DX240 DAP. DAC ES9038PRO - NEW: AMP8MK2S .****** NEW Firmware! 2.01 *******
Jul 22, 2022 at 12:27 PM Post #1,998 of 2,804
ofcourse I have. MK2 is more transparent and lifelike. Easy to pickup on with detailed IEMs like TheiAudio Monarch
But mk2 should have more warm and colored mids , at least reviews that i seen states this. With more sparkle on top in original amp8. So more transparency on mk2 is new to me. I have only amp8 mk 1 so can't compare. I only can compare to original amp 1 mk3 and discrete amp8 is really step up in technicalities. Especially i like bass change, less of it but more technical on amp 8. Overal more balanced, transparent sound but shows timeless treble more pronounced and sometimes a little too hot for me- more than amp1 .
Have you heard dx220 with amp8?
So dx240 amp8mk2 combination you like with monarch, right ?
Jul 23, 2022 at 8:53 PM Post #1,999 of 2,804
@Paul - iBasso, I experience inability to install paid apps from Google Play store, like UAPP, PowerAMP, etc. When I click install on Paid app, nothing happens, free apps downloading fine. I have installed Google play store from APKpure. What I'm doing wrong?
Jul 24, 2022 at 4:17 PM Post #2,000 of 2,804
ofcourse I have. MK2 is more transparent and lifelike. Easy to pickup on with detailed IEMs like TheiAudio Monarch
Wish I kept my amp 8Mk2 and tried tweaking it. I thought it was great tonally with solid dynamics but, for me, wasn't as focused/cohesive/open on the IEMs I use. If I still had it, I'd try some part tweaks but didn't want to do that at the time. Perhaps it was just my sample. It happens.
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Jul 25, 2022 at 5:01 AM Post #2,001 of 2,804
@Paul - iBasso, I experience inability to install paid apps from Google Play store, like UAPP, PowerAMP, etc. When I click install on Paid app, nothing happens, free apps downloading fine. I have installed Google play store from APKpure. What I'm doing wrong?
Solved, Im Russian and unable to use MINE bought apps
Jul 25, 2022 at 6:24 PM Post #2,004 of 2,804
Installed amp 8 mk2 ….had very little sound coming out of dap …..thought amp faulty returned ….got new amp 8 mk2 same issue ….am I missing something ? Any suggestions? Original amp sounds great …..possibly dap ?
You have checked the settings for sound? The stock amp is working without issue?
Jul 25, 2022 at 6:35 PM Post #2,006 of 2,804
Jul 25, 2022 at 6:54 PM Post #2,008 of 2,804
Thank you jamato 8 ….updated firmware and working great with new amp . Let the burn in begin .
I would let the company you got it from know so they can inform other users if this comes up.

Glad it is working for you!
Jul 25, 2022 at 11:52 PM Post #2,009 of 2,804
Well thanks for… taking the time to dump on the N3Pro :hammer::hammer:

I am afraid all I take away is that you don’t get the Cayin’s appeal. Nothing wrong with that. But conversely, I tried the DX300 and while it sounds bigger and bolder, has that great screen and UI and can stream, at the end of the day it never engaged or enveloped me the way the N3Pro does. In fact, neither did the N8 which doesn’t push the tube flavor that much. Or the SE180, in spite of virtuoso detail retrieval. All very good players but if you lay all four of them on a table, I’ll pick the N3Pro, just like I picked a V30 over a Mojo in spite of how illogical it may seem - it certainly didn’t sound illogical to my ears!

A comparison from someone who enjoys the N3Pro would help me more, that’s all. If you think it belongs in a trash can and I favor it over some $1500 DAPs, how can we communicate?
I actually thought the n3 sounded pretty bad at first. Yes n3 clearly isn't the most technical dap and sounds like it has lower quality than many of my other daps.


It's one of the most engaging and one of my favorites. It's the dap i reach for the most for some reason.

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