Earphones that OWN the IEMs!
Sep 5, 2008 at 3:59 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


Headphoneus Supremus
Apr 29, 2008
If u read my other posts i dont actually like IEMs even if they have a good Detail.

Reason is lack of soundstage,..and i feel suffocated with their Sealing buds.

So i went to a headphone mall... and asked the guys there for some recommendations..i told them i hate IEMs & i dont like Shure either....some guy there noticed and offered me to try his earphones...he didnt tell any name ..he just told me to try them.
They looked very cheap, dull..i thot he is joking & told him i have better MX400..he told me looks dont matter.

I put them on with the GoVibe martini Amp..

i was just Stunned...i have NEVER heard such a great soundstage in any portables...the Detail was at par with Shure E210's ...the bass was balanced, highs were emphasised but never harsh... the high range was poorer than Shure though.. but Soundstage was the feature which just stunned me.

Midrange was the forte which is a common trait of good headphones.

Then he told me more about them..

Yuin PK1... 150 Ohm Earphones! ...they do work with an Amp ..i was using GoVibe Martini with crossroads LOD.

I came back home..went to headroom to read more on them.

Check them out:

Yuin PK1 @ HeadRoom - Right Between Your Ears


I am buying them next month in a bundled offer with some Portable Amps.

Anyone on Head-fi has ever tried PK1's?

Are there any greater Earbuds/phones out there? ...i am kinda allergic to IEMs..they make me uncomfortable with their Sealing buds...so earbuds are better for me.

Let me know.. thanks
Sep 5, 2008 at 4:16 PM Post #2 of 13
Sure, these are GREAT. For me they are much better that Shures 530 and SL5C. But only if properly powered by an amp (or better external sound card). Yuin OK2 are quite similar, but they have a bit artificial highs which are more harsh compared to PK1's.
Still lack of isolation disappoints me a bit...
Sep 5, 2008 at 4:21 PM Post #4 of 13

Originally Posted by _Toki_ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sure, these are GREAT. For me they are much better that Shures 530 and SL5C. But only if properly powered by an amp (or better external sound card). Yuin OK2 are quite similar, but they have a bit artificial highs which are more harsh compared to PK1's.
Still lack of isolation disappoints me a bit...

I totally agree..

I didnt like PK2's...the highs are too apparent..they aint harsh but they ruin the midrange.

the PK3 are awesome for Electronic music with powerful bass but details are low then.

PK1 are just perfect with Portable Amps.

they guy at the store gave me a bundled offer for them.

Now its only my wallet which is stopping me.

will sell-off HD205's & get them maybe.
Sep 5, 2008 at 4:27 PM Post #5 of 13
Mate, if you registered a years or two earlier, you'll find plenty of Yuin threads (but they were left in the full size cans forum and didn't make their way here), so do a search there.

A little story for you: it was Fang of Head-Direct (Nankai) that brought Yuin out of China and offers it to the world. Yuin is started by a Chinese audiophile who believes the earbud world is underdevelopment and he can do better that using big brand name lousy sounding earbuds.

Oh, you should really try out the OK1 too. They are more expensive than PK1 but offers a more balanced sound. I'll be getting myself a pair tomorrow if they are in stock. Finger crossed.
Sep 5, 2008 at 5:01 PM Post #6 of 13
If it doesn't isolate it's useless as a portable headphone, IMO. Destroying your hearing should be one of the things Head-Fi denizens want to avoid above all else.

I have a pair of Yuin PK3 and while I do use them, I do not use them often because of a treble roll-off and the utter lack of isolation. They are excellent earbuds however, though I personally like the Sony E888 better.

The Yuins are ten thousand times more rugged than the E888 though. I went through 3 pair of E888 before I said screw it.
Sep 5, 2008 at 6:47 PM Post #7 of 13

Originally Posted by Nocturnal310 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I totally agree..

I didnt like PK2's...the highs are too apparent..they aint harsh but they ruin the midrange.

the PK3 are awesome for Electronic music with powerful bass but details are low then.

PK1 are just perfect with Portable Amps.

