EPZ Discussion and Impressions
Aug 1, 2023 at 1:35 PM Post #31 of 107
They are more subtle/delicate in presentation and I would say more balanced across the frequency range than the FH9 which is my favourite iem which makes everything sound huge and super dynamic even when the song isn't. The EPZ 530 is very correct and gives you what's recorded rather than shaping the music to it's own end. As I said the vocals are just on another level so intoxicating.
The Ie600 is DD sounds like a DD and brings everything that great about DD and everything that's missing.

I was comparing the 530 with the Kiwi ears Quintet and it beats it on everything except bass dynamics.
Thank you
Aug 1, 2023 at 5:00 PM Post #32 of 107
I paired my EPZ 530 with the Shanling H5. It's a pretty much definitive combo for me; I feel like I don't need anything more mobile than these two! The Shanling H5 has a lot of cool features, plus the warm sound I was looking for in a device like this. The EPZ, on the other hand, manages to unite a rich balance between musicality and microdetail delivery. Great!
Aug 1, 2023 at 5:19 PM Post #33 of 107
I paired my EPZ 530 with the Shanling H5. It's a pretty much definitive combo for me; I feel like I don't need anything more mobile than these two! The Shanling H5 has a lot of cool features, plus the warm sound I was looking for in a device like this. The EPZ, on the other hand, manages to unite a rich balance between musicality and microdetail delivery. Great!
20230801_212038~4.JPGSnap sort of just using hidizs ap80 pro X as a transport my only grumble about the EPZ is the cable connector keeps working loose. But as far as sound goes the synergy is great with the EPZ and H5
Aug 2, 2023 at 3:47 PM Post #34 of 107
Copying this over from Discovery thread:
I got my EPZ 530! In green. I haven't listened to it a ton yet but it sounds pretty classy, like Akros said. The look, build, and overall package is pretty damn classy too. Really nice cable, nice case(two of them actually but one is just a pouch), a wooden box you can reuse for whatever. I guess you could consider it a third case haha. I like the way Aur does things in that you just get the bare minimum basically, but I do like a nice(and interesting) case and a modular cable. I could live without the wooden box and nicer packaging. Regardless of that, the EPZ 530 seems pretty damn high on the value scale.

Here's a pic along with the Toneking Lucifer, which is also has an all wood build:
Aug 2, 2023 at 3:54 PM Post #35 of 107
Copying this over from Discovery thread:
I got my EPZ 530! In green. I haven't listened to it a ton yet but it sounds pretty classy, like Akros said. The look, build, and overall package is pretty damn classy too. Really nice cable, nice case(two of them actually but one is just a pouch), a wooden box you can reuse for whatever. I guess you could consider it a third case haha. I like the way Aur does things in that you just get the bare minimum basically, but I do like a nice(and interesting) case and a modular cable. I could live without the wooden box and nicer packaging. Regardless of that, the EPZ 530 seems pretty damn high on the value scale.

Here's a pic along with the Toneking Lucifer, which is also has an all wood build:
We are waiting for your sound impressions!
Aug 3, 2023 at 10:11 AM Post #36 of 107

after 8hours of running in... is quite a bright leaning sets with lots of treble energy but not as jarring as the Stellaris, I would say the treble energy is closer to 7hz Timeless.. at 1st I didn't like it, but after listening to it more and more I get used to that brightness then slowly I try to assess it...the microdetail on this is pretty high altho the overall note weight is rather light despite sounding crisp.. after jumping from 530 to Variations.... it surpasses my variations especially when comes to mids and highs detail wise... its quite surprising how much treble detail I've lost jumping to the Variation, it just sounded warmer and more relax by comparison...as for the bass, the 530 bass did quite good job on trying to imitate a DD bass, didn't feel like major let down, at least coming from the Variation.. I will definitely drop a full impressions after a week or 2... just to make sure I feel the same.
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Aug 3, 2023 at 12:13 PM Post #37 of 107
depois de 8 horas rodando... é um conjunto de inclinação bastante brilhante com muita energia de agudos, mas não tão chocante quanto o Stellaris, eu diria que a energia de agudos está mais próxima de 7hz Timeless.. no primeiro eu não gostei, mas depois de ouvi-la mais e mais eu me acostumei com esse brilho e lentamente tento avaliá-lo ... o microdetalhe nisso é bastante alto, embora o peso geral da nota seja bastante leve, apesar de soar nítido .. depois de pular de 530 para Variations. ... supera minhas variações, especialmente quando se trata de detalhes de médios e agudos ... é bastante surpreendente quanto detalhe de agudos perdi pulando para a variação, soou mais quente e relaxado em comparação ... quanto ao baixo, o baixo 530 fez um bom trabalho ao tentar imitar um baixo DD, não parecia uma grande decepção, pelo menos vindo da Variação.Definitivamente, deixarei impressões completas depois de uma ou duas semanas ... apenas para ter certeza de que sinto o mesmo.
And vs Prism?
Aug 3, 2023 at 1:49 PM Post #38 of 107

after 8hours of running in... is quite a bright leaning sets with lots of treble energy but not as jarring as the Stellaris, I would say the treble energy is closer to 7hz Timeless.. at 1st I didn't like it, but after listening to it more and more I get used to that brightness then slowly I try to assess it...the microdetail on this is pretty high altho the overall note weight is rather light despite sounding crisp.. after jumping from 530 to Variations.... it surpasses my variations especially when comes to mids and highs detail wise... its quite surprising how much treble detail I've lost jumping to the Variation, it just sounded warmer and more relax by comparison...as for the bass, the 530 bass did quite good job on trying to imitate a DD bass, didn't feel like major let down, at least coming from the Variation.. I will definitely drop a full impressions after a week or 2... just to make sure I feel the same.

