DX260 Digital Audio Player, a New avenue to your music. Preorders have started. Easily replaceable battery. NEW Firmware Update! 2.02
Apr 6, 2024 at 10:29 AM Post #811 of 1,205
I did.
If I do another, I will lose all music correct?
If you remove your microSD card, Then do the Factory Reset, then there will be no change in the MicroSD card, And the music files stored there. Any Music on Internal memory might (or might not) be affected by a factory reset. After the reset, re-insert the microsd card.

Another idea/thought...
- Make sure that when you scan for music files with Mango ANDROID, that you include scanning the microSD card (External memory)... Otherwise you may only be scanning the internal memory, not the microSD card?
Apr 6, 2024 at 10:52 AM Post #812 of 1,205
If you remove your microSD card, Then do the Factory Reset, then there will be no change in the MicroSD card, And the music files stored there. Any Music on Internal memory might (or might not) be affected by a factory reset. After the reset, re-insert the microsd card.

Another idea/thought...
- Make sure that when you scan for music files with Mango ANDROID, that you include scanning the microSD card (External memory)... Otherwise you may only be scanning the internal memory, not the microSD card?
Yeah this is correct, you have to click on the buttons for SD card, or internal storage - the buttons look like they are highlighted when they aren't. They're not clear really, especially in dark mode
Apr 6, 2024 at 2:05 PM Post #813 of 1,205
I did.
If I do another, I will lose all music correct?
Yes, the music would have to be scanned again. But if you have done it already, I am not sure of the benefit.

The micro card doesn't have to be removed when resetting.
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Apr 6, 2024 at 7:43 PM Post #814 of 1,205
If you remove your microSD card, Then do the Factory Reset, then there will be no change in the MicroSD card, And the music files stored there. Any Music on Internal memory might (or might not) be affected by a factory reset. After the reset, re-insert the microsd card.

Another idea/thought...
- Make sure that when you scan for music files with Mango ANDROID, that you include scanning the microSD card (External memory)... Otherwise you may only be scanning the internal memory, not the microSD card?

You nailed it. Once I did scans in Android Mango mode of both the music stored in internal memory and on the microSD I got glorious music by BT with the Bathys. Right now I don't want to screw up a good thing and I have the DX260 and Bathys burning in. Eventually I will see if this changed things when in pure Mango mode. I am willing to bet that BT does not work in pure Mango no matter what you do but I have been wrong left, right, and sideways so far.....
Apr 7, 2024 at 4:10 AM Post #815 of 1,205
Dear friends, here is my very detailed iBasso DX260 Review, comparisons included.


Soon I will also upload it at Headfi showcase.
Totally agree re the significant upgrade in the detail retrieved and general clarity without bias of the sound.
A definite upgrade from the Dx 240.
Thank you for the explanation of the FIR feature I am looking forward to doing some comparison listening however the way my 260 sounds at the moment I think I have finally found my musical heaven and listening again to long term favourites is such a pleasure
Apr 7, 2024 at 4:52 AM Post #816 of 1,205

Been away looking into the snipping off the end of the last track on an album which I have posted on previously.

Whilst playing albums in pure mango the snipping occurs

I must stress this snipping is micro seconds in length and is on the run out time of the last track so you may miss the last tiny bit of a guitar fade out /studio coughs/ banter etc

If the last track is selected and played again the snipping does not happen and the track is played in full.

So clearly the track files are all present and correct.

I have established that this does not happen when the album is played in ibasso android mango again indicating that the music files are all correct.

I have tried different SD cards to double check and there is no change in the above.

Does anyone else experience the same issue?

I will try switching on and off gapless and maybe fire up my old dx240 to see if the issue is present in that player at some point but as I play my music with gapless on I do not wish to lose that feature .

I do not recall the snipping happening on the dx240 but then I was using the ibasso mango most of the time

Hopefully ibasso are looking into this as it appears to me a software issue I would just like to make sure that Paul is aware of this and looking into it.

I think the dx260 is excellent with absolutely awesome sound
Apr 11, 2024 at 1:56 AM Post #818 of 1,205
I ran my comparison between the dx260 and the M15s again after 200+ hours of burn in on the dx260. Allowing for the vagaries of amateur A/B-ing between two very similar DAPs, my conclusions were, I think, interesting. Reflecting back on my earlier experience at 75 hours, the sibilance on the 260 is tamed, the mids have settled back, losing any sense of jangle or over-brightness. As such, after an hour and a half of back and forth between the two, I would say the dx260 slightly edges it. The Ibasso has a touch more resolution throughout, the base is tighter and more realistic; the timbre is still bright, but this just adds to the detail rather than being sparkly - it makes the Fiio sound a bit dull by comparison. That said, the M15s does have one advantage SQ-wise: it's more resolving and that makes it more forgiving when the music gets very complex (e.g., big symphonic pieces) or isn't brilliantly well recorded (e.g., some vintage material). Further burn in on the 260 may even the score here. Obviously, the M15s has way more power, especially in desktop mode, and has a lot more funky options (e.g., all to DSD - which I didn't use). One disadvantage for the iBasso is its very sensitive buttons and volume wheel, which make putting into or taking it out of a pocket very likely to shift the track. The M15s has a switch on the side which locks the buttons and the touch screen.

