Errr...RioVolt SP250
Jun 13, 2003 at 6:04 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 4


Apr 10, 2003
I don't know if I just want to make myself feel better, but did anyone have their SP250 die on them? I've had it for about 1 1/2 years, and then for some reason it would be stuck on the power on screen and do nothing else (except making a noise every few seconds). The fact that SonicBlue had totally taken the product off their site did not exactly ease my anger for buying this $200 POS.
Jun 13, 2003 at 6:58 PM Post #2 of 4
I'm real close to a year and a half ownership with my SP250 as well. Can't say that I'm having any problems yet though. Like you said, it's not exactly comforting knowing that it's a discontinued product from a company that's still going through bankruptcy with so-so customer service to begin with. The upside is that after sonic blue's discount I only paid $120.00 for it.

Of all the discs thrown at it, I've only had one CDR-W that was not readable but was fine the second time I put it in. I've heard that if you keep pressing the buttons on the unit and not use the remote control you can cause the internal buttons to stick making the unit inoperable. Probably because it's cheaply built. As far as your problem. Is the unit worth salvaging? Probably not unless you feel like tinkering with the internals.

I'm looking for a harddrive mp3 player replacement at this point and keep the Sp250 as a backup. Sorry to hear yours failed. Anyone else with a unit that's still going strong or has there been nothing but problems with this RioVolt?
Jun 14, 2003 at 12:15 AM Post #4 of 4

Originally posted by MaxHeifetz
I don't know if I just want to make myself feel better, but did anyone have their SP250 die on them? I've had it for about 1 1/2 years, and then for some reason it would be stuck on the power on screen and do nothing else (except making a noise every few seconds). The fact that SonicBlue had totally taken the product off their site did not exactly ease my anger for buying this $200 POS.

Mine died about 6 months, 8? That's probably my fault, as the unit is very delicate, and having been dropped on the concrete floor twice or thrice. Ended up replacing it with the SlimX, which, ironically, is made by same company, iRiver.

You might want to contact them and see if they are willing to service your unit. While its not exactly under warranty with iRiver, the SP250 is exactly the same as iMP250 and they may be able to help you with your problem.

If you're feeling adventurous enough, you may want to try hacking your firmware as well, using iRivers instead of Rio's, which I did after finding about it on Google. That might help, but it seems like your problem seems like a physical one than software one.

Good luck.

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