Dunu Titan 1 Mini Review - A True Gem
May 6, 2015 at 1:19 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 15

Paulus XII

Formerly known as FW214b
May 28, 2014

photos taken from the internet


Driver: 13mm Titanium Diaphragm Dynamic Driver
Sensitivity: 90+- 2dB
Reproduction Frequency: 20Hz-30kHz
Cable Length: 1.2m
Plug: 3.5mm Stere Mini
Weight: 18g
A word: detail.
Hate the stuff about acessories and introductions, so lets jump directly into what matters the most. The sound. Otherwise, this wouldn't be a mini-review.
First of all I've had so many well known 3 driver IEMs, as well as a 4 driver IEM (along with other "top-tier" dynamic drivers like the Sony EX1000 for eg.) that I don't usually get easily impressed by low/mid-end IEMs. Well, these have totally changed my view of things.

Bass is tight and articulated, excelent definition and texture, very clean, sub-bass goes really deep, I can hear it as low as 15Hz and even feel it vibrating at 10Hz, just the right quantity without bleeding into the upper regions, highs are VERY detailed and sparkly with great extension (as refined as my 4 driver Westone W40, but airier - after burn-in), this is the best part of this IEM for me, sparkle is really something I missed with the W40's and FX700 for a while, mids are so clean and clear, exceptional transparency, they provide one of the most clear vocals I've heard, both male and female.  What else can I say? At this point and after proper A/B I can say for sure that they outclass my 500€ Westone W40 in so many aspects. Detail-retrieval/micro-detail is superb, we're talking spades of details here, they have amazing clarity, way above W40, transparency/brightness (W40's darker), treble sparkle, impressive instrument separation like the best 3-4 driver IEMs, air between instruments and "ultra-wide" soundstage, airiness/delicacy, astonishing treble. When I A/B to W40 in most tracks I've tested, W40's sound muddy in comparison, which was quite a surprise. There's micro-details I can detect on Titans, that are masked with the W40s. Not they're not there, but not with that transparency. Music sounds more alive and cleaner with the Titan 1. Watching movies is a totally new experience with IEMs due to the transparency that W40 do not have due to its warm and dark signature (too much after listening to Titan 1). Vocals come up super clean and clear and all the sounds in the background are crisp and clear, oh-so-natural (pretty much like my 5 way speakers), unlike the W40s that sound dark and somewhat veiled. There's something in the treble that is phenomenal. Hard to put in words. Not to mention the deeper bass. W40 lacks sub-bass compared to Titan 1. Dynamic expression and PRaT are excelent as a result. I'm enjoying songs I didn't care about with the W40's.
Due to this transparency and surgical precision like the best 3-4 driver BA's, instrument separation is more palpable than W40 as you have a better perception of the instruments that surround you in the almost "holographic" soundstage. A result of them being semi-open as well. W40 being darker, doesn't show all the micro-details Titan's do, or at least not with such transparency. This gives Titan 1 a great advantage right here over a 400€ more expensive IEM. I'm insisting on Westone W40 as we are talking about a 4 driver 500€ IEM from a 50 year old company vs a new single dynamic driver 120€ IEM that sounds like a "top-tier". The secret seems to rely under the Titanium and obviously, the engineering. The size of the driver (13mm) also helps with dynamic range, I'm pretty sure.

To satisfy my basshead needs, I had to cover 2 venting holes (of 12) with adhesive tape and this turned them into a bass heavy IEM. So try as many combinations of tips as you can (large lite blue bore ones seems to be the best), try them over the ear, etc. This IEM can be pleasantly bassy with a proper seal. 2 ports covered with tape is the sweet spot too after much experimentation with venting holes, if you want more bass. Mids come up a bit more forward too. Some that have tried this say they sound more balanced, much better than before. For me, personally, there's no comparison. Even sub-bass benefits from this mod and the mids alone justify the mod as they can sound a bit recessed sometimes. So, more bass, more intimate and evocative vocals, crunchy guitars with attack. Now they are even perfect for EDM/Trance, which they definitely were not originally.

Dunu Titan 1 will be my #1 IEM, I'm selling W40 to a friend due to this and delayed the UM PRO 50 order. This IEM has all that I always wanted in a "top-tier" 3-4 way setup IEM (in a single driver), it's an absolute no brainer for the guy in a tight budget that wants to taste how a much higher-end IEM sounds like for a fraction of the cost. Of course, YMMV, but I don't usually get too excited with new toys and I'm not crazy to be selling my 4 driver W40's today after extensive A/B with the Titans. This says something about the Titan 1 sound quality. Also W40 was the best IEM I've heard before Titan 1. Think about it...