There is very little in it, and could easily see someone taking a very different view. But it would be down to taste (and pocket size - the FiiO is big!) rather than technical competency.

Both DAPs were set to 'slow roll off'; the Fiio had the 'second harmonic regulation' set to level 1. The FIR on the dx260 was off.

Edit - after more sustained listening than simple a/b-ing, I began to find the brightness of the dx260 fatiguing and the lack of resolution disengaging and have happily gone back to the M15s - while the dx260 has gone back to the shop.
These are the two daps I'm deciding between. Which would you prefer with rock and metal, more specifically 80s hair metal that doesn't have great recording quality? I was set on the M15s until I started researching the DX260.
My current best dap is the Shanling M8. I've been a big fan of Shanling - AKM tuning for quite a while now. I don't want my next dap to sound bright, harsh, sterile, or overly reference. Is the M15s the better choice here? All of my headphones have some degree of warmth and darkness, but some are closer to neutral than others.
Apr 11, 2024 at 2:27 AM Post #819 of 1,205
These are the two daps I'm deciding between. Which would you prefer with rock and metal, more specifically 80s hair metal that doesn't have great recording quality? I was set on the M15s until I started researching the DX260.
My current best dap is the Shanling M8. I've been a big fan of Shanling - AKM tuning for quite a while now. I don't want my next dap to sound bright, harsh, sterile, or overly reference. Is the M15s the better choice here? All of my headphones have some degree of warmth and darkness, but some are closer to neutral than others.
The DX260 is reference. It will not do any favors at all but it is not sterile, clinical or bright.
Apr 11, 2024 at 2:55 AM Post #820 of 1,205
These are the two daps I'm deciding between. Which would you prefer with rock and metal, more specifically 80s hair metal that doesn't have great recording quality? I was set on the M15s until I started researching the DX260.
My current best dap is the Shanling M8. I've been a big fan of Shanling - AKM tuning for quite a while now. I don't want my next dap to sound bright, harsh, sterile, or overly reference. Is the M15s the better choice here? All of my headphones have some degree of warmth and darkness, but some are closer to neutral than others.
Either will serve you well, just a difference between dynamics and clarity focus imo. I found the M15s to have a better wow factor since I can get all the detail already with my gear but dynamics is more source dependent.
Apr 11, 2024 at 7:25 AM Post #821 of 1,205
These are the two daps I'm deciding between. Which would you prefer with rock and metal, more specifically 80s hair metal that doesn't have great recording quality? I was set on the M15s until I started researching the DX260.
My current best dap is the Shanling M8. I've been a big fan of Shanling - AKM tuning for quite a while now. I don't want my next dap to sound bright, harsh, sterile, or overly reference. Is the M15s the better choice here? All of my headphones have some degree of warmth and darkness, but some are closer to neutral than others.
Ive had the M8 and M15s (didnt try the dx260 tho) and IMHO, with the M15s you wouldnt gain anything sound wise. The system is definitely better on Fiio but sonically i still preferred the M8 because of its dynamics and warmish character. The M15s is great in the neutral department but still not as crazy good as a neutral top dogs, like sp1000 or 2000.
I loved the M15s but actually prefer the DC Elite which costs over half less.
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Apr 11, 2024 at 7:45 AM Post #822 of 1,205
These are the two daps I'm deciding between. Which would you prefer with rock and metal, more specifically 80s hair metal that doesn't have great recording quality? I was set on the M15s until I started researching the DX260.
My current best dap is the Shanling M8. I've been a big fan of Shanling - AKM tuning for quite a while now. I don't want my next dap to sound bright, harsh, sterile, or overly reference. Is the M15s the better choice here? All of my headphones have some degree of warmth and darkness, but some are closer to neutral than others.
They are both great. In my experience, the M15S is kinder on poorly recorded music. I found the dx260 is a little harsh - more transparent, yes, and a touch more detailed, but the DX260 has an edge that could prove fatiguing, especially for the kind of music you are talking about. The M15S is a smoother, more resolving and fuller proposition IMHO.
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Apr 12, 2024 at 6:10 AM Post #823 of 1,205
I’m trying to make a similar decision. I have and love the m6 ultra, but looking for more detail/less rolloff and possibly more dynamics. Would mostly be using for iem’s. Portability/smaller size is a plus, but would be okay with bigger if the sound is better. So far I’ve been looking at the m15s and dx260 also. The dx260 seems like it would be great but not necessarily with all of my library. The m15s seems like a bit more than I need (size and power).
Apr 12, 2024 at 8:15 PM Post #824 of 1,205
They are both great. In my experience, the M15S is kinder on poorly recorded music. I found the dx260 is a little harsh - more transparent, yes, and a touch more detailed, but the DX260 has an edge that could prove fatiguing, especially for the kind of music you are talking about. The M15S is a smoother, more resolving and fuller proposition IMHO.
Perfect, exactly what I needed to hear - much appreciated.

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