Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread
Jun 6, 2021 at 12:56 AM Post #1,696 of 5,659
Some iems, like customs or in this photo, the Noble Khan have a recessed 2 pin connector


For these you need the now standard 2 pin connector


For other types of shells like the VE Elysium, the pin holes are not in a recessed socket so a 2pin flat connector works fine. The stock cable from my Elysium is the flat version


Basically, the plug type for customs will work in all cases where the flat will not work with a recessed 2 pin socket. (this was my stock Elysium cable I sent in for replacement due to the short tine)

The only benefits I can see of the flat plug in an appropriate shell is that it reduces the length of the plug and the contact of the barrel should provide a little extra support against lateral forces.
So you mean the normal 2 pin work just fine too? I currently using VE8
Jun 6, 2021 at 12:59 AM Post #1,697 of 5,659
So you mean the normal 2 pin work just fine too? I currently using VE8

Yes but I think it's pretty rare that any after market cable comes with the flat connector. Eletech cables come with the extended plug, presumably to accommodate custom iems.
As @Deezel177 said, it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it...
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Jun 7, 2021 at 4:31 AM Post #1,700 of 5,659

Wow! Congrats @Eric Chong !! Sad that I missed out on the pre-booking but glad I made it for the next batch! Hope to see impressions from you guys soon while I patiently await my unit!
Jun 7, 2021 at 5:10 AM Post #1,702 of 5,659

See what came today? Thanks @Eric Chong ! 🙏 Gorgeous!!!
Jun 7, 2021 at 5:13 AM Post #1,703 of 5,659

see what else arrived today? Paired with the Final Shichiku Kangen. Gorgeous isn't it?
Jun 7, 2021 at 5:44 AM Post #1,704 of 5,659

Will try it later this evening. Paired with the FitEar MH335DWSR
Jun 7, 2021 at 5:52 AM Post #1,705 of 5,659

Very nice little key chain came with the goodies! 🙏 @Eric Chong
Jun 7, 2021 at 5:53 AM Post #1,706 of 5,659
Very nice little key chain came with the goodies! 🙏 @Eric Chong
A few more photos and I'm going to have to get on an earlier flight to Barcelona... same package waiting for me there D:
Jun 7, 2021 at 7:52 AM Post #1,707 of 5,659
I have had about 30 minutes on the Aeneid/MH335DWSR listening to Tidal masters canto pop on the DX300. What I will say is that I always love this combination of precious metals that brings the best of both worlds: the transparency of silver and the special timbral qualities of gold. I was just telling @Eric Chong that it’s amazing how quickly the cable has settled. The first 10 minutes you could tell it’s a diamond in the rough but by the 20 minutes mark, it has settled down somewhat. It is already starting to shine through but it will just get better and smoother by past experience. It is difficult to fully describe but suffice it to say, it’s a nice warm feeling. Very analogue sounding. I am tempted to pour myself a nice single malt and just cosy up and just listen for the rest of the evening and not move. :)
Jun 7, 2021 at 12:07 PM Post #1,708 of 5,659
I had about 30 minutes or so with the Aeneid/FitEar DC listening on the Shanling M8. Before a 10.30 pm work call. The cable does bring a nice sparkle to the FitEar DC. More will be revealed I am sure in the next few days.

Now that I am done with the call, I am listening to music the M8 on the Final Shichku Kangen/Socrates. I wanted to try out the Socrates because the stock Dita Oslo cable was rather thin but with impressively thick and stiff sheathing. As a result of which it was wild and untameable. Imagine barbed wire you see in WW2 movies. Anyway, once I changed out to the Socrates, first thing I notice is the music flows effortlessly. Second thing is its like a veil has dropped. Which is not something I had expected. Just waiting for the Socrates to burn in and settle down. Then I will likely have a much surer sense of the synergy. But this is a promising start. :)
Jun 8, 2021 at 5:59 AM Post #1,710 of 5,659
Loving the multiple Aeneid's impressions @Kiats , it's comforting to hear that the Aeneid is performing up to standard in lieu of my package arrival. I do have a question however - which i believe is on many of our minds: How does the Aeneid compare against the Iliad? Is it a good upgrade?
I just gave the Aeneid a very, very short listen, and I agree with what @Kiats is saying. It's definitely a warmer, more relaxed, more analog-sounding cable. If I pair it with a more balanced, less-coloured IEM like the A18s, the higher instruments get in frequency, the farther they are from you, almost. But, to me, what that creates is a very deep, very spherical-sounding stage, which, by the way, is one of the largest I've ever heard from a cable upgrade. The Aeneid makes the A18s sound out-of-head, which I never would've associated with that in-ear previously.


And, its imaging precision is absolutely outstanding as well. I often use Dave Weckl and Chris Coleman's drum duet on the former's cover of Higher Ground as my stereo separation test, and the Aeneid passes with flying colours. When Chris (panned left) was soloing, the right side of the stage would feel absolutely empty, then vice versa with Dave's parts (panned right). Instruments, though not traditionally separated by the clean lines the treble would typically provide, still come off separated because of how far apart they are from each other, again courtesy of that massive stage.

Comparing it briefly against the Iliad, the Aeneid is the warmer, more relaxed-sounding one of the two. It doesn't have the Iliad's upper-midrange zing, and its lower-treble is considerably smoother as well. But, at the same time, it's the stronger cable technically. Again, its imaging is noticeably more precise. It doesn't have that slight crossfeed effect I described on my Iliad review. On the aforementioned drum duet, with the Iliad, Chris's drums would bleed ever-so-slightly to the centre and right sides of the image, and Dave's would also leak a hair to the centre and the left sides of the image. But, that isn't the case with the Aeneid. And, the new flagship has the larger, better-separated stage as well.


For me, whether or not the Aeneid is an upgrade over the Iliad will ultimately depend on preference. If you prefer a brighter, more vibrant sound and you like that cohesive, flowing musicality that the crossfeed effect brings, then the Iliad would probably be the better fit. But, if you tend to want a more relaxed, uncoloured, blasé sort of sound with a bit less intimacy, a bit less attack and incredible, out-of-head imaging, then the Aeneid's the one.

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