A word about isolation: Wearing them over the ear and with the right tips, I can't hear a thing outdoors when listening to music. And talking about semi-open, they sound like an open full size can. Leakage can be a problem, people hear what you're listening to at 1 meter or so. And they even recognize the band (like happened to me today. "You are listening to Evanescence. Love that band". I was perplexed. lol).
Just a note about the treble: I'm a treble-head, this does not affect me, but Titans have alot of treble quantity (above average), so the ones sensitive to treble might need to EQ it down a bit. I don't notice any sign of sibilance but a few others do ocasionaly, especially with bad mastered or too compressed tracks, its probably because 95% of my music is FLAC. But I much welcome this treble since it's the first time treble in a IEM sounds like a speaker.
So is this IEM for me? It depends of your sound sig preference. Titan 1 is a detail monster with great bass (but not basshead levels), they sound spacious, "3-dimensional" and alive, with a great sense of fidelity across the whole spectrum. Treble is its strongest point. If this is your coup of tea, so yes, these are for you. If you prefer a warm, mid-centric and dark IEM like the SM3 or the W40, these are the opposite. But in terms of micro-detail, clarity and transparency, Titan 1 trumps both. They sound crystal clear and resolving, with sparkly, airy and exciting treble, clear mids and thick, tight bass.

Conclusion: Coming from W3, UM3X, SM3, SM64, Sony EX1000, JVC FX700, W40 and so many others, I dare to say the Dunu Titan 1 is absolutely one of the best sounding IEMs I have ever tried, being the transparency and delicacy the main reasons, besides all that I've mentioned before. All in all, a true gem in my vast collection and the one I'll be using exclusively at least for some time. Titan 1 competes with and trumps many of the so called "top-tiers" (multi-BA included) and this means alot to me. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
- Micro-detail, transparency, instrument separation
- Semi-open, "ultra-wide" soundstage
- Treble
- Price (125€)
- Leakage (not sure this is a con since they're semi-open)
- Sensivity (90db), do not work for European volume cap players (volume is too low) without an external amp.
- Need a mod to get a 10 out of 10 ; )
Value: 10 out of 10
My congratulations to Dunu for making something so special and unique at a price most can afford.
May 6, 2015 at 8:08 AM Post #2 of 15
So, do you like the Titans or what??? (j/k)  I'm a little confused with this "2 tips one over the other for proper seal" arrangement.  Could you post a picture?
Great review BTW.  The Titan's have jumped up to my all time favorites.  I don't have experience with higher end models like you do though so your accolades for it are impressive. 
May 6, 2015 at 8:23 AM Post #3 of 15
Thanks @slowpickr. IF I liked them : )
I don't have a camera right now to illustrate, but can arrange something. You just insert a smaller tip upside down and insert the larger tip over it.
May 6, 2015 at 8:31 AM Post #4 of 15
  So, do you like the Titans or what??? (j/k)  I'm a little confused with this "2 tips one over the other for proper seal" arrangement.  Could you post a picture?
Great review BTW.  The Titan's have jumped up to my all time favorites.  I don't have experience with higher end models like you do though so your accolades for it are impressive. 

Please see this post for an accurate demonstration : http://www.head-fi.org/t/744083/dunu-titan-1-titanium-coated-diaphragm-half-in-ear-earphones/1830#post_11714294
Picture Credit: @james444, that crazy SOB
May 6, 2015 at 8:44 AM Post #5 of 15
Thanks. I have an assortment of tips that I can experiment with. Will try this evening. I'm having very good success with the stock hybrid tips though. Can't imagine anything better.
May 7, 2015 at 10:20 AM Post #8 of 15
After 72 hours with a mix of Pink Noise + White Noise + Brown Noise, treble is more refined and controled and as a result instrument separation is even greater, you can almost touch the instruments, as holographic as they feel, they surround you everywhere in the soundstage with laser-sharp precision, the IEM sounds more refined, more polite. Bass is more controlled also. I will probably go to the 200 hours Dunu recommends, but at this point they are perfect to me.
May 8, 2015 at 4:31 PM Post #9 of 15
I think that the Titans-1 are pretty much the most affordable end game iems (unless someone likes more balance or mids in their ss plate). I remember them giving my DN2000 a run for its money (provided I bought the dn2k after them).
A lot of casual listeners and music enthusiasts is gonna love it's simple setup off a phone: plug and play and simply enjoy the music. no need to bother with tips and sources (quite forgiving)!
May 9, 2015 at 1:18 AM Post #10 of 15
I think these deserve the best possible source : )
I've tried them with a friend's Hidizs AP100 today (I got X3 1st Gen) and it's magnificent. What a difference source makes in a IEM this revealing.
May 9, 2015 at 10:49 AM Post #11 of 15
  I think these deserve the best possible source : )
I've tried them with a friend's Hidizs AP100 today (I got X3 1st Gen) and it's magnificent. What a difference source makes in a IEM this revealing.

I cannot agree with you completely. pass me your wallet and I'll confirm with you. pm sent.
May 10, 2015 at 10:20 AM Post #13 of 15
Hi svyr. Not to block the vents at all. It's just for a fuller more rigid silicone tip, which increases the bass and isolates better too.
I'm using these tips: http://www.ebay.com/itm/150931440643?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&rmvSB=true
A friend used this with his JVC FX700, I tried that with the FX700 and never looked back. Now tried the same with the Titans and the result is great. With just 1 tip the bass is not sufficient for my basshead needs. Those ebay tips are so so detailed that the double tip won't take much detail, if any.

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