Elysian Pilgrim
May 18, 2024 at 8:09 PM Post #241 of 599
How come I never have this sorts of unexpected surprises in my mailbox 😤

I’m finishing my review and did a bunch of AB tests yesterday against Anni 2023 and others. My suggestion is don’t listen to Pilgrim next to its siblings. It makes the pilgrim worse than how it actually is.
And that speaks volumes, of course, about Elysians flagship offerings.
I'm just going to enjoys the pilgrims for the next couple of days and let em burn when I'm not listening to them.
Then I'll pit them against the Bonnevilles (DD + 3 BA) and Xelento (DD).

Really, I dont know how I got so fortunate to receive these. I had no idea they were coming. I've been a pretty good customer of EA - I suppose that has something to do with it.
May 18, 2024 at 8:12 PM Post #242 of 599
And that speaks volumes, of course, about Elysians flagship offerings.
I'm just going to enjoys the pilgrims for the next couple of days and let em burn when I'm not listening to them.
Then I'll pit them against the Bonnevilles (DD + 3 BA) and Xelento (DD).

Really, I dont know how I got so fortunate to receive these. I had no idea they were coming. I've been a pretty good customer of EA - I suppose that has something to do with it.
Meanwhile, at EA warehouse: “did you send him the OG instead of the Noir???”
May 18, 2024 at 9:38 PM Post #243 of 599
Meanwhile, at EA warehouse: “did you send him the OG instead of the Noir???”
I don't think so, HiFiGo was the shipper.... Maybe someone else is looking for a set???
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May 18, 2024 at 10:24 PM Post #244 of 599
How come I never have this sorts of unexpected surprises in my mailbox 😤

I’m finishing my review and did a bunch of AB tests yesterday against Anni 2023 and others. My suggestion is don’t listen to Pilgrim next to its siblings. It makes the pilgrim worse than how it actually is.
You really think the Anni has more bass than the pilgrim? I've read multiple people that they didn't like the Anni because of not enough bass that were intrigued by the pilgrim after hearing it. And I heard two people say the pilgrim had too much sub-base comparatively speaking for their taste.
May 19, 2024 at 4:35 AM Post #245 of 599
May 19, 2024 at 4:42 AM Post #246 of 599
Yup, these 3 sound exactly like how they graph. Pilgrim is the most easy going on of the bunch. Anni is the most dynamic and fun. Both Anni and Gaea are more slammy and dynamic than Pilgrim. Treble of Anni is on a difference universe comparing to the other two, IMHO.
May 19, 2024 at 8:27 AM Post #247 of 599
Posted on the other thread, but let me share a bit of my experience here as well... :)

First impressions of the Elysian Pilgrim IEM are all about the low end for me! This thing hits hard with a deep, detailed rumble – perfect for headbanging or getting lost in some Rock and Hip-hop.

Mids seem a bit shy compared to the bass quality down low. I tend to think of Pilgrim to be tending to U-shaped sound signature, where the bass and treble take center stage. But don't be fooled, female vocals on Pilgrim deserves all the attention it's being getting. If that's your gig, you will be pleased with Pilgrim. (just not on top of my songs library)

The highs are on the smoother side, which is a relief for those who find brighter IEMs fatiguing. It might sacrifice a touch of detail for some, but overall seems to prioritize a comfortable listening experience.

Imaging and soundstage has the feeling is the Pilgrim prioritises warmth (in the lower end), clarity and details over a super wide sound field. Thanks for the cleaner and thiner mids.

Overall, a promising start for bass enthusiasts seeking a warm, smooth low end. Mids might be a consideration depending on your preference, but the rolled-off highs offer a fatigue-free listen. More testing needed to see if the bass magic translates to all genres!

May 20, 2024 at 10:17 AM Post #248 of 599
A few moments ago my doorbell rang. When I opened the door there was a small package sitting on the doorstep. I’ve literally just found out about this!

May 20, 2024 at 11:33 AM Post #250 of 599
Nice! Looking forward to impressions. Are you able to measure it?
I don’t have a measuring tool so it’s going to have to be ears only.
May 20, 2024 at 12:00 PM Post #251 of 599
And lightning does strike twice. I’d just put the Noir on to burn for a bit and about 40 mins later there is another knock at the door…

May 20, 2024 at 12:54 PM Post #252 of 599
A few moments ago my doorbell rang. When I opened the door there was a small package sitting on the doorstep. I’ve literally just found out about this!

Welp, and here is the Hifigo rep telling me the Noirs weren’t ready for shipping xDD

I guess i’m not an old enough Head-Fi user to deserve those ahah
May 20, 2024 at 3:48 PM Post #253 of 599
A few moments ago my doorbell rang. When I opened the door there was a small package sitting on the doorstep. I’ve literally just found out about this!

Looks badass! I'm really looking forward to getting mine. :)
May 20, 2024 at 6:47 PM Post #255 of 599
Welp, and here is the Hifigo rep telling me the Noirs weren’t ready for shipping xDD

I guess i’m not an old enough Head-Fi user to deserve those ahah
The Noir was sent to me as a review unit and is not a commercial product. It came in a small bag and what you see in the picture is just what I got. There is no box, case, ear tips etc that you would ordinarily get when you order it. Essentially it is a marketing sample and so what the rep says about the Noirs not being ready for shipping may likely be correct.

Did you got both sets for free?
If so lucky you!

I’m afraid not. They are both review units and remain the property of Effect Audio. I get to have a good play with them and do some fun listening, but then they will be posted on to someone else or shipped back to EA in Singapore.

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