Erratic replacement of TF10?
Nov 22, 2013 at 4:49 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


New Head-Fier
Dec 3, 2010
I'm quite a happy owned of UE TripleFi 10, and in my personal opinion, they're a pair of decent IEM's.
But recently I managed that they're JUST a good IEM's, their sound quality is flawless, and they fit fine, but now what I'm looking for is something more erratic, rather than perfect. I can remember having a pair of Fischer Eterna (v2) and I can call them since then an interesting ear's adventure provider ^^ So I though about replacing my TF10 with Eterna's brother - Fischer Silver Bullet. I've read that they've an amazing soundstage and a really punchy bass, and generally they're just awesome. 
Would it be a good move in order to suit my needs?
What would you recommend me as well?
My musical taste: ambient, neoclassicism, psybient, psychadelic, witch house, psytrance, drum and bass, and a bit of dubstep.
Nov 25, 2013 at 3:13 AM Post #3 of 3
What's your budget?
I would suggest you check out the following IEM:
  • Vsonic GR07BE (excellent...just got them. Can't go wrong with them)
  • T-Peos H-100 (current IEM, don't like it's V shaped signature)
  • T-Peos H-200
  • Dunu DN1000 (brand new in the market with good reviews)
  • Rockit R-50
  • HisoundAudio BA100
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