Ear cleaning: Regular Dr or Audiologist?
Mar 24, 2008 at 7:14 AM Post #16 of 23

Originally Posted by Nick 214 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Not exactly, ENTs specialize in the workings of the ear, Audiologists are usually more concerned with hearing aids, ect.


so ENTs are doctors, while audiologist are technicians that deal with hearing aids?
Mar 24, 2008 at 3:20 PM Post #17 of 23

Originally Posted by Uncle Erik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you have a lot of buildup, have the doctor clean it out. After that, you can carefully clean yourself regularly.

We should get some posts shortly about "pushing wax deeper in" with DIY, but that doesn't happen if there isn't a big lump to begin with.

I rinse in the shower about every day and clean up with Q-Tips. Every couple of months I'll rinse with a dilute (with water) hydrogen peroxide solution, followed by rinsing with the shower spray.

No plugs or buildup, no hearing loss, no tinnitus, no problems. Doctors are pleased with the cleanliness, then say NOT to clean it. I don't see it as much different from cleaning your mouth or dealing with contacts. Yeah, the parts are delicate and important. Duh. But there's no reason you can't do these things carefully yourself.

true but everybody has a different wax build and ear canal. my ears get "swimmers ear" very easily, in fact if i don't q-tip after every shower, pool, jacuzzi, etc, then i will get a minor ache in them a few days later.
i done the q-tip thing after for years and since then on everyone of my doctor visits i have them check for wax, no wax build up at all.
i would not recommend sticking a q-tip up there while you are brushing your teeth, making coffee, talking on the phone, driving, and anything else though.. just take a second out to be careful and you should be good.

i use one side of the q-tip to go deep in the canal slowly while i turn it back and forth and then the other side to wipe the outside of my inner lube (not sure what you call that part). funny part is the outside of the ear gets really crapped up with wax and gunk and sometimes a weird pimple type of goo. the inside is always clean and i only go in to the bone then slowly out.
i am not sure how wax build happens and if the crap on the outside gets moved or smashed in the canal if you don't clean it but i would never want the crap that starts on the inner lube (outside of the ear) getting caught inside of the canal...eeewww

again everyone is different but i am just saying before i started doing this method i was guaranteed to have a minor ache after i would in counter water, but since then not only no problems but no build up of anything.
Mar 24, 2008 at 10:32 PM Post #18 of 23
I just use some liquid earwax remover like Cerumex. Works like a charm every time, and Im not sure if its just me but I always feel like I can hear a little clearer after using it too.
Apr 23, 2008 at 6:58 PM Post #19 of 23
So, I went to an ENT referred to me by my father. I told him my symptoms, he looked in both of my ears and then asked me, "Have you noticed a loss in hearing?". I told him no, I don't think so. He took his vacuum instrument to both of my ears and proceeded to pull out several large chunks of wax, including many small pieces.

All I can say is wow. I did not know what I was missing. I have excellent hearing now.

It seems the wax was indeed causing the Tinnitus like symptoms. They are no longer present.

I'm at work now, but I can't wait to go home and listen to my gear. I get to go rediscover all my music over again.

Apr 23, 2008 at 7:13 PM Post #20 of 23

Originally Posted by ziplock /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So, I went to an ENT referred to me by my father. I told him my symptoms, he looked in both of my ears and then asked me, "Have you noticed a loss in hearing?". I told him no, I don't think so. He took his vacuum instrument to both of my ears and proceeded to pull out several large chunks of wax, including many small pieces.

All I can say is wow. I did not know what I was missing. I have excellent hearing now.

It seems the wax was indeed causing the Tinnitus like symptoms. They are no longer present.

I'm at work now, but I can't wait to go home and listen to my gear. I get to go rediscover all my music over again.


That's good to hear!

I want to get mine professionally cleaned, even though I think they're OK. I'd like to know for sure though, since it's hard to tell.
Sep 26, 2008 at 12:50 AM Post #22 of 23

Originally Posted by ziplock /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So, I went to an ENT referred to me by my father. I told him my symptoms, he looked in both of my ears and then asked me, "Have you noticed a loss in hearing?". I told him no, I don't think so. He took his vacuum instrument to both of my ears and proceeded to pull out several large chunks of wax, including many small pieces.

All I can say is wow. I did not know what I was missing. I have excellent hearing now.

It seems the wax was indeed causing the Tinnitus like symptoms. They are no longer present.

I'm at work now, but I can't wait to go home and listen to my gear. I get to go rediscover all my music over again.


That is the same vacuum the audiologist just used on my left ear on Tuesday..only it was the loudest darn thing that I have ever had enter my ear and could not take it.

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