E4C vs UE SF5pro vs Ety - The battle that never ends
Sep 11, 2006 at 5:49 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 17


New Head-Fier
Mar 18, 2005
So I've had my Shure e4's for about one year now. When I first recieved them, I wasn't quite able to find a distinct difference between it and the e3 except better clarity (I'm using the 5g video iPod as a source). Perhaps it was just my ears..but I used the tri-flanges that came with it (cutting the stalk shorter for better comfort). But enough about that !!

Well, after using my e3's and e4's, I have to admit I'm sick of the Shure signature sound. So..now I'm looking towards the UE super-fi pro and perhaps even the Etys.

Problems and the things I want:
- Since I used tri-flanges for so long, my ears are pretty stretched out, and when I tried to use the foamies or the rubber tips, I couldn't get a decent seal. The Etys use tri-flanges, but the UE's don't..in fact, they look a bit smaller then the smallest rubber tips that Shure offers. I don't know if I'll be able to get a good seal, even with the mod that I found using search.
- I'm looking for a better presentation/soundstage and/or stronger boom (bass) then clarity, or treble. This is only for the fact of the music I particularly listen to - metal and rock. Despite the music i listen to, and for the high praise that they get, I don't want to factor the Ety's out completely.

Price range: $200 to $300. I don't think I want to be slamming down a couple extra hundred for better earphones.

One more note - I spent a very long time (perhaps a year?) listening to the AKG 271s at home. I liked the clarity, but was disappointed with the lack of boom or bass. After picking up the Alessandro's and finally using them for a while, I never touched the AKGs again. What may factor into the switch is that I started listening to metal regularly at the time. Now, I'm going back and forth between metal and softer music, but still keeping the Alessandro's on (since they're well-rounded).

So, I'm unsure of what I should get. However, I will be searching for threads that compare these earphones and will try forming my decision as best as possible.

Sep 11, 2006 at 5:57 PM Post #2 of 17
The Etymotics have very deep and tight bass, but it is not at all loud or boomy, so I really can't recommend them for you if you love bass.
Sep 11, 2006 at 5:58 PM Post #3 of 17
yes but don't forget to mention the etymotics have harsh, thin sound, with grating treble and no bass whatsoever. oh yeah, they are also heavily distored and have an unnatural decay to fool you ears there is detail. and i saw don wilson dancing with the devil last night, too.

Sep 11, 2006 at 6:01 PM Post #4 of 17
Oh, yeah, that too.
Sep 11, 2006 at 6:24 PM Post #5 of 17

I wasn't quite able to find a distinct difference between it and the e3 except better clarity (I'm using the 5g video iPod as a source).

This puzzles me; got both here and the difference is very clear to me, they do share a soundsignature but the E4s being better balanced tonally, more detailed and far more enjoyable, letting the musical message through.
If you do not hear the difference it's either the source or your ears.
Sep 11, 2006 at 6:26 PM Post #6 of 17

Originally Posted by redshifter
yes but don't forget to mention the etymotics have harsh, thin sound, with grating treble and no bass whatsoever. oh yeah, they are also heavily distored and have an unnatural decay to fool you ears there is detail. and i saw don wilson dancing with the devil last night, too.


Nice sarcasm, but I don't see how the etymotics fit what he wants at all.

Out of those options, the SF5P fits the best (UM2 probably even better, but I don't know how much those go for). It sacrifices detail for bass and soundstage, so it's pretty much what you're asking for.
Sep 11, 2006 at 6:48 PM Post #7 of 17
If you are a basshead, Superfi pro is the way to go (unamped the bass is monstrous). However, If isolation is something you need, you will not get the isolation that you got with Shure's. Hard lesson I learnt and had to sell my superfi's. I used superfi with my Karma and it was a kick ass combination with no amp needed.

Ety's are in a league of their own. I find them very detailed and excellent with loads of bass. Ety's shine when amped. I use ety's and have not gone back to my shures since.

If your ear canal is big ( like mine
) you need the large size foamies (ER-14-14c) to fit right. They are very comfortable but ended up using the silicone tips as these are expensive in the long run.

Hope this helps
Sep 11, 2006 at 6:51 PM Post #9 of 17
i appreciate the reviews you guys give of the IEMS in question here.

as i myself am trying to buy some er4-p's right now. but i too was debating between those and the super.fi 5 pro
Sep 11, 2006 at 6:59 PM Post #10 of 17
Sounds to me like he should be buying UM-2's or E5's.

If you want "boomier" than E4, and THEN clarity, I'd steer clear of the Etys.

With another week under the belt, no question I prefer the ER-4P's to the E4. Glad I sold them 'cause they'd be sitting in a drawer.
Sep 11, 2006 at 7:04 PM Post #13 of 17
Of those you listed, the 5 Pro seems to fit your needs the best. As someone already pointed out, the UM2 and E5 are also options. Also, I know you didn't want to spend a couple hundred extra, but since your stated limit is $300 and the E500 can be had for about $100 more, you may also want to consider that...
FWIW, don't forget that UE's Triple.Fi 10 Pro is due out fairly soon.
Sep 11, 2006 at 7:05 PM Post #14 of 17

Originally Posted by sethsez
His comments were an unprovoked jab at people who hadn't yet posted in the thread.

I get it. I'll edit my post now. looks like the jab worked well.

no offense...
Sep 11, 2006 at 7:41 PM Post #15 of 17
super.fi 5 Pro sound might work here but I don't think the fit would. Since you like the 3 flange tips, I think UM2 with the 3 flange tips off the Shures would be the way to go. I find my UM2s to be even more veiled and lacking in the highs than my SF5Ps, but the UM2s might be the ticket here. No clarity what so ever... I personally like a brighter, less boomy sound with rock/metal though...

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