E5 / UM2 Dilemma...
Nov 5, 2005 at 11:12 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 22


Nov 12, 2004

Sorry for posting again on a subject that has been certainly over debated, but after a couple of weeks reading all threads I could, I still cannot decide myself...

As you can see I'm hesitating between a E5 and a UM2... at the very beginning I was clearly heading towards the E5... I could hear it at the AppleExpo in Paris this september and I felt like "here's the bass I'm looking for" (well I already spent the money for EX71, ER6i, E3, E4 - chronological order of course lol- trying to improve the bass)... Well I heard the guy demonstrating the E5 talking about an hypothetical E6 as well (might interest some people lol), without any details except that maybe it would be a 3 driver thing...

until now my prefered in-ear headphones are clearly the E4s (with soft small tips)... I like the detail, the overall clarity and sometimes the bass (depends on recordings of course)... and I love my MS1...

Music I listen to is mainly jazz (old and new stuff), fusion and sometimes electronic stuff... I'm using mainly my iPod shuffle (because of the low end) but sometime I'm using a 4G 40GB ipod as well (only when I have no other choice lol)... (I have a headsave classic and some good stuff to play CDs (a cayin DAC by example) but I'm not planning to use my in-ear headphones with them)

So I was really going to purchase a E5... but then I realized the UM2 would be interesting as well, certainly because it seems to be more confortable and would give the same kind of sound...

But after reading all those threads something scared me about the UM2, because many people talk about equalizing the UM2 or amping it... I have the feeling the UM2 needs to be tweaked to sound good... But all I want is headphones that sound good directly plugged to the source and without the need to use equalization (I hate it)!!!

Please can you help me to choose?? (I hope after that I'll stop upgrading every 4 months lol)

thanks for reading me (me= a french guy lost somewhere in Ireland, so please excusez mon english
Nov 5, 2005 at 11:19 PM Post #3 of 22
well, in some posts (but I must admit the vast majority said the E5 needed an amp "to sing, the UM2 seemed less concerned)... but that's this "use EQ" that scares me the most
Nov 6, 2005 at 1:15 AM Post #4 of 22
At the risk of making you even more nervous....

As you've probably heard, the E5C and UM2 have the same drivers, which accounts for their their bass-rich sound. The UM2, however, has somewhat more extension on the trebles...and so on.

Because both IEMs are bass-rich, their basic sound can suppress some of their treble. That's not a bad thing. The rich sound means you can sculpt the tone later, either by EQ or amping. Or, if you love bass, you can leave it just as it is. (It sounds like the latter is your situation.)

You will find more on this issue in the User's Guide, below.
Nov 6, 2005 at 1:25 AM Post #5 of 22
If your source is an 4G iPod, then you just need to apply the treble boost on UM2 to make it sounds really awesome. 4G iPod has some bass rolled off on low impedance headphones, so it is in a way to apply the bass reduce to the bass heavy UM2. Therefore, I think it got very good synergy when you use with 4G iPod.
Nov 6, 2005 at 1:26 AM Post #6 of 22

Originally Posted by sbb
But after reading all those threads something scared me about the UM2, because many people talk about equalizing the UM2 or amping it... I have the feeling the UM2 needs to be tweaked to sound good... But all I want is headphones that sound good directly plugged to the source and without the need to use equalization (I hate it)!!!

The UM2 sound good directly plugged to just about any source, but when amped, they sound better. I'm not talking about marginal improvements, but very significant improvements--- this isn't saying that they sound "unworthy" unamped, but only emphasizing that they have a *lot* of potential.

The soundstage on the UM2 is almost as wide as the AKG K501, and when you plug them into an amp like the SR71, they can compete easily with full-size headphones. That's how good the UM2s are, IMO.

I don't know how the E4s sound, but my previous IEM was the Ety ER6i -- very shallow soundstage, all the sound was in my head, and I get claustrophobic whenever I put them on. The UM2s utterly destroys the ER6i in every possible way!
Nov 6, 2005 at 1:54 AM Post #7 of 22
thanks for your interesting answers!!!!

well I must say bass is really important to me... I like a deep bass because when I listen to some tunes I really focus on bass and drums... so I really enjoy a deep and tight bass (but not shy, that's why the E4 frustrates me even with my headsave classic)... but highs are important for drums as well...

the soundstage is not that important, I see it as a "plus"... if it can be comparable to the E4 that's fine (the MS1 is not known for having a large soundstage and it really does not bother me)

About the ER6i, I'm not using it anymore (although I found the sound ok) because I found the fit really not confortable (triflange...) and when I tried the E3's "over the ear" design I knew I would never come back to etys...

I'm planning to go for a Go-vibe amp in the future...

actually I'm really into the Jaco Pastorius/Michael Manring sound on Bass (so mainly electric bass) and listening to drummers like dennis chambers (I could hear some solos for hours)... but I listen to a really wide range of styles...

