Mar 17, 2007 at 9:38 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


Headphoneus Supremus
Oct 6, 2005
Just received their CD, " Palace of Mirrors" , ordered based purely on a recommendation in a fellow Head-Fi'ers sig (don't recall who), and I'm listening to it for the first time now. It's awesome stuff! Difficult to classify, but kind of a fusion/post-rock/symphonic craziness that's really quite unique.

I'm wondering, does anyone know if their other albums are as good? Cheers.
Mar 17, 2007 at 9:41 PM Post #2 of 9
Funky rock styled neo-classical? Whoa, that sounds like some I would love. I'll need to check them out sometime. Yeah, I'm going to need some suggestions on which album to get.
Mar 18, 2007 at 1:58 PM Post #6 of 9
Yes. I've got all of their albums, and they're all pretty good. Probably my favorite band on The End Records at the moment... (I'm assuming I'm the guy who's sig you got them out of, also

Palace of Mirrors is probably the most coherent and unique thing they've done to date. It flows far better than their past albums, not quite as schizophrenic and not so much focused on gluing a bunch of different genres together as it is on taking all of those genres and morphing them into a Frankenstein-like orchestral gypsy surf rock soundtrack... on orchestral gypsy surf rock soundtrack with metal... metal with violin leads!!! It's also their first album without saxophonist/vocalist John Whooley, which sucks, but I suppose some people have always wanted Estradasphere to be a purely instrumental deal.

Their three other albums are fairly similar in that they're all blatant Mr. Bungle-worship, only considerably more exaggerated and with a larger focus on extravagant compositions and bizarre melodic experimentation. Of these, It's Understood and Buck Fever are probably the better. Take your pick.
Mar 18, 2007 at 2:43 PM Post #7 of 9
Also, anybody who likes Estradasphere should really check out The Deserts of Träun. It's ex-Estradaphere drummer/composer Dave Murray's band, and it's totally awesome. Very Esphere-like... perhaps even better.

Or to quote for people who are too lazy to click on links -


a musical adventure allying the use of Jazz, Funk, Classical, Metal, Fusion, World, Video Game, and Electronic Music to sonically describe settings, character personalities, and events to an original science fiction comic book epic.

Mar 18, 2007 at 9:09 PM Post #8 of 9
Hi Asmox. Yep, it was your sig, thanks for that
. Right now, I'm absolutely loving the track " Corporate Merger". Also, just about to check out The Deserts of Traun, & I see there are a load of track samples on that website. Nice, cheers!
Mar 18, 2007 at 9:53 PM Post #9 of 9
i classify them more as a neo post-progressive jangle-metal bluerock kinda band.

ok, ok, it's an awesome album. wish their other stuff was up to snuff, i love the quirky style of Palace of Mirrors, and i think i might go out and buy it just to listen to it properly (i last heard it through really bad quality mp3s and couldn't get the most out of it).

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