out changing again. However, the foamies are much more comfortable for me than the triflanges. And at the moment I think they sound better.

I actually had custom ear-molds made, but these didn't work for me at all. The seal was good, but the sound was really thin. Most likely that's because the ear-molds forced the Ety's well out of my ear, with a long windy passage from the transducer to the innermost tip of the mold. When I gave up on the earmolds and went back to the standard tips was when I really learned to love the Etys.

By the way, why does Ety-smiley have them on backwards?
Mar 6, 2005 at 8:52 PM Post #20 of 33
Have you guys tried the Shure tips? I find the E3 small gray-flex tips extremely comfortable. I really need to try some tri-flanges...
Mar 6, 2005 at 9:13 PM Post #22 of 33

Originally Posted by EdipisReks
maxxfell, which company made your custom molds?

It was Westone in Kalamazoo, I believe. I'm not absolutely sure of that (it was a few years ago now), but I think that's who it was.
Mar 7, 2005 at 8:13 AM Post #23 of 33
I use the triflanges with my Etys. I push 'em in deep to get good bass response and to seal out the rest of the universe.

I crave that "music generating inside my brain" experience you get with Ety earphones. I've even been known to drive this way. (On a sparsely driven highway of course.) I don't recommend it but, if music is your favorite drug too, well, you understand.

A note to those considering Etys but worried about the "pain" factor mentioned in this thread: with fairly frequent usage, your ears will most likely adapt to the Etys' insertions. This is sort of a "losing your virginity deal." After a few times it starts to feel good. Or so I've been told.
Mar 7, 2005 at 9:43 AM Post #24 of 33

Originally Posted by maxxfell
It was Westone in Kalamazoo, I believe. I'm not absolutely sure of that (it was a few years ago now), but I think that's who it was.

ok, thanks. i've read about problems with the Westone molds, both on the Shure E5 and the Etymotics. if i get a custom mold made, i think i'll go with Sensaphonics.
Mar 7, 2005 at 11:27 AM Post #25 of 33
I prefer tri-flange, but every now and then it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to get a seal on one of the sides. This happened yesterday, and when the tri flange doesnt get a seal, you might as well listen to Sony earbuds. They WILL sound better than tri flange that arent sealed.
Mar 7, 2005 at 1:12 PM Post #26 of 33
I was using foamies for about 3 weeks but I went back to the triflanges. I like the triflanges better because they are more comfortable for me and it is easier to insert.
May 9, 2005 at 4:39 PM Post #27 of 33
1st post in a few years. Have had Ety's the whole time and prefer foamies for isolation. Tri-flanges leak inwards. The original foams I got with my ER-4P's, around yr 2000, were much shorter than they come today, a welcome improvement. I've used tri-flanges a lot and agree w/ease of use and perhaps marginally better accuracy, but in the real world I find its the foams that set a significantly quieter stage for the extraneous noises that come with portability.

Anyone use Xin's plugs? If I thought there were a way to achieve better isolation, I'd consider. My last pair of foamies began leaking outward so much that I found a train passenger once turned my direction and gave me a look while listening to a Pat Methany guitar solo. It took that many years to realize Etymotics can leak, too.

May 9, 2005 at 4:49 PM Post #28 of 33
I've always found the bi-flange mod to be my favorite. More comfortable without sacrifice in sonics.

Sonically, the foamies to me dulls the highs too much over tri-flanges. Must be the soft foam soaking up high frequencies like room treatments..
Jun 4, 2005 at 1:49 PM Post #29 of 33

Originally Posted by Jon L
Sonically, the foamies to me dulls the highs too much over tri-flanges. Must be the soft foam soaking up high frequencies like room treatments..

I have had exactly the opposite experience with the foamies brighter and definitely more textured than the triflanges. The strings are soo sweet on the foamies but if i want a warm bassy sound i would choose the triflanges
To me the choice of tips is dependent on the music.
eg. Massive attack,Paul Van dyk sound best on triflanges
All MTV unplugged cds u2 eagles <--- foamies all the way

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