e4c or senn hd 25-1?
Apr 4, 2006 at 4:07 AM Post #2 of 18
i have the hd25-1, no iems for me since i modded my ears....

i know people have said the hd25 are isolating but i do get some sound leakage. usually passing cars, noisy subway trains, ambulances, fire engines. i can hear me typing on my keyboard too. guess they're fine in most environments.
the headphones can get a bit uncomfortable after a while but i still listen anyways. not too sure about others but my velour pads tend to attract some er skin flakes....
listened to them on the bed a few times. maybe i have a small head but shifting causes bumps against my pillow... my soon to be arriving a900 are going to swallow me alive (good thing im not claustophobic)
think there's one of the senn models that has good isolation. 280?
hope that helps
Apr 4, 2006 at 4:21 AM Post #4 of 18
try a search for isolating/isolation or closed cans (advance search > search titles only) keep reading quite a few threads abt good isolating portables.
i have no probs driving the hd 25 out of my zen nano, volume is normally around 27-30 out of 40 i think (hm after reading that seems quite loud)

side not: out of my dell 9100 with winamp at 40% vol, i cant get past the first notch in the main volume control panel....
you are also now officially off my list of people i want to hit.. it gets quite annoying hearing the music blasted out of earbuds on the trains... and then they sue for loss of hearing
Apr 4, 2006 at 4:21 AM Post #5 of 18
I never tried the e4c's, but I have tried the ER6i's and I like the sound, comfort and feel of the hd25s a lot more.

The iems were just too isolating for me. I would have rather hear at least a little bit of the outside world. I also liked the soulnd of the hd25s more, but i was comparing it to the ety's...

and this clearly ruins all credibility of anything that I said: I have a pair of HD25s for sale. I ended up buying 2 pairs. I have the other 1.
Apr 4, 2006 at 4:28 AM Post #7 of 18

Originally Posted by unlimitedx
how isolating are the IEMs? Any scenario examples? If I was listening to music in the library with them, that means it's literally complete silence from the outside world?

Yes, IEMS isolate very well. With my e4c I cant hear anything in the library, on the street I turn down my volume very low to hear cars behind me, and its still hard for me to hear external noise.

And btw, the cord on the e4cs are terrible, they;re ripping alreayd in two spots. Considering sending them in back and getting something else.
Apr 4, 2006 at 6:32 AM Post #9 of 18
cord should be protected by warranty. The rubber or covering on the cord ripped because I think when you wear your 4s around your ear, you bend the cord and after a while ti begins to tear.
Apr 4, 2006 at 9:53 AM Post #10 of 18
as far as portable headphones go, the HD 25-1's are the best isolating 'phones short of IEM's. you'll be able to comfortable listen music in the bus or train without being disturbed by others or disturbing them.
in a library, as long as you have them on your head and play at a reasonably low volume, the person sitting next to you won't be able to tell if you are listening to music at all.
Apr 4, 2006 at 11:59 AM Post #11 of 18
After my recent purchase of Westone UM1s and realization that IEMs are not all they´re hyped up to be (aside from isolation), I would say go with the HD25. I´m tempted to start going out with my HD280pro (after my dissilusion with westones) but they are quite more bulky than the HD25 and mine are the silver version which I think would turn too many heads on the streets.

HD25 are very popular with live sound engineers (even though HD280 give better isolation for me) so you can belive the sound quality is more than acceptable.
Apr 4, 2006 at 1:17 PM Post #12 of 18

Originally Posted by jumpinjohn1234
And btw, the cord on the e4cs are terrible, they;re ripping alreayd in two spots. Considering sending them in back and getting something else.

How long have you had them and how many hours per day are you listening? I can't imagine this happening with such a heavy duty cord. Perhaps it is "dry rot" from a bad batch of rubber? Maybe conditioning the cord with vaseline or saddle soap would prolong the life? Hmmm.
Apr 4, 2006 at 3:53 PM Post #13 of 18

Originally Posted by Spyro
How long have you had them and how many hours per day are you listening? I can't imagine this happening with such a heavy duty cord. Perhaps it is "dry rot" from a bad batch of rubber? Maybe conditioning the cord with vaseline or saddle soap would prolong the life? Hmmm.

I've had them for around 3 months, the cord is very thick at the bottom, but when it comes towards the top of the earbuds it gets thinner. I will see if I can get a pciture up. But I've have them for not to long and the cord is already ripping.
Apr 4, 2006 at 7:09 PM Post #14 of 18
Yes, your right. They become about 1/2 the thickness after the "Y" portion of the cable. That's a shame. I suppose if you pinched the cable pretty tightly it could crack.

Shure will take care of you no questions asked. It's chump change to them.
Apr 4, 2006 at 8:03 PM Post #15 of 18
Go with the HD-25's. I have the HD-25-SP's and they are awesome!
The best headphone investment I ever made! Personnally I use pads from an old pair of Sony MDR V150's(Blech!!) and they are SO comfortable. They only get a little sweaty after an hour or so of use. They never squeeze my head and I use them on the second smallest setting(of course I don't have a very big head and it's shaved too lol). In my experience IEM's just don't have enough bass(I used to use the er6i's though and they are kind of anti-basshead 'phones) whereas the HD-25-SP's have a very forward, agressive sound.

By the way, they're on my head right now(listening to The Hives)

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