Wow, where were you the last year and a half. I owned the PK1, PK2, and PK3. Now all I have is the PK2. I liked how the PK1 sounded with doughnuts, but it required an amp. The PK2 sounds perfectly fine with regular foams which reduces the brightness quite a bit. The difference between the PK1 and PK2 amped was not great enough for me to justify keeping the PK1. But if you want the best of these earbuds, the PK1 is it. I haven't heard any of the OK line, but people here says it does even better.
Sep 5, 2008 at 7:20 PM Post #8 of 13

Originally Posted by lui_boy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wow, where were you the last year and a half. I owned the PK1, PK2, and PK3. Now all I have is the PK2. I liked how the PK1 sounded with doughnuts, but it required an amp. The PK2 sounds perfectly fine with regular foams which reduces the brightness quite a bit. The difference between the PK1 and PK2 amped was not great enough for me to justify keeping the PK1. But if you want the best of these earbuds, the PK1 is it. I haven't heard any of the OK line, but people here says it does even better.

A year and a half ago i wasnt born
Sep 5, 2008 at 7:46 PM Post #9 of 13

Originally Posted by synaesthetic /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If it doesn't isolate it's useless as a portable headphone, IMO. Destroying your hearing should be one of the things Head-Fi denizens want to avoid above all else.

x2. I rarely listen to a portable rig when there's not background noise, usually a lot of background noise, so expensive, non-isolating portables make no sense for me.

For me, if it requires an amp it's not portable either, but I know that's not true for everyone.
Sep 5, 2008 at 8:47 PM Post #10 of 13

Originally Posted by Nocturnal310 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
A year and a half ago i wasnt born

Sorry for your wallet! Hahaha!
Sep 5, 2008 at 8:58 PM Post #11 of 13

Originally Posted by scompton /img/forum/go_quote.gif
x2. I rarely listen to a portable rig when there's not background noise, usually a lot of background noise, so expensive, non-isolating portables make no sense for me.

For me, if it requires an amp it's not portable either, but I know that's not true for everyone.

I'm inclined to agree on both points, so I prolly won't be getting these. I was wondering though, whether it's the case that all earbuds are non-isolating. I guess I'm trying to get a definition of non-isolating. My MX90s are earbuds, and they're not as isolating as, say, my 551s, but they do the job for most ambient noise and jogging (when I want some noise to seep through. Traffic, for instance.). Which leads me to my next point.

There's portable, and there's portable. In a bus or train or plane, we want really good isolation, mostly. But for walking around? Jogging? I think many of us want less isolation then. Then there's "rigs I can bring from room to room or location to location, but won't really move around once I get there." Usually, I wouldn't carry an amp around (except the Fiio, more on which later), but I'd bring my 2Move from my office to the staff lounge, plop on the couch, and enjoy music. Similarly, I wouldn't walk around with my D1001s, but I'd bring them (read: port them) from my office to the lounge. Hence, they're my "portables" in some sense.

Finally, not all amps are unportable. The Fiio is a case in point. The Travagans bone (colours) is another. And my AKGs are much enjoyable with the Fiio, so I think that's work walking around with.
Sep 5, 2008 at 9:47 PM Post #12 of 13
You may also prefer using your portable headphone at home simply because it is more comfortable. Most times when I am doing homework - I prefer to use my PK1 over my D2000, because the earbuds are more comfortable and less distracting when moving my head constantly from looking at laptop to textbook to notebook to using my cell phone to eating and drinking - all while staying stationary, enjoying music, and not bothering my neighbors with my music...

Also I prefer earbuds to IEM for portable solutions, because I prefer to have non-isolation for the reasons jonathonjong mentioned.
Sep 5, 2008 at 11:57 PM Post #13 of 13
My Yuin OK1s sound awesome amped (great synergy with Corda Headsix), even better then my Klipsch Image X10s amped but only slightly. Though I will admit, the Yuin OK1 out of my Cowon D2 with the right EQ sounds pretty great and comparable to the X10s when barely EQed. Pretty much I use the OK1s when I need to hear things around me other then just music and the X10s when I want isolation. The X10s win in comfort as they are so damn tiny and nonexistant feeling. I have the best of both worlds atm and I am happy with my portable phones. I am tempted to get some Sleek Audio SA6s just to try out though.

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