Dynamic range compression of classical music.
Nov 8, 2018 at 9:00 AM Post #241 of 249
Nov 6, 2018 at 10:45 PM
I will do my best to give you some good examples of CDs I still own, which I consider to loud for me. You have really a impressive collection btw! I will post you tomorrow cause it's bedtime here.
Nov 8, 2018 at 11:17 AM
I listen nearly all the time to Classical Recordings anyway and like I stated, some are to loud for me, and I don't keep them.
And still no examples :frowning2:
Nov 8, 2018 at 11:37 AM Post #243 of 249
And still no examples :frowning2:
What about this?
As an example. Take the label "Deutsche Grammophone". As far as I know they compress anything for 10 or 15 years now. And, again, not like Pop etc. But for me its an uneasy listening.
...works for me.
I tell you what. I decided let this topic aside. Enjoy your records.
@Indiana, you are new here (welcome!, by the way) and I don't know if you also post on other audio forums, but on many forums if you write "I like sunny days and puppies", some people will argue with you ("what about the drought!, and they chew on the furniture!!"). If you continue posting here and elsewhere, you'll realize that you just ignore some people and interact with others. Enjoy your music!

OT: do you live in the Russian-speaking or Ukrainian-speaking part? Is the situation still tense? PM, if you don't want to post OT here.
Nov 8, 2018 at 11:56 AM Post #244 of 249
[1] I am just a normal, boring and curious person. Always nice to learn somethings new and I learned always from people who where smarter than me.
[2] No, I turn the volume down and it still sounds loud and unpleasant, till you reach a point, where the sound just collapse.

1. Me too! I've no idea if I'm smarter than you or most other people here, probably a bit smarter than some and not as smart as others. I do have one advantage though, I've worked my whole life in audio, first as an orchestral musician, then as an engineer and, I've been lucky enough to work in some world class studios with world class engineers and musicians. That doesn't make me smart but being curious, like you, I have picked-up a fair amount over the decades and what I've picked-up has been from some of the best.

I hope I didn't come across to you personally as harsh or aggressive, that wasn't my intent, I'm just asking questions to try and get to the bottom of your observation/impression. Again, you happened to walk in on an argument where I was being rather harsh with someone who kept making factual assertions which he already knew to be false.

2. I'm still having trouble understanding. When you say the "sound just collapses", do you mean that you turn it down until the quiet bits are no longer loud enough for you to comfortably hear and the loud sections are still quite loud? Or do you mean you can still hear everything when you turn it down but it just becomes thin and dynamically flat? There's a fair chance we won't get to the bottom of this with only words and as others have asked, an example might be the only way.

Nov 8, 2018 at 1:46 PM Post #245 of 249

Edit: I see this one has been answered.

I listen nearly all the time to Classical Recordings anyway and like I stated, some are to loud for me, and I don't keep them.

Could you please list a few titles that you've returned? I'm curious to hear what you mean by loud. I suspect it isn't compression. It suspect it might be too much dynamic range. I've never run across a modern classical recording that was compressed, but I have found some that sound way too loud in peaks because of excessive dynamics. I'd like to understand what you are talking about. It would help to hear some examples.

By the way, I have heard DGG recordings that suffer from excessive dynamics. Karajan's digital Tristan und Isolde had quiet parts that were so soft, you had to crank the volume to hear them. Then a loud Wagnerian swell would come along and the speakers would be blasting way too loud. That can make a recording unlistenable. That was a problem in early digital recordings and on labels where they take the "more is better" approach to dynamics. BIS is like that sometimes.

I turn the volume down and it still sounds loud and unpleasant, till you reach a point, where the sound just collapse.

You mean that if you turn the volume down low enough that the peaks aren't too loud, the quieter parts disappear? I'm not sure what you mean by "collapse".


What about this?

DGG has been putting out recordings for over a century. It is a massive label with thousands and thousands of records made in lots of different venues by different engineers. There are good and bad recordings in every label. I have thousands of DGG records myself, and I haven't noticed any overall compression to them. In fact, DGG tends to have very good sonics, with the exception of the later Karajan recordings where he was experimenting with different recording techniques, some of which didn't work very well. He might be referring to those.
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Nov 9, 2018 at 7:27 AM Post #246 of 249
No, I turn the volume down and it still sounds loud and unpleasant, till you reach a point, where the sound just collapse.

Looks like you mean the sound is dry, direct sound dominates too much compared to reverberation am I wrong?
Nov 10, 2018 at 8:09 AM Post #247 of 249
3 DGG recordings I've listened to recently with great dynamics are the disc of 3 Unsuk Chin concertos, one of Boulez conducting 3 Mahler song cycles, and the one with Kancheli's 'Styx' on it. Those are all post-2000 releases and the Chin is 2014.
Nov 10, 2018 at 8:41 AM Post #248 of 249
I have news for you - and it surprised me to - the recordings on that Telarc 1812 CD were originally from the 1970s! I don't know if they include the cannons, but the CD, which I and many others own, is just a reissue. The labels "CAUTION: Digital Cannons" are just marketing fluff. Of course they're "digital". ALL the audio on a CD is in digital format!

I think it was some time just before I got on campus there in 1980. I went to at least several concerts at Severance Hall, however you spell it. There were stories going around about the recording. It was a live cannon shot. I think I remember I heard they wired in the live cannon sound over a speaker. People were like, oh, they cheated. I don’t know from what point the recording of the cannon was made. I use Canon cameras a lot so I get mixed up on how to spell cannon. With 20/20 hindsight Telarc was making LPs at that time that worked much better a year or two later on CD.
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Nov 10, 2018 at 2:44 PM Post #249 of 249
Indiana has disappeared. How surprising. Maybe there's someone else here who can speak for him.

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