Elysian Pilgrim
May 17, 2024 at 3:32 PM Post #227 of 843
What kind of connection does Pilgam use (ie. 2-pin, mmxc or something different). :spy::wink:
Pentaconn Ear:

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May 17, 2024 at 3:53 PM Post #228 of 843
This is my first Pentaconn set of IEM and I wish all my IEM's were Pentaconn right now. It is the best out of the MMCX and 2 pin of which I have had many of those.
May 17, 2024 at 5:34 PM Post #229 of 843
This is my first Pentaconn set of IEM and I wish all my IEM's were Pentaconn right now. It is the best out of the MMCX and 2 pin of which I have had many of those.
true I adored it with Acoustune And it’s my fav connectors with Fitear type
May 17, 2024 at 10:13 PM Post #231 of 843
Was at a client's house today and had a lot of downtime to catch up on red tape stuff so I brought my little case with the DC Elite, RU7, Volur & Pilgrim. Did some A/B'ing as well.

The Volur is amazing no matter what the source. The Pilgrim is a bit more source dependent. I have no idea how the tuning was changed since CanJam NYC, if at all. Either way, the Pilgrim can be too hot for me in the treble using the DC Elite and the A&K HB1 with certain tracks. Whereas from the RU7 and iFi Go blue, they sound great and really come together in some toe tapping moments. I tested a few tracks from each source which gave me a bit of issue in the treble, and this was the conclusion. The HB1 has always been brighter to me than the Go Blu so that computes. I just got the iBasso, but the DC Elite is not nearly known as much for warmth vs the RU7 so all the equations add up to make sense. I listened to the Pilgrim at CanJam with the Go Blu.

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May 18, 2024 at 11:33 AM Post #232 of 843
How does the Pilgrim compare to the Night Oblivion Butastur ? is it worth to get the Oblivion over the pilgrim for $200 extra ?
Focus on :
1. Better instrument separation and micro details (hear things in a song that I never heard before), but not overly sharp I am treble sensitive.
2. Will do female vocals better.
3. Enjoyable bass
3. Overall Enjoyment and WOW factor.
4. Comfort.
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May 18, 2024 at 11:53 AM Post #234 of 843
May 18, 2024 at 5:16 PM Post #235 of 843
This is my first Pentaconn set of IEM and I wish all my IEM's were Pentaconn right now. It is the best out of the MMCX and 2 pin of which I have had many of those.
My first set of P Ear as well and I gotta agree with that. I like 2Pin when the IEM has a recessed socket but these Pentacons Ear connectors are solid. They click reassuringly, rotate easily and are far less fragile than MMCX; I these should become a standard.
May 18, 2024 at 5:19 PM Post #236 of 843
My first set of P Ear as well and I gotta agree with that. I like 2Pin when the IEM has a recessed socket but these Pentacons Ear connectors are solid. They click reassuringly, rotate easily and are far less fragile than MMCX; I these should become a standard.
The biggest issue with 2 pins is they become looser overtime after being repeatedly disconnected and reconnected. Would be good to see the pentacon or something similar become the standard.
May 18, 2024 at 5:43 PM Post #237 of 843
Look who got mail! I put in the order for the Noirs and today, unexpectedly and out of the blue, a package from HiFi Go showed up with a set Pilgrim OGs inside. Looks like my friends at EA and Elysian arranged to have me sent a comparison set. Wasn't expecting this at all, man am I excited! The packaging is IMO extraordinary, Everything is presented so well. I ususally don't care so much about boxing / unboxing as it adds no value to my listening experience, but I have to say that unboxing these things just delighted me.

The pilgrims are beautiful, pictures just can't do them justice. The aluminum shells with the raised polished edges remind me of a topigraphical map of a silver mine with the polished Elysian Logo sitting atop in the centre. Just beautiful. I've had them in my ears now for about 40 Minutes since unboxing and snapping these pics. And while I'm sure they will benefit from a few more hours of use (burn in) - out of the box they sound brilliant - I dont find the bass understated at all; they are not bombastic like the CA Bonnevilles, but where it's in the recording, there is plenty of lower end. The mids on these things is perfect and the treble is perfectly extended. I can't believe these retail at $399. To me, these Pilgrims are the best Sub $500 I've heard and take out many in the $700 - $999 Category. And they are supremely comfortable.