I'm looking for headphones that makes things sound enjoyable (that's one of the quality I really appreciate on my full size hi-fi system -cayin dac and amplifier with BC accoustique speakers- although it is really far from perfection; maybe this has something to do with the tubes on the DAC)... but that sounds stupid... sorry! cause who wants headphones that make things sound bad???
Nov 6, 2005 at 2:20 AM Post #8 of 22
If you want some really fun one, try UE Super.fi 5 Pro or UE Super.fi EB. Both are very very fun IEM.
Nov 6, 2005 at 2:49 AM Post #9 of 22
you're certainly right... but the design of both Superfi headphones does not look compact enough (I remember pictures of the pro version and they really get too much out of the ear) and -as some people wrote- they do not isolate as well as the others from the outside world (that's why I started to use IEMs)... So I think I'm still stuck between the E5 and UM2
Nov 6, 2005 at 8:00 PM Post #12 of 22
this is a stupid question

When I tried the E5 (for 3 minutes approx unfortunately) I remember the Bass... but I remember as well that it was quite difficult to put in my ears... however, except the bass, the sound did not blew me way (but I really think this had something to do with the iPod mini's settings -don't know if EQ was on, but I guess it was-, songs available on it and the mini itself)

In the end, is there such a difference between the E5 and UM2 that would justify spending something like 80/100 dollars more on the E5?

if you know Marcus Miller's album "live & more" ("Funny" by example), I just hope my next upgrade will make it sound good (it's ok on the MS1 but it's still far from the power I can get from my full size system)...

I'm going crazy lol
Nov 6, 2005 at 11:46 PM Post #13 of 22

Originally Posted by sbb
In the end, is there such a difference between the E5 and UM2 that would justify spending something like 80/100 dollars more on the E5?

Only you know and I know.

What you know: Frankly, if you can't decide, you may as well go with the westone because they're more comfortable and you can buy something else with the extra money.

What I know: There's more similarity than difference between these phones. As for bass, that's more to do with the tips you use and how you fit them. I think of it like llama vs. camel. Westone has two bass humps, one high one low, and while the low hump allows stronger bass at the extreme low frequencies, the higher hump is annoyingly like cheap boomy small cabinet speakers. Shure's got one hump in the middle that's more in a sweet spot, if you like that kind of sound. The same decision seems to be made across the spectrum, with shure aiming for less gimicry and less control, and the westone more gimic and more control over the drivers. i.e. One's more "musical" vs. more faithful/flatter response. Other than that, I find them both just as good or bad sounding overall, if a little different.

Now, who you gonna trust? Your ears or mine?
Nov 7, 2005 at 12:57 AM Post #14 of 22
thanks a lot for your interesting point of view

I'd trust my ears of course... and I know my ears aren't that demanding (but I know what I like)... but I tend to regret a purchase very quickly when I feel things are not right...

About tips, I'm 100% sure I gonna use the small soft ones (at least there's something I know)...

One of my concerns (I keep looking at old posts, what a bad idea when you try to decide something for good...) would be about the build quality... E5s look really robust but UM2s seem to have some issues (and have only 1 year warranty)... that really would make a difference for me and I'm sure I'd be able to cope with a lesser confortable headphone...

I'm really going mad
Nov 7, 2005 at 2:25 AM Post #15 of 22
I'm not certain where the "UM2's are more comfortable" refrain springs from,but I doubt both E5's and UM2's would feel comfortable to people with smallish ears,simply because the housing containing the drivers is designed to nest on a ridge of cartilage within your outer ear (I could provide the proper anatomical label,however most people,myself included until recently,would simply go "Huh",or "What"?).
You say you auditioned the E5's for 3 minutes and found them somewhat awkward to insert? You mentioned too that you have E4's. I'll hazard a guess and state that the first time you used the E4's you found them slightly awkward to use as well. I have both the E4's and E5's,and I personally find the 5's easier to place than the 4's,although it's a matter of a few seconds for both. I'm waiting on two sets of UM56 inserts (Made by Westone for the UM2's,but can also be moulded for Shure E1 and E5's),so I'm certain there will be many "awkward moments" until I'll used them enough times so that it's second nature.
Regarding your decision indecision,I suggest that you order both from the same source,then test them out using an non-Eq'd source for a few days. Oh,and order an extra set of Westone's short Compy canal tips.
Let your ears decide for you. Send the losing pair back for refund/credit and eat the restocking fee of 10-15 percent. I highly recommend Earphonesolutions (three orders placed so far) as your source. And yes,they ship internationally.
I think if you shop carefully,you'll find that the priced difference is somewhat less than the $80-100 difference you state. In addition to the extra year on the basic warranty,should your E5's crap out after the warranty expiration, Shure will repair or fix them for a flat fee of $100.
Check their website out for details.
Post back with whatever your purchase decision is.
Good luck!

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