EPZ Discussion and Impressions
Jul 28, 2023 at 9:16 AM Post #16 of 107
7 days from order to delivery from Aliexpress store is incredibly fast delivery to UK

Only had them in my ears for an hour or so but they sound superb for an all BA set which I normally avoid after a rather unpleasant experience with the FiiO FA7 many moons ago.

Will go more indepth as listen for longer but so far it's very positive
Jul 28, 2023 at 4:21 PM Post #17 of 107
It arrived here yesterday. Extremely musical. Great detailing; the resolution and micro-detail surprised me.


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Jul 29, 2023 at 2:08 AM Post #19 of 107
I’m having trouble resisting these. I don’t need another all-BA set but I’m such a sucker for woodies. I remember it was so hard to stop looking at my UM 3DT and put them in my ears.

Is the green EPZ 530 really such a light shade of green irl? It looked darker in the store photos.

Anyway, looking forward to more sound impressions :)
Jul 29, 2023 at 3:08 AM Post #20 of 107
I’m having trouble resisting these. I don’t need another all-BA set but I’m such a sucker for woodies. I remember it was so hard to stop looking at my UM 3DT and put them in my ears.

Is the green EPZ 530 really such a light shade of green irl? It looked darker in the store photos.

Anyway, looking forward to more sound impressions :)

I think there's quite the variation of shades, from dark to light, both in the green and the amber versions.
Jul 29, 2023 at 11:13 PM Post #21 of 107
How does this thread not have the video that started the hype train on this IEM?

Jul 30, 2023 at 1:02 AM Post #24 of 107
Estou tendo problemas para resistir a isso. Não preciso de outro conjunto totalmente BA, mas sou um otário por woodies. Lembro que era muito difícil parar de olhar para o meu UM 3DT e colocá-lo nos ouvidos.

O verde EPZ 530 é realmente um tom tão claro de verde irl? Parecia mais escuro nas fotos da loja.

De qualquer forma, ansioso por mais impressões sonoras:)
I use a white ring light to take this photo , looks amazing
Jul 31, 2023 at 7:31 PM Post #25 of 107
Having real problems taking these out of my ears. Vocals both male and female are so sublime, everything is is just so well presented across the frequency range. These have leapfrogged many more expensive iems in my collection. The only minor niggle I can come up with is the bass is a little soft/lacking that DD attack but it's only a really minor niggle. I'm really having to reevaluate all BA iems after the EPZ 530 to be honest I think for me they maybe my BA endgame.
Jul 31, 2023 at 11:14 PM Post #26 of 107
Tendo problemas reais para tirar isso dos meus ouvidos. Os vocais masculinos e femininos são tão sublimes, tudo é tão bem apresentado em toda a faixa de frequência. Estes ultrapassaram muitos itens mais caros em minha coleção. A única pequena coisinha que posso imaginar é que o baixo é um pouco macio / sem aquele ataque DD, mas é apenas uma coisinha realmente pequena. Estou realmente tendo que reavaliar todos os itens BA após o EPZ 530, para ser honesto, acho que para mim eles talvez sejam o meu final de jogo BA.
Em palavras curtas, você pode comparar com Sounrhyme sr8?
Sry for the work
Aug 1, 2023 at 3:50 AM Post #27 of 107
Having real problems taking these out of my ears. Vocals both male and female are so sublime, everything is is just so well presented across the frequency range. These have leapfrogged many more expensive iems in my collection. The only minor niggle I can come up with is the bass is a little soft/lacking that DD attack but it's only a really minor niggle. I'm really having to reevaluate all BA iems after the EPZ 530 to be honest I think for me they maybe my BA endgame.

They have a lighter note weight across the board but remain in the realm of organic/believable and there's a beautiful transparency and delicacy to the presentation that sets it apart.

The only other set I've heard do it this well and possibly better was a Vietnamese set with 4BA and 2EST that comes in at many order of magnitudes more expensive.
Aug 1, 2023 at 4:10 AM Post #28 of 107
They have a lighter note weight across the board but remain in the realm of organic/believable and there's a beautiful transparency and delicacy to the presentation that sets it apart.

The only other set I've heard do it this well and possibly better was a Vietnamese set with 4BA and 2EST that comes in at many order of magnitudes more expensive.

I know the Alita has 7 more BA's and is almost three times the price, but how would compare them and how does the EPZ 530 stack up against the Alita, as you own both? From what I've read, you like to use them both to listen to similar genres.

At the modest price the EPZ 530 is being sold at on AE, it seems to be incredible value for money.
Aug 1, 2023 at 6:05 AM Post #29 of 107
Em palavras curtas, você pode comparar com Sounrhyme sr8?
Sry for the work
They are more subtle/delicate in presentation and I would say more balanced across the frequency range than the FH9 which is my favourite iem which makes everything sound huge and super dynamic even when the song isn't. The EPZ 530 is very correct and gives you what's recorded rather than shaping the music to it's own end. As I said the vocals are just on another level so intoxicating.
The Ie600 is DD sounds like a DD and brings everything that great about DD and everything that's missing.

I was comparing the 530 with the Kiwi ears Quintet and it beats it on everything except bass dynamics.
Aug 1, 2023 at 6:07 AM Post #30 of 107
I know the Alita has 7 more BA's and is almost three times the price, but how would compare them and how does the EPZ 530 stack up against the Alita, as you own both? From what I've read, you like to use them both to listen to similar genres.

At the modest price the EPZ 530 is being sold at on AE, it seems to be incredible value for money.

Alita is a warmer tune and more resolving of textures but has much less treble emphasis and air which can subdue note definition. The 530 has a little more midbass and dynamism overall. Alita has larger stage but similar imaging ability.

I prefer 530 overall because my acoustic music sounds more defined with that added treble presence. Alita is technically better but more restricted to warmer recordings in my use case. It still has its appeal and justifies a price bump for that resolving power.

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