Ety ER-4P(s) or Shure E5?
Jul 11, 2003 at 7:57 PM Post #5 of 17
It depends on which sleeve is used. Both can use a custom sleeve, a foam sleeve, or a triple flanged silicone sleeve. The E5 can also use a flex sleeve, which is a soft plastic. Isolation also varies from user to user, as ear shapes are different. The highest isolation comes from a custom sleeve, which can offer 22-26dB of isolation. The foam is next, anywhere from 20-25dB. Triple flange and the flex sleeve are a little lower, 15-20dB average.

I can't say that either E5 or ER-4P isolates more than the other. Without measurement equipment it's impossible to determine from ear to ear.
Jul 11, 2003 at 7:58 PM Post #6 of 17
Wow.. cool.. Didn't know we had a Shure rep among us..
Now we can have the Etymotic v. Shure shootout between Don and Sugarfried.
Jul 11, 2003 at 10:52 PM Post #7 of 17

I am a satisfied owner of the E5. I notice that there is a noticeable difference in sound between the flex sleeves and the triple flange. I notice with the triple flange a deeper bass but more than that I notice less extreme highs, as if they were more controlled I would say. I am playing a Pat Matheney on a portable MD and I notice this difference on the cymbals specially.
I don't know if this difference is due to the lenght of the triple flange which is substantially more than the triple flange or is this difference due to the fact that the hole is bigger on the flex sleeve. Or maybe some other reason. I am still experimenting.
Might you enlighten us a bit if there are any tests done to substantiate this, or is this more like an art?
Jul 12, 2003 at 5:45 PM Post #8 of 17
interesting, MisterLuc, i noticed some differences with the triple flanges, too (you've seen the thread). strangely enough, i seemed to get better low and high end, and better imaging in particular. a wild, stabbing guess would be that since the 3xflanges go farther into your ear, the distance between the hole and eardrum is shorter, so the sound isn't affected as much by the ear's contouring inbetween??

it is nice to know i'm not the only one who hears a decidedly noticeable difference...but boy, if the custom molds sound like the 3xflanges, with much better isolation, i'll be in heaven. gonna try to order a set after vacation, and see how those do!

Jul 13, 2003 at 11:25 AM Post #9 of 17
You gotta keep in mind guys that the manufacturers reps are known to the moderators and they're NOT allowed to post anything subjective about their products - I've seen a thread with a number of posts removed by the moderators and a message left to remind us of this rule.
Jul 14, 2003 at 1:46 PM Post #10 of 17
MisterLuc: The length of the triple flange definitely plays a role in frequency response. KellDammit's suggestion is correct - the sound doesn't travel through larger and smaller portions of the ear canal, and it is also related to the proximity to the eardrum.

Isolation is different between the sleeve options, and the level of isolation also has an impact on the frequency response. A custom sleeve on any earphone - not just E5 - can have a sort of 'stabilizing' sensation. There is no movement in the ear anymore, it's almost a complete coupling to the ear. Quite different than any other option.
Jul 14, 2003 at 5:08 PM Post #11 of 17
I have never heard the E5. However, I have owned the ER-4P for 6 months now and could not be more satisfied. Therefore, I can wholeheartedly reacommend the ER-4P.

Dec 2, 2003 at 2:29 PM Post #12 of 17
Dec 2, 2003 at 4:05 PM Post #13 of 17
Hmm.. talk about old thread revival..?..

This thread is back before I finally decided to sign my life away on the forum (I lurked for about 2 years before that)...

Of course, since then, more comparison has been made.. so.. if you just search around for them, there's direct ER-4 and E5 comparisons, as well my various plug/custom molding review of the E5.
Dec 2, 2003 at 7:12 PM Post #14 of 17
Also there's some speculation and photographic evidence that Shure E3C's are coming Real Soon Now. If you're not in a hurry, you might wait and see how they stack up before making the E5/ER-4 decision.

By the way, I see that the title of this thread specifically refers to ER-4P. Is there a reason you're comparing the E5 against the ER-4P rather than the ER-4S? (For what it's worth, I started with ER-4Ps but now listen exclusively with the 4P->4S adaptor cable. I preferred the tonal balance of the ER-4S despite having to turn my iPod up much higher.)
Dec 2, 2003 at 7:49 PM Post #15 of 17
as far as i understand, this thread is for the ER-4S too..

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