I think I prefer these OG Pilgrims to both my Xelento 2 and CA Bonneville. The only place the the Bonneville gets the edge is in its sub and mid bass reproduction. The Bonnis are are monsters and the fit of them is the closest thing in Universal I've experienced to a CIEM, BUT the trade off in the Bonnis is the treble which I find really quite veiled.

Well Done Elysian - These are an EXCEPTIONAL VALUE and FANTASTIC LISTENING EXPERIENCE. The set I received came with a 3.5 Cable which is soft and supple and looks really nice too. It seems to be a good pairing. Unfortunately I can't do any cable rolling because I dont have any other P Ear connectors but I am so looking forward to the Noire which comes with a 4.4 EA Eros S - an outstanding cable I already own and use with my Mentors.

BTW, my initial litening was done out of the 3.5 on the Lotoo PAW 6000 - a very clean neurtal device.
I just switched over the Shanling M6 Pro 21 and played all the same tracks again - It's a warmer device (I love it which why I keep replacing the battery in it) and the extra warmth and oomph is reflected through the Pilgrims - there's more bass presence and musicality. Outstanding!

I think I'm going to need to hear the Annis. This little Pilgrim has coloured me impressed!


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May 18, 2024 at 5:50 PM Post #238 of 843
Look who got mail! I put in the order for the Noirs and today, unexpectedly and out of the blue, a package from HiFi Go showed up with a set Pilgrim OGs inside. Looks like my friends at EA and Elysian arranged to have me sent a comparison set. wasn't expecting this at all, man am I excited! The packaging is IMO extraordinary, Everything is presented so well. I ususally dont cate so much about boxing / unboxing as it adds no value to my listening experience, but I have to say that unboxing these things just delighted me.

The pilgrims are beautiful, pictures just cant do them justice. The aluminum shells with the raised polished edges remind me of a topigraphical map of a silver mine with the polished Elysian Logo sitting atop in the centre. Just beautiful. I've had them in my ears now for about 20 Minutes since unboxing and snapping these pics. And while I'm sure they will benefit from a few more hours of use (burn in) - out of the box they sound brilliant - I dont find the bass understated at all; they are not bombastic like the CA Bonnevilles, but where it's in the recording, there is plenty of lower end. The mids on these things is perfect and the treble of perfectly extended. I cant believe these retail at $399. To me, these Pilgrims are the best Sub $500 I've heard and take out many in the $700 - $999 Category. And they are supremely comfortable.

I think I prefer these OG Pilgrims to both my Xelento 2 and CA Bonneville. The only place the the Bonneville gets the edge is in its sub and mid bass reproduction. The Bonnis are are monsters and the fit of them is the closest thing in Universal I've experienced to a CIEM BUT the trade off in the Bonnis is the treble which I find really quite veiled.

Well Done Elysian - These are an EXCEPTIONAL VALUE and LISTENING EXPERIENCE. The set I received came with a 3.5 Cable which is soft and supple and looks really nice too. It seems to be well paired. Unfortunately I cant do any cable rolling because I dont have any other P Ear connectors but I am so looking forward to the Noire with comes with a 4.4 EA Eros S - an outstanding cable I already own and use with my Mentors.

BTW, my initial litening was done out fo the 3.5 on the Lotoo PAW 6000 - I very clean neurtal device.
I just switched over the Shanling M6 Pro 21 and played all the same tracks again - It's a warmer device (I love it which why I keep replacing the battry in it) and the the extra warmth and oomph is reflected through the Pilgrims - there's more bass presence and musicality. Outstanding!

I think I'm going to need to hear the Annis. This little Pilgrim hascoloured me impressed!
Thanks for the impressions. Looking forward to your feelings about Noire.
May 18, 2024 at 7:01 PM Post #239 of 843
Thanks for the impressions. Looking forward to your feelings about Noire.
I should have the Noires on Thursday or Friday.
May 18, 2024 at 7:52 PM Post #240 of 843
unexpectedly and out of the blue, a package from HiFi Go showed up with a set Pilgrim OGs inside.

How come I never have this sorts of unexpected surprises in my mailbox 😤

I’m finishing my review and did a bunch of AB tests yesterday against Anni 2023 and others. My suggestion is don’t listen to Pilgrim next to its siblings. It makes the pilgrim worse than how it actually is.

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