Nice early impressions. Mine are similar, and similar to everyone else's too so I guess we are forming a consensus. I am also finding these to be bright, and on the lean side of neutral. I don't say that like it's a bad thing though; I used to prefer signatures like this. These are VIVID and so CLEAN sounding. It's a healthy treble emphasis but so far it doesn't feel like too much(YMMV), and I think that's due to the lighter note weight - it loses some of its ability to be piercing. There is a surprising amount of resolution here, and female vocals really pop off(Mitski sounds so damn good on these). Recordings that inherently sound a little dark or veiled becomes less so. The bass sounds like it has a small mid-bass hump, and like others have said feels slightly soft(in a nice way). I'm guessing that's by design. They are an excellent execution of what they seem to be going for.
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Aug 3, 2023 at 7:14 PM Post #39 of 107
Out the box, couple hours in and these EPZ 530s are silly good!

For now I get a very slight sibilance on some of my tracks I check that with (Will the BA settle in?) but for most part treble is right up my alley. I could see it being bright for some.

Bass is ridiculous good. Only on really sub bass heavy tracks can I tell it’s not a DD.

I’ve only tried stock cable and this Tripowin Altea (which I thought looked sweet with the orange). No sound change. Have only tried stock tips, KBEAR 07


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Aug 3, 2023 at 10:03 PM Post #40 of 107
And vs Prism?
You could apply the same thing on Prism, the only thing that the PRISM surpass the 530 is in the bass quality. It's bassline sounded the most natural among the 3; bouncy,fat,elastic,warm & gentle with realistic decay let alone subbass extension. I will say the PRISM will have better note weight overall. The sense of imaging/sound direction is definitely a step up over the 530,it's sharper and more vivid to my ears. The sound field is nigh identical to the 530.Unfortunately, its overall micro-detail retrieval and sound separation is below the variation & the 530 mainly speaking from mids/vocals to highs.But then PRISM do offers that warm-harman laid-back sound that is just pleasant on longer listening session. Their tuning approach is like night and day. If I have the time, I'd love to write a review on my nearly 2years old PRISM and Variation.
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Aug 6, 2023 at 9:13 AM Post #41 of 107
These sound like they could be amazing for the price. I am looking to get another set of all BA (without breaking the bank), and @FranQL suggested I look into these (thanks Hermano). Has anyone here had, or listened to the Audiosense T800? The sound impressions so far sound like they are pretty similar, except I have heard no one mention them being a slight V like the T800. Also, are these a vented design? The T800 are vented and in some cases I can't tell the difference between a DD and those (except just a hint of the BA tone in the texture).

I don't want something exactly like the T800, but if they are different enough to justify the price, these just might be on my short list.
Aug 6, 2023 at 9:44 AM Post #42 of 107
These sound like they could be amazing for the price. I am looking to get another set of all BA (without breaking the bank), and @FranQL suggested I look into these (thanks Hermano). Has anyone here had, or listened to the Audiosense T800? The sound impressions so far sound like they are pretty similar, except I have heard no one mention them being a slight V like the T800. Also, are these a vented design? The T800 are vented and in some cases I can't tell the difference between a DD and those (except just a hint of the BA tone in the texture).

I don't want something exactly like the T800, but if they are different enough to justify the price, these just might be on my short list.
I have had the T800 recently and for me there is not contest. 530 is way more balanced with all frequencies being very present.

Vocals are much better on 530. I could never find a way to get past the metallic nature of the vocals on T800 and sold them. Also, sibilance is a rare occasion on 530 unlike the T800

Hmm, I didn’t think T800 was vented. Regardless, bass on 530 much better on 530 imo. I find it more DD like than T800. Maybe slightly more mid bass focused

Treble is more refined on 530. Less bite and smoother but still very present.

Soundstage and separation are great on both of them. Detail retrieval going to be similar as well

This is all going off of very recent memory of T800. I just sold mine last week. Wanted to love it but just too spicy for me and I couldn’t get past it. And I love treble.
Aug 6, 2023 at 9:54 AM Post #43 of 107
I have had the T800 recently and for me there is not contest. 530 is way more balanced with all frequencies being very present.

Vocals are much better on 530. I could never find a way to get past the metallic nature of the vocals on T800 and sold them. Also, sibilance is a rare occasion on 530 unlike the T800

Hmm, I didn’t think T800 was vented. Regardless, bass on 530 much better on 530 imo. I find it more DD like than T800. Maybe slightly more mid bass focused

Treble is more refined on 530. Less bite and smoother but still very present.

Soundstage and separation are great on both of them. Detail retrieval going to be similar as well

This is all going off of very recent memory of T800. I just sold mine last week. Wanted to love it but just too spicy for me and I couldn’t get past it. And I love treble.
Thanks for taking the time to compare. Sorry you didn't find them to your liking, but the fact that you find them very different helps me a lot (even though I DO still love the T800). These might just be a no-brainer (it almost seems) for those that love all BA sets.

So, are these custom only, or are they both custom and ready-made?
Aug 6, 2023 at 10:29 AM Post #44 of 107
Thanks for taking the time to compare. Sorry you didn't find them to your liking, but the fact that you find them very different helps me a lot (even though I DO still love the T800). These might just be a no-brainer (it almost seems) for those that love all BA sets.

So, are these custom only, or are they both custom and ready-made?
As far as I know they are only universal
Aug 6, 2023 at 11:02 AM Post #45 of 107
I noticed stock on these was getting pretty low on Ali, but now they have a ton of them. Maybe they are selling well? Easy to see why. Just speculating of course, I'm probably way off.

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