Eggos + Sony minidisc
Apr 7, 2003 at 9:57 PM Post #46 of 102
I think this is called 'source yo-yo'
Apr 7, 2003 at 9:58 PM Post #47 of 102

Originally posted by TMC
Don't torture yourself Duncan, throw those D66 over here so I can tell everyone I got 2 of these


I'm being serious though, I can't believe how much better the CD1700s sound out of the MD player than the D66...

Was I really kidding myself all that time?

The only good thing about the '66 over the '1700... you'd look quite a fool walking around town with the '1700s on your head
Apr 7, 2003 at 10:00 PM Post #48 of 102

Originally posted by Duncan

The only good thing about the '66 over the '1700... you'd look quite a fool walking around town with the '1700s on your head

Yeah I was just thinking how weird one would look going portable with the CD1700, but who knows maybe you have to now when you've heard the difference. I do hope they isolate well though... from all the people pointing and laughing at you

But now when you've brought that up, in which areas do the CD1700 improve most over the D66?
Apr 7, 2003 at 10:06 PM Post #49 of 102
Not much isolation with the CD1700. Alas, Duncan may have to take the A900 back off me after all... At least they're a tasteful shade of blue
The amazing thing is that both of these full sized cans will work unamped from a Sony MD...
[size=xx-small](at least for home listening) [/size]
Apr 7, 2003 at 10:11 PM Post #50 of 102

Originally posted by bangraman
Not much isolation with the CD1700. Alas, Duncan may have to take the A900 back off me after all... At least they're a tasteful shade of blue
The amazing thing is that both of these full sized cans will work unamped from a Sony MD...
[size=xx-small](at least for home listening) [/size]

I used to go around with MDR-CD1000's and my MZ-R3. The MZ-R50 would not quite drive them.
Apr 7, 2003 at 10:12 PM Post #51 of 102

Originally posted by TMC
But now when you've brought that up, in which areas do the CD1700 improve most over the D66?

Where to start?

The midbass sounds congested, and overblown on the D66, and has no real low bass, and well... to cut the story short, to avoid myself getting strung up by 200 devoted eggo worshippers, the bigger brothers just sound a LOT clearer... there is no way that I can emphasise that word enough, apart from putting it in size 40 font, but I think you get the idea

But then again we're comparing a $100 portable 'phone to what was originally a $350 full sized 'phone... there have gotta be compromises... just a shame i've found them

Oh well...
Apr 7, 2003 at 10:23 PM Post #52 of 102
Wow now you've lost me, when you say midbass overblown, you mean it's overly strong? I've always found the midbass a bit too weak. I'm not trying to get you verbally executed by all Eggo fans, I'm really curious
Apr 7, 2003 at 10:29 PM Post #53 of 102

Originally posted by TMC
Wow now you've lost me, when you say midbass overblown, you mean it's overly strong? I've always found the midbass a bit too weak.

Lets put it another way...

The D66 is a 1 litre jug, and the CD1700 is a 2 litre jug, you have 1 1/2 litres of water, which jug is going to be more accomodating?

The D66 just seems to trip over itself, this was NOT apparent until I plugged the CD1700s into the N707... also the CD1700 goes louder, by quite a margin...

Heck, if there is another London mini-meet (also known as an excuse for me to buy more headphone stuff from Bangraman
) I'll take the D66 and CD1700s along with the N707 to try and get an independent opinion...

The CD1700s are a lot more refined, this ~ again, is to be expected, but they really do show the D66 up to be the paupers here... but, thats the last i'm going to say on the subject... i'm not going to plug the CD1700s into the N707 anymore, and then hopefully give it a couple of days, I can then listen to the D66 again, blissfully unaware of what I heard this evening

Case closed
Apr 7, 2003 at 10:34 PM Post #54 of 102
oh, I mean the electronic hiss... I guess the mechanical noise is inevitable for MD player since it's basically a small rotator driving the disc. But I can bear the mechanical 'cuz I can put it in my pocket
for the electronic hiss... damn it... I can't hide away from it. To be honest, I listened to many different cassette walkmans, of course they have HUGE background noise. Then I switch to CD walkman, Panasoinc 570, 780 has it, SONY EJ1000 has it. Even my SONY D-E01, which is one of the best SONY portable CDP does have that *******ed background noise, (but I have to say it's not noticeable most of time)
I am not woking fro Apple, but I have to say that iPod is the only portable music player that I ever used without ANY background noise.
Apr 7, 2003 at 10:35 PM Post #55 of 102
Hmm I wish you good luck Duncan, I've heard a lobotomy can do wonders in occasions like this
I think I'll get by simply by writing a big mental note to myself: (NOTE) Never listen to CD1700 (/NOTE)
Apr 7, 2003 at 10:38 PM Post #56 of 102

Originally posted by Duncan

I'm being serious though, I can't believe how much better the CD1700s sound out of the MD player than the D66...

Was I really kidding myself all that time?

The only good thing about the '66 over the '1700... you'd look quite a fool walking around town with the '1700s on your head

People even carry CDP (of course portable one) with mini headamp and wear HD600 during jogging.

I personally don't like to do that though. SONY 888 is enough for me on the street.
Apr 7, 2003 at 10:40 PM Post #57 of 102

Originally posted by diablo9
People even carry CDP (of course portable one) with mini headamp and wear HD600 during jogging.

I think those would be boxers, it's for training their neck muscles so they can take the impacts of punches to the head better
Apr 7, 2003 at 10:42 PM Post #58 of 102

Originally posted by Mike Scarpitti
I used to go around with MDR-CD1000's and my MZ-R3. The MZ-R50 would not quite drive them.

I guess one of the best feature for SONY phones is that most of them can be driven well even by portable equipments. I didn't try CD3000 by myself by its impedience is as low as tiny earbuds. Sometimes I would be curious that how those Japanese people do that... plus it can tolerate way higher power than those high impedience phone such as HD600. I remember that CD3000 can tolerate 1000mW with 32ohms impedience and HD600 can only tolerate 300mW with 300ohms impedience. Correct me if I am wrong.
Apr 7, 2003 at 10:46 PM Post #59 of 102

Originally posted by diablo9
oh, I mean the electronic hiss... I guess the mechanical noise is inevitable for MD player since it's basically a small rotator driving the disc. But I can bear the mechanical 'cuz I can put it in my pocket
for the electronic hiss... damn it... I can't hide away from it. To be honest, I listened to many different cassette walkmans, of course they have HUGE background noise. Then I switch to CD walkman, Panasoinc 570, 780 has it, SONY EJ1000 has it. Even my SONY D-E01, which is one of the best SONY portable CDP does have that *******ed background noise, (but I have to say it's not noticeable most of time)
I am not woking fro Apple, but I have to say that iPod is the only portable music player that I ever used without ANY background noise.

HUH? My MZ-R3 had a little, but the MZ-R50 has none that I can detect, even with D-77's or E888's.
Apr 7, 2003 at 10:53 PM Post #60 of 102

Originally posted by Mike Scarpitti
HUH? My MZ-R3 had a little, but the MZ-R50 has none that I can detect, even with D-77's or E888's.

emm... that could be true since people are saying that SONY are making worse portable things on sound quality but better things and weight and size... From another MD forum I heard that the best of the best MD player is R5ST, considering about the sound quality only.
But I would say that ATARC is still a compression format. It can never compete with CD format and MD is basically a portable thing. and you know, most people don't care much about good sound...
I have to say that on overally, SONY's strategy is quite right.

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