ER-4's for $219 at Headroom
Jan 18, 2005 at 12:38 AM Post #2 of 10
Haven't they ALWAYS been that price?

Now if they'd just bring back the 10% off coupon...
Jan 18, 2005 at 12:57 AM Post #3 of 10
$119 at Here's the coupon code-

rioe3129 $50.00 OFF E3 and E3c
rioe2c69 $30.00 OFF E2c
rioe5c369 $130.00 OFF E5c
rioer4p209 $50.00 OFF ER4P

Codes for other stuff too!!!
Jan 18, 2005 at 1:17 AM Post #5 of 10

Originally Posted by mr.karmalicious
$119 at Here's the coupon code-

rioe3129 $50.00 OFF E3 and E3c
rioe2c69 $30.00 OFF E2c
rioe5c369 $130.00 OFF E5c
rioer4p209 $50.00 OFF ER4P

Codes for other stuff too!!!


I must be missing something, there. Also, the shipping methods provided by earsonic I think are better.
Jan 18, 2005 at 1:28 AM Post #6 of 10
Woops! I meant $199. I got my E3's for $119- pricematched And I got free priority shipping.
Jan 18, 2005 at 1:33 AM Post #7 of 10

Originally Posted by Buffalo Bill

I must be missing something, there. Also, the shipping methods provided by earsonic I think are better.

yeah, looks like they come to $199 with that code. too bad. at $119 i would have bought a pair immediately. it would have made living off ramen noodles for a week worth it.

discount headphones has had them for $199 for quite a while.
Jan 18, 2005 at 2:47 AM Post #9 of 10
I got my ER-4Ps from Earsonic for $199 too. Very happy with their service.
Jan 18, 2005 at 3:58 AM Post #10 of 10
I got my Etymotic ER4P for $188 with free shipping from Ideal Sound on Ebay awhile ago.

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